- n. 爱丽舍宫(巴黎的法国总统官邸)
- 1. He was allowed to pitch his tent in a garden next to the Elysee.
- 他被允许在爱丽舍宫旁边的一个花园内扎营。
- 2. The khaki Bedouin tent was pitched just across from the Elysee Palace.
- 贝都因人的卡其布帐篷在爱丽舍宫的正对面布置好了。
- 3. There was a masquerade ball at the Elysee-Montmartre that evening.
- 那天晚上,在蒙玛特乐园有一个化装舞会。
- 4. Soon afterwards the company's board members were summoned to the Elysee.
- 不久以后公司的董事会成员被召集到爱丽舍宫。
- 5. In the Elysee Palace, in contrast, a more respectful analysis is offered.
- 相比之下,爱丽舍宫提供的分析更加谦恭一些。
- 6. Forty years later, ELYSEE was re-registered in the gold town of Pforzheim.
- 四十多年后,爱丽舍再次在普福尔茨海姆金城镇登记。
- 7. Europe should be more careful about imposing unpopular measures, insists the Elysee.
- 爱丽舍宫坚称在实施那些不得人心的举措时,欧洲应该更慎重一些。
- 8. The Elysee Palace, built in 1718, has a long history of closing to 300 years to date.
- 爱丽舍宫兴建于1718年,迄今已有近300年的历史。
- 9. The rear of the handle and chrome trim are the shadow of the Arc DE Triomphe and the Elysee.
- 尾部的拉手和镀铬装饰条则有凯旋和爱丽舍的影子。
- 10. He has summoned bosses to the Elysee, squeezing out concessions just in time for the evening news.
- 他将这一行业的老总们召集到爱丽舍宫,并逼迫他们做出让步,这一好消息正好赶上了晚间新闻。
- 11. His tables and chairs are still in the Elysee Palace in Paris and his sofas, bookcase and desk adorn other rooms.
- 波林的桌子和椅子仍在在法国巴黎的爱丽舍宫,而他的沙发,书柜和书桌,也装饰着其他的房间。
- 12. In their past encounters, Sarkozy has also intimated that Mandelson should come and see him in the Elysee Palace.
- 在两人以往的接触中,萨科齐还曾暗示曼德尔森应该到爱丽舍宫来看看他。
- 13. The Elysee apparently took swift action against the film as by Sunday evening it had been removed from Mr Cazals' blog.
- 这段视频曝光后,爱丽舍宫立即采取了行动,因为上周日晚间,这段视频已从卡扎尔斯的博客中删除。
- 14. Of course, if the comfort of the new Elysee new auxiliary seat in the control and increasing credit doubt comfort.
- 当然,若论舒适,新爱丽舍的全新座椅在辅助操控和增加舒适度方面肯定功不可没。
- 15. But he maintained an imperturbable demeanour during the ride to the Elysee palace and for the duration of his 96-hour visit.
- 但英王在前往爱丽舍宫途中以及在长达96小时的访法期间,始终保持着泰然自若的风度。
- 16. In 1920, Jacques Beafort, a watchmaker in a small town near bemont founded his own watch manufacturing company under the name ELYSEE.
- 1920年,雅克beafort,在附近的一个小镇钟表匠bemont下成立了自己的名字爱丽舍手表制造公司。
- 17. First described in this paper of the Elysee to the overall structure of concrete introduced its function; classification and principle.
- 本文首先讲述了爱丽舍转向系的整体结构;具体介绍了它的功用;分类和工作原理。
- 18. In 2007 Paris was shut down to welcome Colonel Muammar Qaddafi and his entourage; he was allowed to pitch his tent in a garden next to the Elysee.
- 2007年巴黎全城关闭欢迎上校穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲(ColonelMuammarQaddafi)及其随行人员;他被允许在爱丽舍宫旁边的一个花园内扎营。
- 19. However the Elysee kept quiet when Sarkozy was in hospital to have a throat abscess removed in 2007 after his divorce from his second wife, Cecilia.
- 然而,2007年在萨科奇与第二任妻子西西莉亚离婚后,入院割除喉部脓肿时,爱丽舍宫保持了沉默。
- 20. The Elysee Palace denied he had lost consciousness, as suggested by earlier statements, saying he merely had to "lie down with the help of an aide".
- 爱丽舍宫否认他已经失去意识的建议,由先前的发言,说他只是要“躺下的帮助下,pipi,一份备忘录”。
- 21. Elysee advisers talk instead of a "people's bond" that ordinary citizens can subscribe to, knowing-unlike with normal bonds-just what the money will go on.
- 爱丽舍宫的顾问们谈到这个计划时,没有说到这是普通公民可以认购的“人民债券”,而和普通债券不同,他们仿佛只知道这笔钱会用于何处。
- 22. The Elysee Palace said earlier this month that his last medical examination - on 3 July - showed "normal" results for cardiovascular and blood tests.
- 爱丽舍宫本月初表示,他最后一次体检-7月3日-显示“正常”的结果对心血管及血液测试,他们称之为'龙卷风巷'是有原因的。
- 23. In France, to which he went as often as he could, he had his choice of 39 properties, four of them on the Avenue Foch in Paris, in which to hobnob with the cream of the Elysee.
- 他总是尽可能频繁的去法国,在那里他拥有39处房产,其中4处位于巴黎的佛什大道,他在里面与爱丽舍宫的精英亲密交谈。
- 24. Friends of Mr DE Villepin, who also plans to Sue, dismissed the allegations as part of a "perfectly orchestrated" campaign by the Elysee to discredit him ahead of next year's election.
- 德维尔潘的朋友们也准备进行起诉,将这项指控分解为爱丽舍宫的一项“精心安排的完美计划”目的是为了在来年的竞选之前抹黑他。
- 25. His financial "Sherpa", Xavier Musca, said the Elysee was desperate to avoid a summit that led to mere empty declarations - "agreement on nice-sounding phrases that don't mean clear engagements".
- 他的财务“夏尔巴(代表)”,米斯卡曾谈到,爱丽舍方面极力避免一个只可以达成空洞宣言的峰会——“协议中的冠冕堂皇的词藻毫无清晰的议定项目可言。”
- 26. He checked in at the old Chateau Elysee, on Franklin Avenue. Clark Gable and Katharine Hepburn had once stayed there, but when Haggis arrived it was a run-down church retreat called the Manor Hotel.
- 他住进富兰克林大道上的老爱丽舍宫,克拉克·盖博和凯瑟琳·赫本曾经有一次住过那儿,但是当哈吉斯到那儿时,它已经是一个破败的教会收容所,名叫庄园酒店。
- 27. He checked in at the old Chateau Elysee, on Franklin Avenue. Clark Gable and Katharine Hepburn had once stayed there, but when Haggis arrived it was a run-down church retreat called the Manor Hotel.
- 他住进富兰克林大道上的老爱丽舍宫,克拉克·盖博和凯瑟琳·赫本曾经有一次住过那儿,但是当哈吉斯到那儿时,它已经是一个破败的教会收容所,名叫庄园酒店。
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