- n. 海德(姓氏)
- 1. The festival ended with a grand finale in Hyde Park.
- 节日的压轴活动是在海德公园举行的盛大演出。
- 2. General Lewis Hyde had served under General Mitchell.
- 刘易斯·海德将军曾在米切尔将军麾下服役。
- 3. Hyde shifted his weight and felt himself teeter forward, beginning to overbalance.
- 海德挪了一下身子便感到自己往前晃动,开始失去平衡了。
- 4. The family of Hyde was long established at Norbury in Cheshire.
- 海德家族在柴郡的诺伯里建立了很长时间。
- 5. Their home is in the Kenwood neighborhood, next to Hyde Park.
- 他们家位于海德公园附近的肯伍德区。
- 6. A.Not only that but she's a Hyde Parker, so it sounds good to me.
- 不仅如此,她也住在海德公园,所以这听起来还不错。
- 7. The automobile ferry between Hyde Park Pier and Sausalito took about 20 minutes and cost $1.
- 海德公园码头和索萨利托之间的汽车渡轮需时约20分钟,价格1美元。
- 8. So far, Hyde reports mostly positive feedback from teachers who've heard about her study.
- 目前为止,从信服了其研究成果的老师那里,Hyde一直收到的是正面反馈。
- 9. The Obamas are loyal, as well, to the thin-crusted pies at Italian Fiesta Pizzeria in Hyde Park.
- 同时,奥巴马一家还是意大利嘉年华餐厅的薄皮馅饼的忠实顾客,这家店位于海德公园。
- 10. His famous estate at Hyde Park, N.Y., actually was owned by his doting mother until her death in 1941.
- 他最知名的房产位于纽约海德公园。直到钟爱他的母亲于1941年去世以前,那实际上都是老夫人名下的财产。
- 11. The final Manchester City match at Hyde Road was a league fixture against Newcastle United on 28 April 1923
- 曼城在海德路球场的最后一场联赛在1923年4月28日举行,对手是纽卡斯尔,1923年8月的一场公开训练赛成为了海德路球场的最后一次比赛。
- 12. The Royal Parks are some of London's most popular, and also include Hyde Park, St. James's Park and Green Park.
- 包括海德公园、圣·詹姆斯公园和格林公园在内的英国皇家公园为伦敦最著名的景点。
- 13. Not true, says Janet Hyde, PhD, a psychology and women's studies professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- 对此,JanetHyde大声说不,她是威斯康辛-麦蒂孙大学的心理学与女性研究学教授。
- 14. The rock concert in Hyde Park was devoted to the effort to combat the epidemic that has been the scourge of Africa.
- 海德公园的摇滚音乐会即致力于呼吁人们共同努力把非洲从这个流行性灾难中解救出来。
- 15. These reflections have occurred to me because I read in this morning's paper that Edward Hyde Burton had died at Kobe.
- 我产生这些想法,是因为我在今天早上的报纸上看到爱德华·海德·伯顿在神户去世的消息。
- 16. Craig Moore, 28, took his revenge on the camera, which had flashed him in the Hyde area of Manchester, in August 2005.
- 克雷格·摩尔现年28岁,他用于报仇雪恨的这架照相机于2005年8月在曼彻斯特海德地区拍到了他超速驾驶的一幕。
- 17. My thanks also go to Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Hotel, which has provided such a nice setting for tonight's reception.
- 我也要感谢使馆的同事在过去3年里给我的大力支持,感谢海德饭店为我们今天的酒会提供这样好的场地。
- 18. Farrier Lance Corporal of horse Chris McCabe welds a horseshoe in the forge at Hyde Park Barracks in London on April 15.
- 4月15日,伦敦,克里斯·麦凯布马队的法里尔·兰斯下士在海德公园的锻造车间焊接马蹄铁。
- 19. They are also keen on making the day a national celebration and a concert in Hyde Park to mark the occasion has been proposed.
- 同时这对新人也非常热衷将婚礼当天变为一个全国性的节日,当天在海德公园的一场音乐会也已在筹备中。
- 20. Dr Hyde said gender differences accounted for either no or a very small effect for most of the psychological variables examined.
- 海德博士认为,性别差异对研究中所观察的大多数心理变量没什么影响,或者影响非常小。
- 21. It is only part of the long Lombard street and the crooked part can be found on Russian Hill between Hyde and Leavenworth streets.
- 这只是伦巴第街的一部分,弯曲的部分处于海德和利芬沃斯街道之间的俄罗斯山畔。
- 22. The buyer of "Flat a" at the One Hyde Park development is understood to be a Ukrainian who purchased the penthouse in cash in 2007.
- 据悉,该套“海德公园一号”的买主是位乌克兰人,他2007年就用现金提前预定了这里的一处阁楼。
- 23. They have a Harvard education in common, along with roots in Chicago's Hyde Park district, and frequently play basketball together.
- 他们有着同样的哈佛教育背景,都来自芝加哥的海德公园区,并且经常一起打篮球。
- 24. Members of the Household Cavalry take part in a dress rehearsal for the major gGeneral's review in Hyde Park in London on April 14.
- 4月14日,伦敦海德公园,皇家骑兵团成员参加带妆彩排进行复审。
- 25. Ian Stuttard takes a dip in the freezing waters of the Serpentine Lido in Hyde Park on November 30, 2010 in London, United Kingdom.
- 2010年11月30号,Ian Stuttard在英国伦敦海德公园的蛇形胡冰冷的湖水里游泳。
- 26. The $490 million Hydropolis Undersea Resort, roughly the size of London’s Hyde Park, is set to open its doors later this month.
- 造价4.9亿美元、几乎与伦敦海德公园同等大小的Hydropolis海底酒店将于本月下旬开张。
- 27. Huge and centrally located, Hyde park is one of London's best-loved parks with more than 4,000 trees, a lake, a meadow and rose gardens.
- 坐落在市中心的海德公园非常巨大,她里面种植了4000棵树木,还有一个湖,一片草地和一个玫瑰花园,简直就是伦敦人的最爱。
- 28. When I watched the vituperative Mr. Hyde, I was sure there must be a Dr. Jekyll in there somewhere, but I was having a hard time finding him.
- 当我注视着满口责骂的海德先生时,我确信他身上有杰基尔博士的那一面,但我在当时很难发现它。
- 29. InfoQ spoke to Julian Hyde, olap4j specification lead, Pentaho lead Architect for Analysis and Mondrian Founder, to find out more about olap4j.
- InfoQ有幸采访了olap4 j规范的领导者、Pentaho分析的首席架构师和Mondrian的创始人JulianHyde,以了解olap4j的更多内容。
- 30. A member of the Lifeguards Household Cavalry adjusts his state helmet during preparations for the royal wedding at Hyde Park Barracks in London.
- 伦敦海德公园军营,皇室婚礼准备中,一名皇室骑兵团卫士在调整他的头盔。
- Mrs. Hyde has checked out this morning.
海德夫人今天上午已经结帐走了。 - The lady is asking for Mr. Hyde.
用作名词 (n.)
- jekyll and hyde 有两副面孔的人...
- lead a Jekyll and Hyde existence 过双重人格的生活...
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