perennial herb of East Indies to Polynesia and Australia; cultivated for its large edible root yielding Otaheite arrowroot starch
- 1. I'm going to listen to a pia.
- 我要去听钢琴演奏。
- 2. Designer Pia Interlandi creates' beautiful garments' that disintegrate with the body.
- 设计师PiaInterlandi创立了能分解在逝者身上的“美丽服饰”。
- 3. To observe the cellular changes of the pia vessels after chronic cerebral hypoperfusion.
- 目的观察慢性低脑灌注状态软脑膜血管组织细胞活性改变。
- 4. The DF's leader, Pia Kjaersgaard, is often voted Denmark's most powerful woman, ahead of the queen.
- 该党领导人PiaKjaersgaard经常超过女皇当选丹麦最强势女性。
- 5. Book me two seats on Flight PIA 104 to Cairo, and two seats on Flight AF 53 from Cairo to Geneva.
- 给我订两张巴航104次飞往开罗和两张法航53次从开罗飞往日内瓦的机票。
- 6. The no-PIA feature allows you to continue to use PIAs at design time without having them around at runtime.
- 无pia特性允许你继续在设计时使用PIA,而无需在运行时使用它们。
- 7. Methods: A retrospective study of the PIA database from 1996 to 2002 concerning the speciality anaesthesiology .
- 回顾性调查了1996-2002年PIA记录的的关于麻醉操作损伤而要求经济赔偿患者的案例。
- 8. To compute actual benefits, the PIA is adjusted by an amount depending on retirement age, family status, and other earnings.
- 然后,根据退休年龄、家庭状况和其他收入来调整基本保障额,计算出实际养老金。
- 9. The incidence rate of PIA in two groups was compared, and the general condition and periodic breathing of premature were observed.
- 同时观察两组早产儿的一般状况及周期性呼吸情况。
- 10. Pia Northrup, a Danish poet, spots angels in her modern Danish kitchen (“An angel came in;/we fled from him/as though we had got too near the fire”).
- 皮雅•诺瑟普,一位丹麦诗人,在她的现代丹麦风格的厨房里亲眼看到了天使(“一位天使走了进来/我们仓惶而逃/如同怕被火烧着”)。
- 11. You can now deploy an application that has embedded type information instead of type information that is imported from a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA).
- 现在部署的应用程序可以包含嵌入的类型信息来替换从主互操作程序集 (PIA)导入的类型信息。
- 12. In this scenario, the type information for the PIA types that are used by your solution is embedded into the solution assembly when you build the project.
- 在此方案中,您的解决方案所使用的pia类型的类型信息会在生成项目时嵌入到解决方案程序集中。
- 13. ConclusionActive and effective nursing for the PIA patients could help to fulfill the PIA operation, prevent a few complications and avoid some accidents.
- 结论对无痛人流术患者进行积极有效的护理措施,有助于手术顺利进行,避免并发症和意外事故的发生。
- 14. Pia enjoys the fresh water as she jumps into a little lake in Unken in the Austrian province of Salzburg, Saturday, July 3, 2010. (AP Photo/ Kerstin Joensson)
- 7月3日,星期六,奥地利萨尔斯堡垒省,皮亚跳进安肯的一个小湖,享受湖水的清凉。
- 15. That was the strategy of Pia Kjaersgaard’s People’s Party, which put its stamp on immigration policy in Denmark until the election of the Danish left in the summer.
- PiaKjaersgaard带领的人民党使用的就是这种策略,它于丹麦在夏季结束大选前在制定移民政策上留下浓墨重彩的一笔。
- 16. With embedded type information, your application can use types from an assembly without requiring a reference to the runtime assembly or Primary Interop assembly (PIA).
- 通过嵌入的类型信息,应用程序可以使用程序集中的类型,而无需引用运行时程序集或主互操作程序集(PIA)。
- 17. Pia, who was born in Germany but is now based in London, said:"I love the hustle and bustle of the inner city, but I really miss having a garden to sit in and care for."
- 皮娅生于德国现居伦敦,她说:“我喜欢城市中心的喧嚣气氛,但我真的想要拥有一个能坐在里面休息和喝咖啡的花园。”
- 18. According to Scott Brown, the exterior was inspired by Michelangelo's Porta Pia in Rome - another example of a building where the front and back don't relate to one another.
- 据布罗恩说,建筑外观是受到了米开朗基罗作品罗马庇亚城门的启发——另一个前后不对称的建筑的经典例子。
- 19. It would have been nicer to have a hand-generated PIA that made the classes and interfaces conform more to what we'd expect in the managed world, but sadly, that didn't happen.
- 这将是更好的有一个手工生成的PIA,使类和接口更符合我们期望在托管的世界,但可悲的是,没有发生。
- 20. Conclusions The R PIA, a stable specific adenosine A 1receptor agonist, may mediate delayed myocardial preconditioning which reduces significantly the infarct size of myocardium in rats.
- 结论RPIA可使大鼠在体心脏产生延迟预适应(显著降低心肌梗死范围) ;
- 21. Sichuan Hongde (PIA) Decoration Engineering Limited company has a variety of film materials for you to choose, welcome to inquire, we will give you a reasonable price of soft film smallpox.
- 四川鸿德(软膜)装饰工程有限公司有多种软膜饰材可供您选择,欢迎来电咨询,我们将会给您一个合理的软膜天花报价。
- 22. Sichuan Hongde (PIA) Decoration Engineering Limited company has a variety of film materials for you to choose, welcome to inquire, we will give you a reasonable price of soft film smallpox.
- 四川鸿德(软膜)装饰工程有限公司有多种软膜饰材可供您选择,欢迎来电咨询,我们将会给您一个合理的软膜天花报价。
- A network of extremely small blood vessels passing between the pia mater and the cerebral cortex.
- Tacca leontopetaloides 蒟!...
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