Greek biographer who wrote Parallel Lives (46?-120 AD)
- 1. Plutarch is suggesting something slightly different, something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero's claim that one should "criticize by creation, not by finding fault."
- 普鲁塔克的建议略有不同,这一建议与马库斯·西塞罗的主张更为接近,即一个人应该“通过创作而非吹毛求疵来进行批判”。
- 2. But perhaps Plutarch is suggesting something slightly different, something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero's claim that one should "criticize by creation, not by finding fault."
- 但也许普鲁塔克的建议略有不同,更接近于马库斯·西塞罗的主张,即一个人应该“通过创作来批评,而不是吹毛求疵”。
- 3. Plutarch also recorded a number of physical characteristics about the pneuma.
- 普鲁塔克还记录了灵气的一些物理性质。
- 4. Written by the Greek author Plutarch: What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality...
- 希腊作家普鲁塔克所说:我们内心获得的,将改变外在的现实。
- 5. Measure the standard of life is to see whether it has a meaning, not to see how long it is. - Plutarch.
- 衡量人生的标准是看其是否有意义;而不是看其有多长。——普鲁塔克。
- 6. Neil: so the Roman historian Plutarch wrote about Cleopatra's voice, her charisma and personal charm - but not about her beauty.
- 所以罗马历史学家普鲁塔克描述了克莉奥帕·特拉的声音、领导力和个人魅力,未谈及她的美貌。
- 7. He who reflects on another man's want of breeding, shows he wants it as much himself — Plutarch, Greek historian and biographer.
- 指责别人没有教养的人,自己同样缺乏教养- - -普鲁塔克,希腊历史学家和传记作家。
- 8. One of the oldest of all thought experiments is the paradox known as the Ship of Theseus, which originated in the writings of Plutarch.
- 史上最为古老的思想实验之一便是被称为忒修斯之船的悖论。这个实验最早出自普鲁塔克的记载。
- 9. 'Certainly, when Pausanias toured Greece about a century after Plutarch, he found Pan's shrines, sacred caves and sacred mountains still very much frequented.
- 确信不疑的是,一个世纪之后,当Pausanias(希腊历史学家)游历全希腊时,发现有关潘神的神殿和圣地仍然遍布山林。
- 10. Studies show that expressing anger aggressively only aggravates it; as Plutarch observed, “Anger, while in its beginning, often can be ended by silence, or neglect.”
- 研究表明,以一种带有攻击性的态度宣泄愤怒只会使愤怒感加重;就像Plutarch所观察到的那样,“初始阶段的愤怒往往可以在沉默中消退,或者干脆被忽略。”
- 11. Reviving a wheeze of the Greek historian Plutarch, he has written a parallel life with another Washington cold-war policymaker and contemporary of Kennan’s, Paul Nitze (1907-2004).
- 他借用了希腊历史家普鲁塔克的伎俩,他写文章讲述了另外一位与凯南同时代的华盛顿冷战决策者保罗尼采(1907-204)与之相似的一生。
- 12. Reviving a wheeze of the Greek historian Plutarch, he has written a parallel life with another Washington cold-war policymaker and contemporary of Kennan's, Paul Nitze (1907-2004).
- 他借用了希腊历史家普鲁塔克的伎俩,他写文章讲述了另外一位与凯南同时代的华盛顿冷战决策者保罗尼采(1907-204)与之相似的一生。
- 13. However, in Histories of Greek and Roman Personalities, Plutarch always wavered between personalities and events and between history and literature, showing a contrast between all these.
- 而普鲁塔克的《名人传》则徘徊于人与事、历史与文学之间,表现出将事与人、历史与文学相对立的趋向。
- 14. And others of their kind: it should be noted that Machiavelli mixes historical and literary figures somewhat indiscriminately here from his readings of the Old Testament, Livy, Plutarch, and Xenophon.
- 以及其他像他们这般的人物:应该提到在这里马基雅维里随意的把历史人物和文学人物混为一谈了,在他读旧约,李维,普鲁塔克,以及色诺芬的时候。
- 15. And others of their kind: it should be noted that Machiavelli mixes historical and literary figures somewhat indiscriminately here from his readings of the Old Testament, Livy, Plutarch, and Xenophon.
- 以及其他像他们这般的人物:应该提到在这里马基雅维里随意的把历史人物和文学人物混为一谈了,在他读旧约,李维,普鲁塔克,以及色诺芬的时候。
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