- n.脸孔;英伦风格的青年时尚文化杂志。
- face the music 勇于承担后果, 倾听...
- from the face of the earth 完全彻底地
- fly in the face of 敢于违抗(侮辱)...
- look someone in the face 问心无愧地正视某人...
- off the face of the earth 从地球上消失,彻底地...
- on the face of it 从表面判断
- wipe the smile off someone's face 使某人转乐为苦...
- laugh on the other side of one's face 转喜为悲
- wipe off the face of the earth 把…消灭掉
- laugh on the other side of the face 转喜为忧
- laugh out of the other side of the face 转喜为忧
- shut the door in someone's face 给…吃闭门羹,给…难...
- on the face of the earth 在地球上
- stare someone in the face 盯着某人
- laugh on the wrong side of the face 转喜为忧
- take the smile off someone's face 使某人转乐为苦...
- fly in the face of Providence 公然做违反天意的事...
- in the first face 初见(乍看之下)...
- on the first face 初见(乍看之下)...
- laugh out of the wrong side of the face 转喜为忧
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