- n. 齐纳
- zener diodes: 齐纳二极管.
- 1. You cannot replace it by a standard Zener diode!
- 你不能取代它由一个标准的齐纳二极管!
- 2. Output voltage is directly sensed by optocoupler U2 and Zener diode VR2.
- 输出电压是直接认识到由光耦合器u2和齐纳二极管VR2。
- 3. It's just that a buried zener is even better, if you can afford the higher voltage drop .
- 如果你可以承受更大的电压跌落的话,一个隐藏型的稳压管似乎更好一点。
- 4. Figure 1. Simple Zener Shunt Stabilizer circuit Diagram The circuit in Figure 1 is a simple...
- 图1电路是一个采用稳压二极管(齐纳二极管)的简单稳压器电路。
- 5. In the present, based on the ZENER model, the Curie temperature of the DMS materials was studied.
- 计算结果证明:同种基质材料掺杂不同的金属元素,低价元素掺杂形成的DMS材料居里温度较高。
- 6. Zener references contain batteries that keep the unit under power during transport and calibration.
- 齐纳参考在运输和校准期间要用电池保持上电。
- 7. The LM1085 circuit includes a zener trimmed bandgap reference, current limiting and thermal shutdown.
- 该LM 1085电路包括1齐纳修剪带隙参考,电流限制和热关机。
- 8. Another line is directed via a diode, preferably a zener diode to the output of the IGBT-based switch.
- 另一导线经由二极管,优选地是齐纳二极管,导向基于IGBT的开关的输出端。
- 9. Other output voltages are possible by adjusting the transformer turns ratio and value of Zener diode VR2.
- 其它输出电压是可能的,经过调整变压器匝数比齐纳二极管VR2和价值。
- 10. Sims USES those setups mostly to calibrate Zener voltage references, but she also calibrates voltage standard cells.
- Sims大多使用那些设备来校准齐纳电压参考,也校准电压标准单元。
- 11. The sulfides can refine the microstructure due to their pinning effect, and the reefing effect shows Zener relation.
- 硫化物组织细化的原因是作为第二相粒子钉扎晶界,硫化物颗粒细化组织满足Zener关系。
- 12. At the secondary side of the transformer there is a varistor and Zener diodes which act to stepwise reduce the surge pulse.
- 在变压器的次级一侧有一个变阻器和齐纳二极管,它们起到进一步减小冲击脉冲的作用。
- 13. As a precaution, it may be necessary to fit zener diodes D3 and D4 to protect D2 if extremely large transient voltages are likely.
- 作为一项预防措施,如果有非常大的瞬态电压,适当的齐纳二极管d3和D4保护D2可能是有必要的。
- 14. In the modern electronic circuit instrument and the equipment, took the voltage datum the zener diode, has a more widespread application.
- 在现代电子线路仪器和设备中,作为电压基准的稳压二极管,有着较广泛的应用。
- 15. Since the leakage current through the zener diodes results in a voltage drop across the resistor, low leakage zener devices are desirable.
- 由于流过齐纳二极管的泄漏电流会在电阻器上产生电压降,所以希望使用低漏电的齐纳二极管。
- 16. The main product is zener diode series, schottky barrier diode series, Transistor series, MosFET series, controlled silicon series, IC series.
- 主要产品有稳压二极管系列、肖特基二极管系列、三极管系列、场效应管系列、可控硅系列、IC产品系列。
- 17. The generator may be made independent of temperature and supply voltage if the detector is clamped with matched zener diodes as shown in Figure 28.
- 只要按图28那样在阈值检测器中使用性能匹配的稳压二极管,那么这个信号发生器电路就可以做到与温度变化和电源电压变化无关。
- 18. Therefore, the people have gone deep into research constantly in this domain in recent years by the time, hope to make the voltage datum zener diode is stabler.
- 为此,人们近年来在此领域不断的深入,以期制造出更为稳定的电压基准稳压二极管。
- 19. I have gone back to capacitive coupling from the receiver and also added a zener diode to protect the CMOS parts from possible static issues a little bit better.
- 我已经回到电容耦合从接收,也增添了齐纳二极管保护的CMOS部分,从静态的问题,可能一点点更好。
- 20. We produce and sell Semiconductor Devices like Standard Rectifiers, fast Rectifiers and Ultrafast Rectifiers, Schottky Diodes, Zener Diodes, TVS Diodes and HV Diodes.
- 我们生产和销售半导体设备,如标准整流器,快速整流器和超高速整流器,肖特基二极管,稳压二极管,TVS二极体和高压二极管。
- 21. Modern voltage references are constructed using the energy - band - gap voltage of integrated transistors, buried zener diodes, and junction field - effect transistors.
- 现代电压基准建立于使用集成晶体管和带状能隙基准、掩埋齐纳二极体和结场效应晶体管。
- 22. Optically triggered MOS gated solid state relay is a new switching device, which is composed of an MOS gated thyristor, a phototransistor, an enhanced mode MOSFET and a Zener diode.
- 光控MOS栅固态继电器是由MOS栅控晶闸管、开关三极管、光电耦合器、增强型MOSFET和齐纳二极管组成的新型开关器件。
- 23. In the voltage regulator circuit, the zener diode which ACTS as the voltage datum, along with the temperature change, its regulated voltage value also can have the corresponding change.
- 在稳压电路中,作为电压基准的稳压二极管,随着温度的变化,其稳定电压值亦会发生相应的变化。
- 24. To design and manufacture a constant-source with adjustable amplitude value and the test system, and to realize the examination of zener diode voltage drift parameter, is very important.
- 设计制作出一个幅值可调的恒流源及其测试系统,实现稳压二极管电压漂移参数的检测,至关重要。
- 25. To design and manufacture a constant-source with adjustable amplitude value and the test system, and to realize the examination of zener diode voltage drift parameter, is very important.
- 设计制作出一个幅值可调的恒流源及其测试系统,实现稳压二极管电压漂移参数的检测,至关重要。
- Zener diodes behave in this way, which makes them useful as voltage regulators.
齐纳击穿二极管就是这种工作方式,在电压稳压方面非常有用。 - An internal Zener clamp protects against over-voltage conditions on the supply line.
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