a handful of
- 少量的
- 1. He grabbed a handful of hair and jerked at it.
- 他抓住一把头发猛拉。
- 2. He picked up a handful of dirt and threw it at them.
- 他抓起一把土朝他们扔过去。
- 3. Frank emptied a handful of loose change on the table.
- 弗兰克将一把零钱全部放在了桌子上。
- 4. She scooped up a handful of sand and let it trickle through her fingers.
- 她抓了一把沙子,然后让它们从指缝间慢慢漏掉。
- 5. Dad answered, shaking a handful of greens.
- 爸爸一边回答,一边摇晃着一把绿色蔬菜。
- 6. He put in his hand and pulled out a handful of gold coins.
- 他从里面掏出一把金币来。
- 7. She takes a handful of ash, the flakes are large and sticky.
- 她取出一把灰末,是那种大片而粘性很好的。
- 8. She stopped at one vendor, flashed her badge, and picked a handful of mushrooms.
- 她在一个小贩跟前停住了,亮了亮徽章,然后抓起一把蘑菇。
- 9. He put a hand as big as a spade into the net and pulled out a handful of mullets.
- 他把一只铁锹那么大的手伸进网里,抓出一把鲻鱼。
- 10. Tom responded by scattering a handful of bright new coins abroad for the multitude to scramble for.
- 汤姆撒了一把亮闪闪的新硬币作为回应,让大家去抢。
- 11. Toad straddled on the hearth-rug, thrust his paw into his trouser-pocket and pulled out a handful of silver.
- 癞蛤蟆托德叉开腿坐在炉前的地毯上,把爪子伸进裤兜,掏出一把银币。
- 12. Noticing the commotion, she reached into her purse for a handful of hard candies and offered them to the kids in return for their good behavior.
- 她注意到骚动,从钱包里掏出一把硬糖,给了表现好的孩子们。
- 13. A handful of people can recall almost every day of their lives in enormous detail—and after years of research, neuroscientists are finally beginning to understand how they do it.
- 少数人能详细回忆起生活中的几乎每一天——经过多年研究,神经科学家终于开始了解这些人是如何做到的。
- 14. Only a handful of people came.
- 只有少数几个人来了。
- 15. A handful of onlookers stand in the field watching.
- 少数旁观者站在场地里观看。
- 16. Race officials announced a handful of new sponsors on Tuesday.
- 比赛官员们星期二公布了几位新赞助人。
- 17. A handful of junior officers were made to bear responsibility for the incident.
- 几名下级军官被迫对此事件负责。
- 18. Here's a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.
- 这里有一些方法可以帮你找到正确的方向。
- 19. Quite a lot, according to a handful of scientists quoted in the News Feature.
- 据英国《每日新闻》引用的少数科学家的话说,这一数字相当高
- 20. It's currently home to 2,500 people and all but a handful of them indigenous Inuit.
- 目前这里居住着2500人,只有少数土著因纽特人。
- 21. Retail prices for a handful of tomatoes at local markets have risen from $0.50 to $2.50.
- 在当地市场上,少量西红柿的零售价从0.5美元涨到了2.5美元。
- 22. Air India is one of only a handful of large airlines without a big domestic feeder airline.
- 印度航空是少数几家没有大型国内航空支线的大型航空公司之一。
- 23. Now, the island is one of only a handful of lesser flamingo breeding colonies in the world.
- 目前该岛是世界上为数不多的小火烈鸟繁殖基地之一。
- 24. Only a handful of islands in the Southern Ocean are suitable for sustaining large breeding colonies.
- 南大洋中只有少数岛屿适合大型群落繁衍生存。
- 25. Nunavut is 1.9 million square kilometres of rock and ice, and a handful of islands around the North Pole.
- 努纳武特地区包括190万平方公里被岩石和冰雪覆盖的陆地,以及北极附近的几个岛屿。
- 26. Argentina is one of only a handful of countries that refuse all dealings with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
- 阿根廷是少数拒绝与国际货币基金组织(IMF)进行所有交易的国家之一。
- 27. Frequency of crying varies widely: some shed tears at any novel or movie, others only a handful of times in their lives.
- 哭泣的频率差别很大:有些人在看小说或电影时都会流泪,有些人一生中只会流几次泪。
- 28. A handful of lawsuits have been filed in recent years against companies accused of using misleading environmental labels.
- 近年来,一些公司因使用误导性的环保标签而被起诉。
- 29. It is easily extracted, because it is one of a handful of genes found outside the cell nucleus, in structures called mitochondria.
- 它很容易提取,因为它是在细胞核之外、叫做线粒体的结构里被发现的少量基因之一。
- 30. A handful of Africa's unique island mammal families that were present 26 million years ago are absent from sites younger than Mush.
- 在比 Mush更年轻的遗址中,不少2600万年前只属于非洲大陆的哺乳科动物消失了。
- He picked up a handful of gravel and drew back his arm to throw. "Stop it, Peter, " Lucy called. "What do you think you are doing? For shame, leave them alone."
他抓起一把石子,扬起胳膊就要扔。“住手,彼得。”露西叫道:“你为什么要这样?真丢脸,把石子放下。” - I picked up a handful of letters and began to open them.
我拿起一叠信,开始把它们拆开。 - All the trouble is being caused by a handful of malcontents.
这些是非都是由一小撮不满分子搬弄的。 - We invited twenty people, but only a handful of them came.
我们邀请了20 个人,但只来了寥寥数人。
A road
A physician practices medicine
a topographical map/feature
A specialist in linguistics.
A desirable person or thing.
a computer/financial wizard
A proven challenge to wrinkles
a progressive muscular disease
A Kind of Tricyclic Semigroups
a mindless and repetitive task
A link of erroneous characters
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