a priori
- 先验的, 推理的, 假定的
involving deductive reasoning from a general principle to a necessary effect; not supported by fact;
"an a priori judgment"
based on hypothesis or theory rather than experiment
derived by logic, without observed facts
- 1. One assumes, a priori, that a parent would be better at dealing with problems.
- 人们通常推论,父母更善于处理问题。
- 2. So a priori, this was not necessarily true.
- 所以先验的并不一定是正确的。
- 3. At any rate that certainly is not knowable a priori.
- 不管怎样,那肯定不是一个可知的先验。
- 4. But we have no way of knowing a priori that they are true of the world.
- 但是我们无法知道先验是否真实存在。
- 5. In other words, the frequencies of those waves should be constant in time and space a priori.
- 换句话说,那些波的频率根据推断在时空上是常定的。
- 6. According to Kant this again is a principle that we can know to be true a priori of the world.
- 康德认为这又可以,看作是世界的一种先验原理。
- 7. Did you know, a priori, what professional domain you would study at university or did you have doubts?
- 您事先是否知道在大学里会学习什么专业领域,或者您是否有过怀疑?
- 8. If the efficient market hypothesis were valid, there would be an a priori reason for imposing no constraints.
- 假如有效市场假说有效,放任自流就存在先验理由。
- 9. It's a very appealing kind of a priori theory, but the thing about theories is they're supposed to make predictions.
- 这是一个很有吸引力的早期理论,但是理论的意义在于,它们可以被用来进行预测。
- 10. It's not easy to calculate a priori what it's going to do all the way across the phase diagram for any mole fraction.
- 对于任一摩尔分数,去预计它穿越相图,会做什么并不容易。
- 11. The patterns described by W. van der Aalst (see Resources) contain a pattern called "MI with no a priori runtime knowledge."
- vanderAalst 所描述的模式(请参阅参考资料)包含一个称为“MIwithnoa priori runtime knowledge”的模式。
- 12. Power is a priori innocent because it does not grow from a world in which words like guilt and innocence retain their meaning.
- 由此推断,权力是无辜的,因为它不会在一个有罪必罚的世界里产生。
- 13. We don't know a priori what the best strategies are [for folding proteins], so we create the tools and see what people do with them.
- 我们显然不清楚(折叠蛋白质的)最好策略是什么,所以我们做了一些小工具,看看人们会用它们干点什么。
- 14. Direct access via a priori knowledge of the class (that is, you know in advance that you serializer only works for one specific class).
- 通过对类的预先了解直接访问(也就是,您预先知道您的序列化器只为一个特定的类工作)。
- 15. It is assumed that the Hadoop slave node has been configured a priori in such a manner that it registers with the Hadoop master node.
- 这里假设Hadoop从节点已经在之前配置完成,也就是它已经注册到Hadoop主节点中。
- 16. Mean-Shift: Algorithm that does not require any a priori knowledge about the number of clusters and can produce arbitrarily shaped clusters.
- Mean - Shift:无需任何关于集群数量的推理知识的算法,它可以生成任意形状的集群。
- 17. Of course, we do not a priori preclude the existence of other types of errors or oddities that pertain to more than just isolated readings.
- 当然,我们不会先验地排除其他类型错误或异常(不是只与单个读数相关的)的存在。
- 18. Don't hire people to fill the gaps in some a priori org chart. The only reason to hire someone is to do something you'd like to do but can't.
- 不要雇佣人来填满你未来的组织结构图,雇佣新人的唯一理由是你有些想要做的工作没人能够完成。
- 19. We are using logical extrapolation of experience to understand things before we have experienced them (in this way it can be said to be a priori).
- 我们用基于经验的逻辑推断来理解我们从未经历过的事(这可以认为是一种推理)。
- 20. And that's why the flux for S1, and the flux for S2 were the same a priori and we didn't have to worry about which one we chose when we did Stokes theorem.
- 这就是为什么S1的通量,和S2的通量是相同的,当运用Stokes定理时,我们不用担心,选的是哪一个面。
- 21. The name of objectivity is here given to the element of universality and necessity, i.e. to the categories themselves, or what is called the a priori constituent.
- 这里所谓客观性是指那有普遍性和必然性的成分,亦即指思想范畴的本身或所谓先天的〔成分〕。
- 22. Well-conducted human studies that demonstrate a clear association in a study design that is determined a priori for testing the hypothesis of such association.
- 有严格实施的人体研究证实两者有明确联系。在研究设计中检验这种联系的假设,确定其是一种先验(由因到果)的关系。
- 23. A priori and reversing the terms of the problem, just as one does or does not kill oneself, it seems that there are but two philosophical solutions, either yes or no.
- 如同人是否会自戮一样,一个由因及果的演绎或者颠倒问题的条件假设,看起来在哲学上只有两个解决办法,是与否。
- 24. One feature, the chunked transfer encoding, is especially convenient in the construction of batches of messages where the size of the entire batch is not known a priori.
- 还有一个功能,成块传输编码,对于在预先无法知道整批大小的地方建立成批消息尤其方便。
- 25. The jobs and tasks involved in design projects are far from mechanical, and do not easily lend themselves to Tayloristic or other types of a priori, fully predictive approaches.
- 设计项目所涉及的工作和任务远非机械的,而且不容易采用Tayloristic或者其他类型的预测方法。
- 26. I think some of the influence [on agile development] was object-oriented design, when people [used]... incremental development, rather than trying to figure out [all the requirements a priori].
- 我认为[敏捷开发]对面向对象的设计有一些影响,当人们[使用]……增量式开发,而不是试图[事先弄清楚所有需求]时。
- 27. Since DB2 does not force you to associate a single XML schema with all documents in an XML column, the data types for specific elements and attributes are not known a-priori.
- 由于DB2不强制要求将单个XML模式与 XML列中的所有文档相关联,所以特定元素和属性的数据类型事先是未知的。
- 28. The solution of quick a nd dynamic division of fuzzy fields is given out by this method, without the know ledge of priori probability.
- 此方法有效地解决了在先验概率未知的条件下,如何动态可变且快速地划分模糊域的问题。
- 29. The solution of quick a nd dynamic division of fuzzy fields is given out by this method, without the know ledge of priori probability.
- 此方法有效地解决了在先验概率未知的条件下,如何动态可变且快速地划分模糊域的问题。
- a posteriori 经验的
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