- n. <美>广告费
- 1. Introduce and compare, in brief, different kinds of DSS and put forward a kind of DSS suitable for Chinese home appliance companies' ad-rate amount level.
- 对不同决策支持系统做了简要分析和比较,并给出了一种适用于我国家电企业的广告投放决策支持系统。
- 2. The ad-rate is the important part of the running cost of the modern corporations. The level of pricing ads is an important factor that makes the entire economy running smoothly.
- 广告费用是构成现代商业企业运营成本的重要组成部分, 广告定价水平 是事关到整个经济环境顺畅运行的 重要因素。
- 3. Analysing the ad-rate of network, the paper points out that the ad-rate is mainly related to cost of the utilized media, so the main part of pricing the network ads is web media cost.
- 本文通过对网络广告费用构成的分析,指出广告费用绝大部分由媒体使用费用构成,从而明确了网络广告的定价主体——网络媒体。
- 4. GLOBAL spending on advertising will grow by 4.5% in 2011, double the rate of the previous year, according to ZenithOptimedia, an AD agency.
- 广告代理商ZenithOptimedia预测2011年全球广告支出将增长4.5%,是去年增长率的两倍。
- 5. The audience continued to grow at a ferocious rate -about 35 percent of all our media time is now spent on the Web -but AD dollars weren't keeping pace.
- 读者持续以较快的速率增长——我们花费在媒体上的时间,约35%是在网页上——但广告收入没有跟上步伐。
- 6. To get through it, the pair went to TV stations directly to look for compromises and AD rate reduction deals that would help everybody-their clients, the stations and themselves-to survive.
- 为了度过难关,两人直接来到电视台寻求折中方案和广告折扣协议,这将拯救所有的人:客户、电台和她们自己。
- 7. In subsequent analyses, we examined the association of purpose in life with the precursor to AD, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and the rate of change in cognitive function.
- 在随后的分析中,检验了人生目标与AD的先期征兆,认知功能损伤(MCI)及认知功能改变率之间的关系。
- 8. For comparison purposes, a banner AD on the Web getting a 2% click-though rate (CTR) is considered fairly successful, but most campaigns now receive just 0.2%-0.3% CTRs.
- 要知道,如果网页上的banner广告点击率达到2%的话就会被视为非常成功,但大部分点击率只有0.2 - 0.3%。
- 9. However, recent researches discovered that the rate of AD and VD decreased in these countries.
- 但最近的研究表明这些国家VD与AD的比率有所下降。
- 10. The onset and rate of this decline tends to vary across cognitive domains, and some functions may be preferentially spared in patients with AD.
- 不同类型的认知功能损害发生和损害程度各异,而有些功能损害在AD患者中是很常见的。
- 11. Persons destined to develop AD experience an accelerated rate of decline in cognitive ability, particularly in memory.
- 将要罹患ad的人经历一个认知下降的加速过程,尤其是记忆力。
- 12. Cancellation of any part of the original orders will lead to the invalidation of previous position and rate of the AD.
- 支付全额广告费。如果广告客户或广告公司取消原订单的任何一部分,一切原定价格和广告位置将予以作废。
- 13. According to the revised Regulations, the amount of consumption tax payable may be calculated ad valorem, at a flat rate or by a combination of the two.
- 修订后的条例规定消费税实行从价定率、从量定额,或者从价定率和从量定额复合计税的办法计算应纳税额。
- 14. As for valuable goods shipped by sea, the shipping company will charge an AD valorem rate.
- 如ꛥ果货物价值较高,运输公司则收取从价运费。
- 15. Therefore, he proposes to partially roll back the rate reduction in Central Excise duties and enhance the standard rate on all non-petroleum products from 8 per cent to 10 per cent AD valorem.
- 因此,他建议分批对中央消费税率下降进行回调,加强对非标准税率产品的标准,从8%的从价税调整到10%。
- 16. Conclusion: the rate of AD Rs was not related to the dosage, but to using drug sum.
- 结论:药物不良反应的发生与用药剂量无明显关系而与用药总量有一定关系。
- 17. The overall rate of progression from MCI to AD was 16% per year during the 36-month study, the authors report.
- 作者在报告中提到,在这项为期36 个月的研究中,由遗忘型MCI向AD进展的总比率为每年16%。
- 18. The online ad has achieved a relatively high click-through rate.
- 这条在线广告获得了较高的点击率。
- 19. From the results of different area structure testings, the theoretical relationship between the accumulative failure rate and the product of area and defect density (AD) was verified.
- 从不同面积结构的测试结果验证了累积失效率f和面积A与缺陷密度d的乘积ad之间的关系。
- 20. The paper introduces the main formats of online AD, taking CTR and CR for reference, and then discusses the proportion of effective accepter of online AD with the effective Arrival Rate.
- 文中介绍了网络广告的主要形式,借鉴点击率和转化率,提出利用有效到达率来探讨网络广告真正到达有效受众的比率。
- 21. Going back another level tells you that the landing page and the AD text influence the conversion rate so you can change one or both of these.
- 回去告诉你另一个层次的目标网页和广告文字的转换率的影响,以便你可以改变一个或这两种。
- 22. Uptake rate of sample was consisted to speed of peristaltic pump ad a little correlation to concentration of acid and no correlation to the kinds of acid.
- 试液提升量与蠕动泵速有关,与雾化器的压力和试液中酸浓度的相关性很小,与酸的种类关系甚微。
- 23. The relative consumption rate (RCR) and the approximate digestibility (AD) increased with the leaf age.
- 随着叶片日龄的增加,相对取食量和近似消化率有明显增大。
- 24. Conclusion the accurate diagnosis as early as possible and active suitable treatment are the key to increase the survival rate and to improve the prognosis of AD.
- 结论及时有效的早期诊断和积极采取恰当的治疗是提高AD生存率和改善预后的关键。
- 25. Stamp Duty An ad-valorem or flat rate charged upon certain documents.
- 对一些文件按其价值收取的收费。
- 26. This thesis carries a deep study on new techniques of wireless AD hoc networks and puts emphasis on multi-channel rate control and multi-channel switching.
- 本论文技术对无线自组织网络多信道数据速率控制和信道切换问题进行了深入的研究。
- 27. This thesis carries a deep study on new techniques of wireless AD hoc networks and puts emphasis on multi-channel rate control and multi-channel switching.
- 本论文技术对无线自组织网络多信道数据速率控制和信道切换问题进行了深入的研究。
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