- n. 减摩设备
- adj. 减摩的
- 1. Possess good performance of antifriction, anticorrosion.
- 良好的低温启动性能;
- 2. Use inductive heating unit to heat antifriction bearing inner ring.
- 使用感应加热装置加热减摩轴承内圈。
- 3. Surely applying a thin layer of antifriction when installing sleeve.
- 在装轴套时,在轴上涂上一薄层减摩剂。
- 4. Measure bearing clearance of antifriction bearing and find mean value.
- 测量减摩轴承轴承间隙并找出平均值。
- 5. The three basic types of antifriction bearings are ball bearings, roller bearings, needle bearings.
- 减摩轴承基本上有滚珠轴承、滚柱轴承和滚针轴承三种。
- 6. The special rubber wheel is of exclusive formula, antifriction, aging resistance, high temperature resistance.
- 专用橡胶轮系独家专用配方,耐磨损、耐老化、耐高温。
- 7. The grease containing the complex nanometer particles has the improved antifriction and anti-wear performances.
- 包含该复合纳米微粒的润滑脂具有改进的减摩抗磨性能。
- 8. The special rubber wheel is of exclusive formula, antifriction, aging resistance, and high temperature resistance.
- 专用橡胶轮系独家专用配方,耐磨损、耐老化、耐高温。
- 9. The experimental results indicate that this material possess low friction coefficient and excellent antifriction property.
- 试验结果表明:此各材料具有较低的摩擦系数和良好的减摩耐磨性能;
- 10. The wear resistance and antifriction qualities of the oil impregnated sintered bronze make for an excellent guide bushing.
- 耐磨性及耐磨油浸渍的素质良好的导套烧结青铜做。
- 11. Excellent antifriction capability, can make the machine in low speed vibration or discontinuous sliding reduced to the minimum.
- 优良的减摩性能,可使机床在低速下将振动或间断滑动减为最小。
- 12. In order to assembly antifriction bearing (18) in an accurate Angle, the filling groove (34) is out of the range of maximum stress.
- 为了允许以精确角度组装减摩轴承(18),填充槽(34)处于最大应力的范围之外。
- 13. This article reviews the advance of the modification research of MC nylon in antifriction, reinforcement, toughening, antistatic and fire-retardance.
- 从减摩、增强、增韧、抗静电和阻燃五个方面,综述了MC尼龙改性的研究进展。
- 14. Self-lubricating composite which possesses superior antifriction and wear resistance has been one of the central issues for advanced material research.
- 具有优良减摩耐磨性能的自润滑材料是材料研究的热点领域之一。
- 15. The result of this research shows that the antifriction capability, wear and heat resistance of the layer of the treated cutting tool have been improved.
- 研究的结果表明,经处理过的高速钢刀具表层其减摩性、耐磨性和耐热性均有所提高。
- 16. Discover a complete range of top-performing, high-tech products: antifriction treatments for the engine, transmission, power steering, gearbox, joints, and oils.
- 这是一种最齐全的高性能、高技术产品:发动机的减摩处理、变速器、动力转向、变速箱、链接和油。
- 17. Cast metallic matrix self-lubricating composites, which possess excellent antifriction, wear resistance, damping capacity, etc., have been investigated extensively.
- 铸造金属基自润滑复合材料具有良好的减摩、耐磨与减震性能,因而人们正在进行广泛的研究。
- 18. It has good properties of palladium coating, such as bright surface, high glisten rate, low contact resistance, high rigidity, antifriction, anticorrosion and so on.
- 利用本工艺电镀能得到性能优良的钯镀层,如外观白亮、反光率高、接触电阻小、硬度高、耐磨、耐蚀等优点。
- 19. And the antifriction bearing (18) is radially and constrainedly installed through a pressing cooperation, thereby the ball (25) no longer jump out of the bearing (18).
- 减摩轴承(18)通过压配合被径向约束地安装,使得滚珠(25)能够不再跳出轴承(18)。
- 20. The seal is processed in the high tech, which makes the hardness of seal face up to HRC57-60. It is endurable in high temperature, resistant in abrasion and antifriction.
- 采用高科技手段加工“密封副”,使密封面的硬度高达HRC57 - 60,具有耐高温、耐腐蚀、耐磨损等特性。
- 21. The deep, systematic research of experiments and theoretical analysis are made to employing fluid Film damping technology in antifriction bearing spindle system of machine tool.
- 本文对机床滚动支承主轴系统采用油膜阻尼技术进行了深入、系统的试验研究和机理分析。
- 22. According to the deficiency of sorts of devices for antifriction to diesel gas-in valve in our country a new-style device is provided and discussed its principles and structure.
- 针对国内各种形式的柴油机进气伐减磨装置存在的不足,提出了一种全新的柴油机进气伐减磨装置,并对其工作原理及结构进行了论述。
- 23. Analogue computation and experiments show that employing compound oil film damper in antifriction bearing spindle system will raise significantly the dynamic behavior of machine tool.
- 计算机模拟计算和试验研究表明,机床滚动支承主轴系统采用复合式油膜阻尼器,可显著提高机床的动态性能。
- 24. The invention also provides a manufacturing method for copper-based antifriction compound powder which comprises: A. the step of preparing chemical copper plating coating graphite powder;
- 本发明还提供一种铜 基减摩复合粉末的制造方法,包括:A。制备化学镀铜包覆石墨粉步骤;
- 25. In this paper, a new online computer diagnostic system based on the vibrant diagnose of antifriction bearing of lorries was introduced, and its working principles and effects were analyzed.
- 本文介绍一种基于振动诊断的铁路货车滚动轴承在线计算机诊断系统的原理及使用效果。
- 26. The Zn-Al alloy has many advantages, such as good mechanical property, strong antifriction property, processable property, small density, low melting point, affluent raw material, low cost and so on.
- 高铝锌基合金具有优良的力学性能、耐摩性能、机加工性能、以及密度小、熔点低、原材料来源丰富和成本低等优点。
- 27. The Zn-Al alloy has many advantages, such as good mechanical property, strong antifriction property, processable property, small density, low melting point, affluent raw material, low cost and so on.
- 高铝锌基合金具有优良的力学性能、耐摩性能、机加工性能、以及密度小、熔点低、原材料来源丰富和成本低等优点。
- The graphite is a kind of solid antifriction agent with excellent properties.
石墨是一种性能优良的固体减摩剂,但因悬浮问题,长期不能在润滑油中应用。 - Hence the life of an antifriction bearing is measured by the number of shaft revolutions that occur prior to fatigue failure.
用作名词 (n.)
- antifriction roller 减摩滚柱
- antifriction slide 减摩溜板
- antifriction property 抗磨性
- antifriction material 耐摩材料,减摩材料...
- antifriction grease 减摩润滑脂
- antifriction block 减摩滑车
- antifriction alloy 减摩合金,耐磨合金,...
- antifriction box 减摩轴箱
- antifriction metal 减摩金属,减磨金属,...
- antifriction plate 耐摩板
- antifriction wheel 减摩轮
- antifriction pivot 减摩枢
- antifriction ring 减摩圈
- antifriction bearing 减摩轴承
- antifriction composition 减摩制品,抗摩制品...
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antiwear and antifriction mechanism
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antitheta sensitive regulatory cell
Anti - VEGF monoclonal antibodies
antispotting textile cleaning agent
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