as ... as
- 像...一样
- as though 仿佛
- not so much as 与其 ... 不如...
- as a matter of fact 事实上
- high as a kite 喝醉了酒的,吸毒吸醉...
- as per 按照
- in so far as 到 ... 的程度...
- as if 犹如,好像,好似,仿...
- as such 照这样
- as different as chalk and cheese 本质上完全不同; 截...
- as yet 到目前为止
- such as 例如
- as regards 关于
- as well 也
- give as good as one gets 回敬
- as mild as may 非常和蔼
- as merry as a grig 十分快活
- as for 至于
- as plain as daylight 一清二楚(显而易见)...
- so as 只要
- as it is 实际上
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