at a stroke
- 一下子
CET4 TEM4 考 研 CET6
- 1. They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke.
- 他们威胁要一下子砍掉整个项目。
- 2. We can't solve all these problems at a stroke.
- 我们不能一下子把所有问题都解决。
- 3. You can't change people's opinion at a stroke.
- 你不可能一下子改变人们的想法。
- 4. At a stroke, the kingdom would become one-third smaller.
- 只消此一举,英国的国土面积就会缩小三分之一。
- 5. You've then got an evens chance of doubling your money at a stroke.
- 然后你就有一半的机会可以把钱一下子翻一倍。
- 6. Several hundred men lost their jobs at a stroke when the factory closed.
- 工厂关闭,几百号人一下子就都失了业。
- 7. Neither grand plans nor vigilant policing of interim agreements will end this tangle at a stroke.
- 重要的计划和临时的协议都不会立刻结束混乱。
- 8. By being tougher on Russia, he will at a stroke improve German relations with central and eastern Europe.
- 他对俄态度强硬,并将迅速改善德国与中东欧国家的关系。
- 9. ANGELA MERKEL is telling the world not to expect the October 23rd summit to resolve the euro crisis at a stroke;
- 安吉拉默克尔在告诉整个世界不要期盼十月的第二十三次峰会能够一下子解决欧元危机;
- 10. Though such actions will not resolve anything at a stroke, they would over time strengthen moderates in both camps.
- 虽然这样的行动无法一举解决任何问题,但会延长时间,增强双方阵营的温和势力。
- 11. Several ministries, including transport and environment, lost 5% or more of their planned budgets for 2010-11 at a stroke.
- 包括运输和环境等部门2010-11年度预算一下子就比原计划少了5%。
- 12. Her fortune had been made at a stroke, without her having the least idea of the source from which it had so unexpectedly materialized.
- 她顷刻间发了大财,也不知道这笔意外之财是从哪里来的。
- 13. The findings, presented at a stroke conference in America, showed that 3.4 per cent of the cat owners died from a heart attack over 10 years.
- 研究结果显示,在这十年中,仅有3.4%的养猫人士死于心脏病,而从未养过猫的人死于心脏病的比例为5.8%。
- 14. At a stroke courts that had previously been so wary of interfering with academic processes now took upon themselves the task of awarding or withholding tenure.
- 这下,原本担心干预学术程序的法院开始担负起裁定或撤销终身聘用教师的使命。
- 15. This year it will be four centuries since Galileo discovered Jupiter's four large satellites, at a stroke quintupling the number of moons then known to humanity.
- 今年距离伽利略发现木星的四颗大卫星整整400年,突然间人类发现了数倍于其数量的卫星。
- 16. At a stroke, that would narrow the budget deficit, encourage conservation, reduce oil imports, make renewable energy more competitive and reduce carbon emissions.
- 这措施可一石多鸟的缩减财政赤字、鼓励节约能源、降低石油进口、增加替代能源竞争力、和降低碳排放。
- 17. At a stroke, we can reduce 10% of our carbon emissions into the atmosphere by making Sunday a low-carbon day and at the same time make ourselves healthier and happier.
- 把星期天定为低碳日,我们就可以一下子削减10%排入大气的二氧化碳,同时也使我们自己更健康、更快乐。
- 18. At a stroke, whole generations of middle-aged Tory men can feel dreams of high office evaporating like the fumes from a consoling tumbler (or two) of late-night Scotch.
- 中年的保守党男士感觉高官爵位的梦想瞬间蒸发,就像深夜苏格兰里令人慰藉的一个(或两个)玻璃杯中的烟雾霎间飘散一般。
- 19. I do not accept that cars that are sold in France are built abroad, he declared this week, at a stroke torpedoing the principle of competition in the European single market.
- 他在本周曾宣称,“我不能接受在法国销售的汽车产自国外”,这一举破坏了欧洲单一市场中的竞争原则。
- 20. "I do not accept that cars that are sold in France are built abroad," he declared this week, at a stroke torpedoing the principle of competition in the European single market.
- 他在本周曾宣称,“我不能接受在法国销售的汽车产自国外”,这一举破坏了欧洲单一市场中的竞争原则。
- 21. ANGELA MERKEL is telling the world not to expect the October 23rd summit to resolve the euro crisis at a stroke; such "dreams", says the chancellor's spokesman, cannot be fulfilled.
- 安吉拉·默克尔告诉世人不要期待10月23日的峰会能一下子解决欧元区危机;其发言人说,这样的“美梦”不可能实现。
- 22. But it was as though a curtain fell on a lit stage: all his excitement, all his hope and happiness were extinguished at a stroke, and he stood alone in the darkness, and the glorious spell was broken.
- 但是,就像是闪亮的舞台突然落下了帐幕一样,所有的激动、所有的希望和幸福在瞬间泯灭,他独自站在黑暗中,荣耀的符咒被打破了。
- 23. "We are not prepared," said they, "to stay with a man who kills seven at one stroke."
- 他们说:“我们没准备好和一个一下子打死了七个人的人一起共事。”
- 24. At the time, his appointment seemed a stroke of genius.
- 当时,他的任命似乎是天才之举。
- 25. It's unbelievable that they finish all the tasks at a stroke.
- 令人难以置信的是,他们一举完成了所有的任务。
- 26. People can compose individual characters relatively easily by building them up a stroke at a time.
- 人们可以将这些笔画做简单的组合来得到一个汉字。
- 27. People can compose individual characters relatively easily by building them up a stroke at a time.
- 人们可以将这些笔画做简单的组合来得到一个汉字。
- She solved the problem at a stroke.
她一下子解决了问题。 - He beat his opponent at one bout.
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