back to
- 回到
- 1. He lumbered back to his chair.
- 他蹒跚地坐回到椅子上。
- 2. Slowly they ambled back to the car.
- 他们缓步回到汽车那儿。
- 3. The plane limped back to the airport.
- 飞机艰难地返回了机场。
- 4. He flew back to London.
- 他乘飞机回到伦敦。
- 5. He wanted to come back to Washington.
- 他想回到华盛顿。
- 6. She hankered to go back to Australia.
- 她渴望回到澳大利亚。
- 7. Press escape to get back to the menu.
- 按Esc键,退回到选单。
- 8. Let's come back to the point at issue.
- 咱们还是回到问题的焦点吧。
- 9. Her thoughts wandered back to her youth.
- 她浮想联翩,思绪回到了青春岁月。
- 10. I went back to bed.
- 我回到床上。
- 11. The story was headlined 'Back to the future'.
- 报道的标题是“回到未来”。
- 12. Let's all go back to my place!
- 咱们都回我的住处吧!
- 13. I went back to work on Monday.
- 我星期一回去上班了。
- 14. It's all coming back to me now.
- 现在我全都回想起来了。
- 15. He turned his back to the wall.
- 他转身背对着墙。
- 16. How dare you talk back to me!
- 你竟敢和我顶嘴!
- 17. I stepped back to let them pass.
- 我退后一步给他们让路。
- 18. I gave the textbook back to him.
- 我把课本还给他了。
- 19. He's itching to get back to work.
- 他巴不得马上回去工作。
- 20. He turned back to his work.
- 他回去继续工作。
- 21. I'll find out and get back to you.
- 我查明之后再答复你。
- 22. I went back to visit my old school.
- 我回去拜访了母校。
- 23. He stood with his back to the door.
- 他背对着门站着。
- 24. We raced each other back to the car.
- 我们争先恐后地跑回汽车那儿。
- 25. Mary had her back to me.
- 玛丽背对着我。
- 26. She turned her back to the audience.
- 她转过身背对着观众。
- 27. That decision came back to haunt him.
- 那个决定对他造成无法摆脱的困扰。
- 28. I rolled over and went back to sleep.
- 我翻了个身接着又睡着了。
- 29. She's decided to go back to teaching.
- 她已决定重新执教。
- 30. The kids go back to school next week.
- 孩子们下周开学。
- The small ball dropped back to the floor.
小球又落回到地板上。 - Louise lost no time in returning to Cincinnati.
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