be apt to
- 易于, 倾向于
CET4 TEM4 考 研 CET6
- 1. Water of be apt to : Is that when thing?
- 善水:那是什么时候的事情?
- 2. Be apt to is put, the vitamin with famous international is mineral brand.
- 善存,国际知名的维生素矿物质品牌。
- 3. And remember children will be apt to do what you do, not necessarily what you tell them to do.
- 别忘了,孩子会模仿你做事,而不是做那些你告诉他应该做的事。
- 4. Water of be apt to: Is at present the garment industry of Xiamen how a kind of general situation?
- 善水:目前厦门的服装行业是怎么样的一种概况?
- 5. You would be apt to say to yourself as guests do when disturbed in drawing-rooms by other guests: "Who's this chap? Seems rather queer."
- 你或许会对自己说,正如休息室里被人打扰的客人一样: : “这个家伙是谁?挺让人不舒服的,希望他不要讨人嫌。”
- 6. Then computing will have become a true utility-and it will no longer be apt to talk of computing clouds, so much as of a computing atmosphere.
- 到那时,计算将会真正普及实用——也将不会有计算乌云,计算气氛。
- 7. A few years ago, he still can hear the word of the grandma, be apt to now with respect to backchat, sometimes even a few days do not come home.
- 几年前,他还能听奶奶的话,现在动不动就顶嘴,有时甚至几天都不回家。
- 8. Water of be apt to: Listen to you to say vanward forum member adds all multigroup to have 6000 many members in all, and active member has 200 many.
- 善水:听你说先锋论坛会员加上诸多群总共有6000多个会员,而活跃的会员就有200多个。
- 9. All this, however, in a much less imposing way than had been his wont in Chicago. He avoided the gay places where he would be apt to meet those who had known him.
- 只是这一切远不及他在芝加哥时那么招遥,他避而不去那些容易碰到他过去的熟人的娱乐场所。
- 10. Be apt to USES the power of network public relations, the enterprise is sure can from inside intense competitive environment, the deathtrap of buy is born after that!
- 善用网络公关的力量,企业必定能够从激烈的竞争环境中,置之死地而后生!
- 11. Moral state reflected highest moral value, with "to be apt to" for its core value, of the Confucianist "benevolence" or "sincere" etc is to reach supreme moral state.
- 道德境界体现了最高的道德价值,以“至善”为其核心价值,儒家的“仁”或“诚”等都是达到了至高的道德境界。
- 12. As he and other researchers examined the question of why teens were more apt to take risks in the company of other teenagers, they came to suspect that a crowd's influence need not always be negative.
- 当他和其他研究人员研究为什么青少年在其他青少年的陪伴下更敢于冒险这一问题时,他们开始怀疑群体的影响不一定总是负面的。
- 13. As he and other researchers examined the question of why teens were more apt to take risks in the company of other teenagers, they came to suspect that a crowd's influence need not always be negative.
- 当他和其他研究人员研究为什么青少年在其他青少年的陪伴下更敢于冒险这一问题时,他们开始怀疑群体的影响不一定总是负面的。
- He was apt to blurt out the whole truth, in cases where other people would have kept silence.
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