be at it
- vi. 忙于工作(打闹;恶作剧)
CET4 TEM4 考 研 CET6
- 1. He'll be at it again today.
- 他今天还会在这的。
- 2. The more you achieve small goals, the better you'll be at it, and the better you'll feel.
- 你完成的小目标越多,你在这方面就越强,你的感觉也会越好。
- 3. The more you achieve small goals, the better you’ll be at it, and the better you’ll feel.
- 您实现的小目标越多,您就会感觉越好。
- 4. If you can buy only one case at auction, it should be vintage port.
- 如果你在拍卖会上只能买一箱酒,那就应该是优质的波尔图葡萄酒。
- 5. After two days at sea, it was good to be back on terra firma again.
- 在海上度过两天之后,又回到使人觉得坚实的陆地,真是惬意。
- 6. You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour.
- 你可以想像以每小时30英里的速度,开车向一面砖墙撞去会是什么样子。
- 7. At the first stroke it will be 9 o'clock exactly.
- 等到钟敲第一下时就是9点整。
- 8. A lens would magnify the picture so it would be like looking at a large TV screen.
- 透镜会把图像放大,这样就会像看大电视屏幕。
- 9. I thought it would be silly to be too rude at that stage.
- 我觉得处在那个阶段上太过粗鲁是很幼稚的。
- 10. It would be improper to comment at this stage.
- 在这个阶段发表评论并不恰当。
- 11. It amazed her that he could be so calm at such a time.
- 在这个时候他还能如此冷静,真让她感到惊讶。
- 12. It may be advisable to have a blood test to put your mind at rest.
- 验一下血让你自己安心也许是明智的。
- 13. There seems to be little difference whether you eat all your calorie allowance at once, or spread it over the day.
- 无论你是一次性吃完全天的卡路里限量还是分散在一天里吃,似乎没多大区别。
- 14. This book is of such importance that it must be published at any cost.
- 这本书如此重要,无论如何也要出版。
- 15. It may be difficult to do at first. Don't let this discourage you.
- 开始时做起来也许比较困难。不要让这个泄你的气。
- 16. It would be unreasonable to expect somebody to come at such short notice.
- 要求人家随传随到,太不近人情了吧。
- 17. He's decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worth buying.
- 他已经决定去看一下那所房子,看看是否值得买。
- 18. If you think about it, those children must be at school by now.
- 想想吧,那些孩子现在一定在学校了。
- 19. Another temporary discount may not be what you want, but at least it is a bird in the hand.
- 再一次临时打折可能达不到你所希望的,但至少这是已经到手的东西。
- 20. I don't think I'll be any good at tennis, but I'll give it a try.
- 我不认为我有打网球的特长,但是我会试一试。
- 21. It can be seen that certain groups are more at risk than others.
- 看得出,有的组风险大,有的组风险小。
- 22. It might be worth taking a long hard look at your frustrations and resentments.
- 也许值得对你的挫折感与愤懑做仔细的分析。
- 23. It was decided that our veterinary screening of horses at events should be continued.
- 已经决定,我们对参赛马匹的疾病检查将继续进行。
- 24. Health care must be at the service of all who need it.
- 医疗保健机构必须为所有需要者提供服务。
- 25. It's no trouble at all; on the contrary, it will be a great pleasure to help you.
- 这根本不麻烦。相反,我很乐意帮助你。
- 26. It is a physical impossibility to be in two places at once.
- 同时身处两地在自然法则上是不可能的。
- 27. It would be hypocritical to say I travel at 70 mph simply because that is the law.
- 如果仅仅因为法律规定的时速是70英里我就说自己的行驶时速是70英里,那就太虚伪了。
- 28. If you enrol at a gym that's miles away, you won't be visiting it as often as you should.
- 如果你加入的健身房离这儿很远的话,你就不会像应该地那样经常去了。
- 29. Please be so kind as to see to it that all the alterations are made at once!
- 请注意所有变更必须马上完成!
- 30. We happened to be at the station when it happened.
- 当此事发生时我们碰巧在车站。
- Summer was at its height.
当时正是盛夏时节。 - The tide was at its height.
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BESA British Engineering Standard Association
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