be informed of
- adj. 听说
- 1. You will be informed of any news of our coming to meet you all.
- 你们将被告知任何关于我们来与你们所有人相见的消息。
- 2. OK, that's all for today. You will be informed of the result in a week. Good luck!
- 好,那我们的面试就到这里吧!我们会在一周内通知您面试结果。祝您好运!
- 3. Should a serious crisis arise, the public would have to be informed of what it means.
- 如果出现了紧急事件,应该告诉公众它意味着什么。
- 4. Staff will need to be informed of new procedures and, where necessary, trained in new skills.
- 员工需要知晓新程序,还有如果有必要的话,还要进行新技能培训。
- 5. It was a shocking conclusion and I realised that the world needed to be informed of my findings.
- 这个结论非常惊人,我认为世人有必要对此有所了解。
- 6. When an Editor TAB is dragged, our filter is the first one to be informed of the drag operation.
- 当我们拖动一个编辑器标签时,filter会第一个接收到这种拖动操作。
- 7. For big installations with a low percentage of log outs users need to be informed of the problem.
- 对这些正常注销率低的用户应该告知他们这个问题。
- 8. I would like to see a timely investigation conducted and would like to be informed of the progress.
- 我希望看到你们进行及时的调查并随时告知我事情的进展如何。
- 9. As the project advances you will be informed of the other plans as appropriate to the success of this mission.
- 随着计划进展,你会适时接受到其他保证任务成功进行的其他计划。
- 10. If a juvenile victim is involved, he shall also be informed of that right to apply to legal aid institutions for legal aid.
- 案件涉及未成年被害人的,也应告知被害人可以向法律援助机构申请法律与援助。
- 11. Bosun, you must bring portable extinguishers. Engine room will be informed of standby fire mains in the event of emergency.
- 水手长,你一定带便携式灭火器,以防不测,通知机舱准备大型灭火系统的待命状态。
- 12. If possible the Human Resources department should be informed of the decision at the earliest stage so arrangements can be made.
- 如果可能的话,人力资源部应该最早被告知此决定以便作出安排。
- 13. But you're the man behind the decider who decides what the decider is going to read, to be informed of, to see, who he is to see.
- 但你是在决定人身后的人,你决定了他,要读什么,知道什么,看些什么,见哪些人。
- 14. Patients at increased risk for infection because of obesity should be informed of that risk and counseled about ways to reduce it.
- 对于因肥胖而感染风险增加的患者,应当告知其风险并推荐降低风险的一些方法。
- 15. The working schedule is subject to changes according to the operationneeds, employees should be informed of the changes immediately.
- 排班领班、主管、经理依据部门和酒店的营运需求,若需要调整员工的当值班表,需事先告知当事员工。
- 16. In this case, the serializer responsible for creating the resource expression needs to be informed of the names of the target objects.
- 在这个情况下,需要向负责建立资源运算式的序列化程序通知目标物件的名称。
- 17. Your reserved mark will be put on the Waiting List for auction and you will be informed of the auction date by registered mail in due course.
- 你预留的车牌会列入拍卖名单,等候拍卖,运输署稍后会以挂号信通知你拍卖日期。
- 18. The Party member in question must be informed of a decision regarding any disciplinary measure to be taken and of the facts on which it is based.
- 处分决定所依据的事实材料和处分决定必须同本人见面,听取本人说明情况和申辩。
- 19. The second scenario is a simple extension from the first, requiring the Policy Resolution mediation primitive to be informed of the operation in play.
- 第二种场景只是第一种的简单扩展,只需要告知PolicyResolution中介原语涉及的操作。
- 20. It also calls for detainees, their families and society to be informed of prisoners' rights, as well as law-enforcement standards and procedures.
- 这项计划还呼吁要向在押犯、他们的家属和社会通报犯人的权利以及执法标准和程序。
- 21. When a judgment is pronounced, the litigant must be informed of his right to appeal, of the time limitation, and of the competent appellant court.
- 宣告判决时,必须告知当事人上诉权利、上诉期限和上诉的法院。
- 22. As we'd finish one important part of the process, the phone would ring and we'd be informed of another detail completed so that we could keep going.
- 每当我们正要完成一个重要的部分,电话就会响起,通知我们另一细节已经完成,使我们可继续下去。
- 23. As we'd finish one important part of the process, the phone would ring and we'd be informed of another detail completed so that we could keep going.
- 每当我们正要完成一个重要的部分,电话就会响起,通知我们另一细节已经完成,使我们可继续下去。
- You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time.
在适当的时候将把详情告诉你。 - All those who are immediately involved will be informed of the decision.
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