be left
- v. 被遗弃
- 1. On no account should the house be left unlocked.
- 离开住宅时千万要锁门。
- 2. The empty shell of a snail or clam may be left behind, and if it is sufficiently durable and resistant to dissolution, it may remain basically unchanged for a long period of time.
- 蜗牛或蛤蜊的空壳可能会被留下来,如果足够持久和抗溶解,它可能会在很长一段时间内基本保持不变。
- 3. It can simply be left on the work surface.
- 把它放在操作台面上就行了。
- 4. Trees were to be left uncut, roads unpaved.
- 树木未被修剪,道路未被铺设。
- 5. The data in the cells should be left-justified.
- 存储单元里的数据应该左对齐。
- 6. We're going to be left behind by the rest of the world.
- 我们就要落后于世界的其他地区了。
- 7. The final clause in the contract will be left untouched.
- 合同的最后一项条款将不作改动。
- 8. A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone.
- 神志并非完全清醒的病人必须时刻有人照料。
- 9. Very young children should not be left to play without supervision.
- 不能让幼儿在没人照看的情况下独自玩耍。
- 10. Future generations will be left with a legacy of pollution and destruction.
- 留给子孙后代的将是环境的污染与破坏。
- 11. Minor cuts and scrapes can usually be left uncovered to heal by themselves.
- 小的割伤和擦伤不用覆盖任何东西,会自行愈合。
- 12. She's asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere.
- 她要求别打扰她,但是摄影记者到处都跟着她。
- 13. Don't be left standing, ladies and gents, while a bargain slips past your eyes.
- 别光站着,女士们先生们,价廉的商品就要从你们眼皮底下溜走喽。
- 14. France no longer wants to be left on the sidelines when critical decisions are made.
- 法国再也不想在做出重大决定时被搁置一旁。
- 15. Schools with better reputations will be flooded with applications while poorer schools will be left high and dry.
- 声誉好些的学校将会收到大量申请,而差些的学校则将陷入困境。
- 16. He must never be left an instant unguarded.
- 他必须无时无刻都处在看守之下。
- 17. It wouldn't be safe for him to be left to himself.
- 让他一个人呆着不安全。
- 18. The window must always be left open for them, always, always.
- 窗户必须永远为他们敞开,永远,永远。
- 19. Young children should never be left unattended near a stretch of water.
- 绝不能让幼儿在水边无人看管。
- 20. Every student studied hard in order not to be left behind by other students.
- 为了不落后于其他同学,每个学生都努力学习。
- 21. Everyone finds it necessary to update his knowledge, otherwise he will be left behind the society.
- 每个人都认为有必要更新自己的知识,否则将被社会抛在后面。
- 22. Eventually you develop a scab, and then it would fall off as it healed, and you'd be left with a scar.
- 最终你会结成一个痂,当它愈合的时候,它会脱落,然后你会留下一个伤疤。
- 23. About nine metres of the boat's length was recovered; one end lay beyond the excavation and had to be left.
- 找到了大约九米长的船身,其一端所在的地方超出挖掘范围,必须留在原地。
- 24. Campaigners feel it's strange that children in British schools are penalized because they happen to be left-handed.
- 令活动家们感到奇怪的是,在英国的学校里,孩子们仅因为他们碰巧是左撇子而处于劣势。
- 25. Unlike many past Fed leaders, Yellen is not one to buy into the finance industry's argument that it should be left alone to regulate itself.
- 与诸多美联储前任领导人不同,耶伦并不认同让金融业进行自行管理的观点。
- 26. Not to be left behind are the disease-spreading pests, about 100 species of which have become immune to a variety of insecticides now in use.
- 传播疾病的害虫也不甘落后,其中约有100种对目前使用的各种杀虫剂有了免疫力。
- 27. Heavier isotopes tend to be left behind when water evaporates from the ocean surfaces, the remaining ocean water becomes progressively enriched in oxygen 18.
- 当水从海洋表面蒸发时,往往会留下较重的同位素,所以剩余的海水会逐渐富含氧18这种同位素。
- 28. Similarly, a plant or animal cannot squander all its energy on growing a big body if none would be left over for reproduction, for this is the surest way to extinction.
- 同样,如果一种植物或动物没有留下任何可以繁殖的后代,它就不能把所有的能量浪费在使自己变得更强壮上,因为这是最可能走向灭绝的方式。
- 29. What your association is backing is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenseless with just handguns.
- 你的协会所支持的的项目,允许中上层阶级持有炸弹,而穷人除了手枪则手无寸铁。
- 30. So what your association is backing is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenseless with just handguns.
- 所以你的协会支持的是一个允许中上层阶级持有炸弹,而穷人除了手枪则手无寸铁的项目。
- She's asked to be left alone but the press keep pestering her.
她要求不要打扰她,但报界总是缠著她不放。 - She was getting a bit dotty and could never be left alone.
她越来越见傻,决不可无人照看。 - A railway station is no place for a child to be left alone at night.
火车站可不是让儿童在晚上独自呆的地方。 - He can be left to work on his own.
工作可交给他一个人去做。 - I get the picture you two want to be left alone together.
我现在明白了--你们俩想单独在一起。 - Children should not be left to play without supervision.
孩子玩的时候不能无人照看。 - No, it will not be left for another ten minute.
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