be reluctant to
- 不情愿做某事
- 1. Don't be reluctant to try powered toothbrushes.
- 不要勉强自己使用电动牙刷。
- 2. Many activists may be reluctant to give Mr Bush credit.
- 许多活动家可能不太愿意嘉许布什的功劳。
- 3. If it pays fair value or less, Banks might be reluctant to participate.
- 如果支付公允价值或者更少,那么银行可能不愿参与。
- 4. Many activists may be reluctant to give Mr Bush credit. But handsome is as handsome does.
- 众多的社会活动家也许不情愿承认布什的这一美誉,但是,行动美才是真的美!
- 5. The project needs about $7.5m, and a newly conservative Congress may be reluctant to provide it.
- 该项目需要大约七百五十万美元,新的保守国会不情愿支付这笔费用。
- 6. With jobless Numbers hovering at 9.6 percent people who have jobs seem to be reluctant to take time off.
- 鉴于失业率一直在9.6%上下徘徊,那些有工作的人似乎也不愿意抽空休息。
- 7. While central banks will still be reluctant to raise rates, rising bond yields will force them to do so.
- 尽管央行不愿提高利率,但不断上升的债券收益率会迫使他们提高利率。
- 8. However, when surveys are used for data collection, users may be reluctant to provide accurate responses.
- 然而,当调查被用作数据收集的目的时,用户可能不太情愿作出准确的回应。
- 9. Of course, you may be reluctant to call upon a friend for help because you don’t want to admit you need it.
- 当然你可能会为向朋友寻求帮助而感到难为情,因为你不想承认你需要帮助。
- 10. Banks may still be reluctant to make loans, but debt and equity markets have regained a hearty appetite for risk.
- 虽然各银行仍不愿意提供贷款,但在债券股票市场,冒险的想法已经再次抬头。
- 11. Saxena added that Indians would be reluctant to pay for a group dating site when they can use Facebook for free.
- Saxena补充说,有免费的Facebook在前,印度人可能不会愿意付钱去进行集体约会。
- 12. I suppose even if there were women's health clinics in smaller towns, maybe women would be reluctant to go to them.
- 我想即便小城镇有女性健康诊所,她们也许也不乐意去那里。
- 13. Following Afghan tradition, local commanders are building independent fiefs that they will be reluctant to relinquish.
- 按照阿富汗的传统,当地的指挥官都愿意自立王国。
- 14. She says it’s a lot of work to reunite the children with families and communities that may be reluctant to welcome them back.
- 她说,需要做很多工作才能帮助孩子们重新回到可能不欢迎他们的家庭和社区。
- 15. Crime victims and witnesses are likely to be reluctant to come forward if they fear that they may be deported for their pains.
- 犯罪受害者和目击者可能会因为最后仍会被驱逐出境而不愿出来指正。
- 16. Barack Obama will work with Congress to devise a fairer set of rules, but he will be reluctant to free those who openly threaten Americans.
- 奥巴马将和国会一起制定一个更公平的处置规则,但是他也不愿意释放那些公开威胁美国人民的人。
- 17. It information security professionals in the medical industry appear to be reluctant to deploy document authentication and encryption for users.
- 似乎医疗产业的IT信息安全专家们很不情愿为用户提供文档认证和加密功能。
- 18. Had passed the lunch hour for a long time, we had no alternative but to be reluctant to leave this ordinary but also unordinary small house.
- 早过了午饭时间,只得依依离开这寻常而非寻常的小屋。
- 19. Similarly, they should not engage in any behavior privately that they would be reluctant to do publicly (i.e., in front of their romantic partners).
- 同样地,他们也不应该私下做一些在公开场合不愿意做的事情(在他们的恋人面前)。
- 20. This will adversely affect the power supplies market, as users will be reluctant to pay for the engineering cost involved in designing power supplies.
- 这反过来将影响电源市场,因为用户将不愿意支付设计电源的工程成本。
- 21. Tourists may be reluctant to journey farther out to a place that lacks the charm of its predecessor, and the move risks undermining the Tsukiji brand.
- 观光客可能很愿意去参观一个早已失去往昔魅力的遗址,而且搬迁也将导致筑地鱼市的品牌被低估的风险。
- 22. European negotiators knew the us would be reluctant to embrace Kyoto, but they hoped they would be able to use it as a foundation for a new agreement.
- 欧洲谈判代表知道美国不愿意接受《京都协议书》,但他们希望美国能以它作为新协议的基础。
- 23. But one risk is that with economic growth and corporate profits faltering, Banks may be reluctant to increase their lending for fear of future bad loans.
- 但存在一个风险,即随着经济的增长和企业利润的停滞不前,银行方面或许会出于对出现坏账的担忧而不愿提高贷款额度。
- 24. If the maximum value can be derived by starting a new story and carrying it over to the next sprint then the team should not be reluctant to take this path.
- 如果把新故事带到下一个sprint里面去可以获得最大价值,那团队就不该有什么犹疑了。
- 25. For example, you might be reluctant to close because you're afraid that your customer might feel "buyer's remorse" and stop liking you -- a form of rejection.
- 比如说,你可能尽量避免与客户形成太亲密的关系,因为有的客户买下你所推销的东西之后又后悔自己的购买行为,并将这种情绪归罪于你,这也是一种形式的拒绝。
- 26. He may be reluctant to do this for fear of hurting you even more, but concealing the details will leave questions unanswered and that will prevent you moving on.
- 他可能不大愿意告诉你,怕你受到更大的伤害,但是,隐藏细节,有些问题将得不到解决,这也会让你很难继续向前。
- 27. He may be reluctant to do this for fear of hurting you even more, but concealing the details will leave questions unanswered and that will prevent you moving on.
- 他可能不大愿意告诉你,怕你受到更大的伤害,但是,隐藏细节,有些问题将得不到解决,这也会让你很难继续向前。
- I was reluctant to do over the stitching in the dress.
我不愿意把衣服上的线脚拆了重缝。 - The tanner is said to be reluctant to quote firm price because of a rising and uncertain raw material market.
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