bend forward
- 前倾
- 1. Next, bend forward and try to reach your toes with both hands.
- 接下来,弯曲身体,双手够脚趾。
- 2. Exhale and bend forward from the hip joints, not from the waist.
- 呼气并从髋关节处开始向前折叠身体,不要从腰部开始。
- 3. To bend forward and down from the waist or the middle of the back.
- 从腰部或背部中部向前向下弯曲。
- 4. The seat structure allows it to bend forward when a child is thrown against it.
- 当一个孩子反方向抛出时座椅结构将会向前弯曲。
- 5. Bend forward from your hips and stretch your arms toward your feet. Try to touch your toes.
- 由大腿部向前弯曲,手臂向脚伸展,努力触及脚趾。
- 6. During the spasms, children will suddenly bend forward and stiffen their arms and legs.
- 在筋挛时,儿童会突然卷曲向前,且手臂与脚僵硬。
- 7. Starting with neck, exhale and bend forward one segment at a time until reaching tail bone.
- 从颈部开始,呼气并且恶向前弯曲,逐节弯曲身体,直到触及尾骨。
- 8. Thee following classmates laughed their heads off bend forward, and some even laugh tears started to flow down.
- 下面的同学笑得前俯后仰,有的甚至笑的眼泪都流下来了。 。
- 9. Bend forward slightly at the hip, keeping your back straight, until you feel a slight stretch in your hamstrings.
- 保持背部平直慢慢俯身,直到感觉腿筋拉紧。
- 10. You can bend forward from the hips or, if you're really into it, bend at the knees too and really "sink" out of the way.
- 你也可以通过弯腰或跪地来“躲避”你想像的东西。
- 11. From a standing position, bend forward from the waist with your knees slightly bent, letting your arms dangle close to the floor.
- 从站立位置开始,弯腰,让手臂垂下,膝盖微微弯曲,让手臂接近地面位置。
- 12. Then father seriously said to me: "you slide the legs and waist will bend, knee bend forward, the body into a 45 degree Angle with the ground."
- 这时爸爸严肃的对我说: :“你滑的时候腿和腰要弯曲,膝盖向前弯曲,身体与地面成45度角。
- 13. As you begin to bend forward, the spine moves while the pelvis and sacrum tend to remain behind, especially on the side with the knee drawn back.
- 当你上体前屈时,脊椎向前移动,但骨盆和骶骨却要保持在原处,特别是屈膝的一侧。
- 14. Stand with knees bent slightly, feet at hip distance apart, toes forward. Knees should be directly over toes. Bend forward so upper body is parallel to floor.
- 膝关节微屈站立,双脚与髋同宽,脚尖向前。膝关节在脚尖正上方。身体前弯与地面平行。
- 15. Both Baddha Konasana and Upavistha Konasana unlock the sacroiliac joint and potentially strain the transverse ligaments of the sacrum, particularly if you bend forward.
- 束角式和坐角式,同样会打开骶髂关节之“锁”,前屈时也向骶骨周围的横向韧带增加了潜在压力。
- 16. The idea is you gather in a tight circle, throw snowballs straight up and bend forward. Almost everybody gets hit, but since nobody knows by whom, there is no anger or retaliation.
- 大家围成一个紧密的圆圈,先向上投掷雪球然后弯下身子,差不多每个人都被雪球击中了,但是没有人知道自己是被谁投出的雪球击中的,所以既没有恼怒也无法报复。
- 17. Walking brought along the lumbar vertebra to bend forward and rotate with the movement of right and left lower limbs. The main force to finish this movement came mainly from musculus psoas major.
- 步行带动腰椎向前弯曲并随左右下肢运动而旋转、侧弯,其主要作用力来自腰大肌。
- 18. Round a bend in the canal came plodding a solitary horse, stooping forward as if in anxious thought.
- 在水渠的一个拐弯处,一匹孤独的马拖着沉重的步子走过来,它向前弯着腰,仿佛心事很重。
- 19. Wear fitted clothes - a loose T-shirt might end up over your head when you're in a forward bend.
- 穿着合适的衣服,一个过于宽松的T恤也许会在你前倾的时候遮住你的头。
- 20. I walk forward slowly, bend toward him, speak softly.
- 我慢慢地走向他,弯下腰,轻轻地说。
- 21. He would probably have replied that saying “take three steps forward” or “bend backward” would be the height of absurdity.
- 他很有可能会说,“向前迈三步”或“往后弯腰”是个技术难关。
- 22. On the inhale bend your left knee as you bring your arms forward and raise them overhead, fingers interlocked, palms facing up, and upper back arched slightly.
- 吸气时曲左膝,同时双臂向前高举过头,交叉十指,掌心向上,上背部微微拱起。
- 23. The device created is based on the idea that "time's arrow, " pointing forward, cannot bend over backwards to undo events that have already occurred.
- 这个装置是基于单向的“时间线”制造的,即过去已经发生的事不能消除。
- 24. Swan dive into a standing forward bend, exhaling through your nose and placing your hands on your legs as close to your feet as you can.
- 通过燕式跳水动作向前弯曲身体,同时用鼻子呼气,双手尽量触摸脚。
- 25. The paper puts forward a sort of pressure sensor made of stretch film piece and slightly bend concoct construct, which USES OTDR distributing optical fiber pressure sensor.
- 文章提出了一种用弹膜片和微弯调制机构进行压力传感,用光时域反射探测(OTDR)技术进行测量的分布式光纤压力传感方法。
- 26. Continue, keeping your hands and elbows held straight out firmly, and with no bend, fingers pointing straight forward, chin pulled slightly in, and spine straight.
- 继续,保持你的双手和两个肘关节稳稳地向前伸展没有丝毫弯曲,手指笔直地指向前方,微微收敛下巴,脊柱挺直。
- 27. Continue, keeping your hands and elbows held straight out firmly, and with no bend, fingers pointing straight forward, chin pulled slightly in, and spine straight.
- 继续,保持你的双手和两个肘关节稳稳地向前伸展没有丝毫弯曲,手指笔直地指向前方,微微收敛下巴,脊柱挺直。
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