- int. 好啊!
- n. 叫好声
- 1. Jo will use her winnings as spending money on her holiday to the Costa Brava.
- 乔将把她赢的钱作为去布拉沃海岸度假时用的零花钱。
- 2. Next group, ladies, brava.
- 下一组,女士们。不错啊。
- 3. They 're following a well - trodden path by buying a luxury hideaway on the costa brava in Spain.
- 他们像别人一样在西班牙布拉巴海岸买了一处豪华的幽居。
- 4. Many surfers7 hold Salsa Brava to be one of the top five destinations for the sport in the world.
- 许多冲浪手认为莎莎·布拉瓦海滩是世界上最适合冲浪的五大地点之一。
- 5. The polar bear that guards them, however, means only one thing: Salvador Dalí's home in Costa Brava.
- 然而,保卫它们的北极熊(白熊)只意味着一件事情:布拉瓦海岸的萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dalí)的家。
- 6. This means that temperatures at villas in this region may be even more beautiful than those of Costa Brava villas.
- 这意味着,在这一地区的别墅温度甚至可能超过布拉瓦海岸别墅的美好。
- 7. They include Costa Brava villas which are located in the north eastern area of the country in the Catalonia region.
- 它们包括布拉瓦海岸,以期在该国北部东部地区位于加泰罗尼亚地区的别墅。
- 8. Calellade Palafrugell is one of several fishing villages turned resort onCatalonia’s Costa Brava, which means “rugged coast.”Many
- 卡莱利亚德帕拉弗鲁赫尔是加泰罗尼亚的科斯塔斯社布拉瓦海岸转变为放假胜地的几个渔村之一,意思是“高低不平的海岸”。
- 9. If you are interested in staying in villas in Spain other than Costa Brava villas, you may want to look at the Costa Blanca region.
- 如果你在西班牙布拉瓦海岸的别墅比其他别墅住感兴趣,您可能想看看科斯塔·布兰卡地区。
- 10. There are several reasons why la fiesta brava, the Spanish bullfight, has been called a sport in the English speaking countries of the world.
- 在世界讲英语的国家中,西班牙的斗牛被称作是一种运动,其原因有以下几点。 收藏。
- 11. As of 16 November 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported 16 744 suspected cases of dengue in five islands: Brava, Fogo, Maio, Sal and Santiago.
- 截至2009年11月16日,该国卫生部报告了其五个岛屿——布拉瓦岛、福古岛、马尤岛、萨鸟岛和圣地亚哥岛上发生的16 744例登革热疑似病例。
- 12. Unlike Costa Brava villas, Ralph lauren hoodies, if you stay in the Costa Blanca region you will be staying along the same coastline but further south.
- 与布拉瓦海岸别墅,拉尔夫·劳伦帽衫,如果你留在哥斯达黎加布兰卡地区你将遵循同样的海岸线,但再往南住。
- 13. November 2009 - as of 16 November 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported 16 744 suspected cases of dengue in five islands: Brava, Fogo, Maio, Sal and Santiago.
- 2009年11月18日-截至2009年11月16日,该国卫生部报告了其五个岛屿——布拉瓦岛、福古岛、马尤岛、萨鸟岛和圣地亚哥岛上发生的16 744例登革热疑似病例。
- 14. As of 28 October 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported 3 367 suspected cases of viral diseases of unknown etiology in 4 islands: Brava, Fogo, Maio, and Santiago.
- 截至2009年10月28日,该国卫生部报告了其4个岛屿:布拉瓦岛、福古岛、马尤岛和圣地亚哥岛上发生的3367例病因不明的病毒病疑似病例。这是首次报告的佛得角登革热疫情。
- 15. Spain's worst drought in 60 years, which has already decimated crops and provoked deadly forest fires, is beginning to affect tourists on the crowded Costa Brava beaches.
- 目前,西班牙正经历着60年来最严重的干旱。这不仅造成大面积农作物死亡、引发严重的森林火灾,也使许多著名旅游胜地的游客数量开始大量下降。
- 16. October 2009 - as of 28 October 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported 3 367 suspected cases of viral diseases of unknown etiology in 4 islands: Brava, Fogo, Maio, and Santiago.
- 2009年10月30日-截至2009年10月28日,该国卫生部报告了其4个岛屿:布拉瓦岛、福古岛、马尤岛和圣地亚哥岛上发生的3367例病因不明的病毒病疑似病例。这是首次报告的佛得角登革热疫情。
- 17. October 2009 - as of 28 October 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported 3 367 suspected cases of viral diseases of unknown etiology in 4 islands: Brava, Fogo, Maio, and Santiago.
- 2009年10月30日-截至2009年10月28日,该国卫生部报告了其4个岛屿:布拉瓦岛、福古岛、马尤岛和圣地亚哥岛上发生的3367例病因不明的病毒病疑似病例。这是首次报告的佛得角登革热疫情。
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