brief comment
- 简短的评论
- 1. The author finally makes a brief comment.
- 最后,对凯尔逊的思想进行了简短的评述。
- 2. A brief comment on the methods of prediction is given.
- 本文简评了失败和成功的预测方法。
- 3. The second part is a brief comment on harmonic limit standards.
- 第二部分简要评介谐波限制标准。
- 4. In chapter 6, I give some brief comment on real business cycle theory.
- 第六章,本文对实际商业周期理论作了个简短的述评。
- 5. Nowhere is this inherent ambiguity clearer than in a brief comment in a newspaper article.
- 一篇报刊文章里的简评最能清楚地让我们看到这种固有歧义的存在。
- 6. Then click Notify other users and fill in the form with the recipient's name and a brief comment.
- 然后单击通知其他用户并在表单中添加接收者的昵称和一段简要评论。
- 7. This article will summarize those currently representative opinions and make a brief comment.
- 文章就目前较具代表性的观点进行了综述归纳,并作了简要评价。
- 8. The fourth chapter introduce the rule of corroboration of our country and give a brief comment.
- 第四章对我国的证据补强规则的现状及其完善进行论述。
- 9. Finally, a brief comment of the policy was made and both its positive and passive aspects were pointed out.
- 最后,对《老子》的“守弱”策略进行了简要评述,指出了其积极意义与不足。
- 10. The paper makes a brief comment on the arrangement of "Duo Ruo(meaning pronounced as)" in Text Notes and Word Explanations.
- 对《说文解字》所用“读若”的体例进行简要评述;
- 11. This paper introduces the background and the progress of development practice and research of ERMS, and gives a brief comment.
- 本文介绍了ERMS的产生背景、开发实践、产品和研究现状,并进行了简要的评论。
- 12. We are going to publish the scores after every 5 contestants. Besides, the judges will give a brief comment on every contestant.
- 我们将在每五位选手的展示过后依次宣布这五位选手的最后得分,并请评委老师进行简要点评。
- 13. In conclusion part , the author contacts the contract law theory and practice in China , makes a brief comment on the breach system.
- 在结束语部分,联系中国的合同法理论与实践,对我国采纳根本违约制度进行了简要的评述。
- 14. The article analyses the cognate words involved in "Shi" part of Shuowenjiezi in detail, with a brief comment on the success and failure of it.
- 本文具体分析该书《示部》说解所涉及的同源词,并略评其得失。
- 15. At last, this paper brings out a brief comment on the British social welfare for disabled people, and puts forward some advices for our country.
- 最后,本文对英国残疾人社会福利进行一个简要的评价,并且提出英国残疾人社会福利制度对我国的启示。
- 16. It is good programming practice to begin all procedures with a brief comment describing the functional characteristics of the procedure (what it does).
- 以简短注解做为所有程序开头是良好的程序设计作法,此注解会描述程序的基本特性(作用为何)。
- 17. Microsoft's top spokesman, Frank Shaw, offered only a brief comment for this story and otherwise declined to make Microsoft's senior executives available.
- 微软的首席发言人FrankShaw仅对此事发表了简短的评论,并拒绝让任何微软高管接受采访。
- 18. Due to the functionalism is formed under the influence of James' pragmatic psychology, thus this paper gives a brief comment on his pragmatic psychology.
- 而机能主义心理学却是在詹姆斯实用主义心理学思想的影响下形成的。本文就詹姆斯的实用主义心理学思想做简要述评。
- 19. Neither has directly addressed the current status of their relationship, but Stewart recently made a brief comment about it at the Toronto Film Festival.
- 两人都错误目前的感情状态做出任何回应,然而斯图尔特在最近的多伦多电影节上有一段简短的发言。
- 20. With examples from both English and Chinese, the paper makes a brief comment on the seven types of meaning proposed by Geoffrey Leech, a British linguist.
- 本文结合英语和汉语的实例,对英国语言学家利奇提出的词语意义的七种类型做了简要的评述。
- 21. In this article, 4 methods of measurement on cytokine are given and respectively a brief comment is made on the ba-sis of its methodology and application.
- 本文介绍了4种细胞因子的检测方法,并从方法学和应用角度给出了简要评价。
- 22. This paper explores the reasons why it could become the authority of Han Buddhist logic, and makes a brief comment on its theoretical contribution and mistakes.
- 本文论述了该书之所以能成为汉传佛教逻辑权威著作的原因,并对其主要的理论贡献和失误作了钩玄提要。
- 23. This article makes a brief comment on the history of forest fertilization research, trend of its applications in forestry production, and some related problems.
- 本文对林木施肥研究历史、生产应用趋势和有关问题作了扼要评述。
- 24. This article listed the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages and resources of the different editions of "Chou Chi Sketch" and made a brief comment on them.
- 本文列举《仇池笔记》各版本特点、优劣及传承源流,并作了简要评述。
- 25. This paper explains the nature, source, classification and defense mechanism of anxiety from classical psychoanalysis and new psychoanalysis, and makes a brief comment about them.
- 对古典精神分析和新精神分析关于焦虑的实质、产生根源、分类及防御机制等理论作了阐述,并对其理论作了简要评价。
- 26. Th is paper deals with the background, basic ideas, basic processes and technology of SFBT as well as its application. Meanwhile, it gave a brief comment on the modes of the therapy.
- 本文阐述了SFBT的产生背景、基本理念、基本流程与技术及其应用价值,并对这种新兴的心理治疗模式作了简要的评述。
- 27. In this paper, the brief comment on the book "laser surveying" is offered, which had been published by Science Publishing House on August 1998. This book is recommend to many readers.
- 本文对1998年8月由科学出版社出版的《激光测量》一书,作了简要的评论,并向读者推荐此书。
- 28. This articlemade a brief comment on control of endogenous hormones on the seeds of trees dormancy, germination; crown shape, shoot growing and flower bud formation, six differentiation.
- 本文主要介绍了植物内源激素对树木种子休眠、萌发、冠型、枝梢生长以及花芽分化、花芽性分化的调控作用。
- 29. After a brief comment on the advantages and disadvantages of each theory, the authors come up with plans for improving the experiments and Suggestions for theoretical expansion accordingly.
- 在对各个理论的优势和不足做了简要的评价后,启示和思考的部分提出了改善实验的概括性方案,同时对理论的扩展提出了相应的建议。
- 30. The paper concludes with a brief comment on three themes that should be made central to theorizing the production of the urban habitat, the rise of civil society, and the question of power.
- 本文对三个应该作为理论建设的中心问题进行了简要评论:城市人居环境的产生,公民社会的兴起,以及权力问题。
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