bring through
- 治愈; 挽救; (使)渡过困难; (使)脱险
bring into safety;
"We pulled through most of the victims of the bomb attack"
- 1. The kitchen door opened behind them; Fleur was trying to bring through more empty goblets.
- 厨房的门开了,芙蓉端着更多的空酒杯要进来。
- 2. For soul is unique and has a unique expression to bring through each and every ascending human.
- 因为灵魂是独一无二的,并通过每个提升人类有一个独特的表达。
- 3. It has benefits like because when you bring through young players, they develop a spirit together.
- 这是有好处的,因为当你培养年轻球员,他们一起提高了精神力。
- 4. I still think he'll bring through the youngsters if they're good enough, so I don't think it would affect Arsene Wenger.
- 我依然认为他将会培养年轻小将,如果他们足够优秀的话,所以我认为这不会影响到阿瑟·温格。
- 5. I don't identify with the priests yet I honor them for they bring through what they were taught and what they feel is the right thing.
- 我不认为与牧师有关系,然而我尊敬他们,因为他们通过他们的教导带来和带来他们感觉正确的事物。
- 6. You can bring through pies and cakes, though cranberry sauce, jams, gravy, and other liquid or jellied foods are restricted to 3.4 ounces.
- 你可以携带派或蛋糕,但酸梅酱、果酱、卤肉和其他液体的或凝胶状食物还是要遵从3.4盎司的限制的。
- 7. You can bring your binoculars or the telescope thing where you look through.
- 你可以把你的双筒望远镜或望远镜之类的东西带到你能看到的地方。
- 8. Participation grows through friends and networks and if "you realize that's how they're growing, you can start to take action" and bring in other students, he said.
- 他说,学生参与度的提高是通过朋友和网络宣传,并且如果“你意识到他们就是这样成长的,你就可以开始采取行动了”,还会带着其他学生一起参与。
- 9. Edmund Spenser in The Faerie Queene does not bring Sir Guyon with his palmer through the cave of Mammon.
- 在《仙后》中,埃蒙德·斯潘塞并没有让盖恩爵士带着他的朝圣者穿越贪婪之神的洞穴。
- 10. Managers usually love people who can self-sustain and enable growth through taking initiative, who are strong at following through their work, and who bring ideas and solutions to the table.
- 经理们通常喜欢那些能够自持并且主动成长的人,那些善于跟进工作的人,以及能提出想法和解决方案的人。
- 11. Her illness was serious but the doctors managed to bring her through.
- 她病情严重,医生好不容易使她转危为安。
- 12. Bring the data to the business logic, which can be achieved through caching and affinity routing.
- 使数据向业务逻辑进行移动,这可以通过缓存和关联路由来实现。
- 13. If we will take Him at His word, he will guide us through the course of life and bring us across the finish line safely.
- 如果我们都按照上帝的指示去做,上帝将引领我们通过生命的进程,并带我们安全的抵达彼岸。
- 14. For instance, if you are a musician you could set a goal to bring pleasure to a lot of people through your creativity.
- 例如,如果你是一个音乐家,你就可以把通过自己的创造给他人带来快乐为目标。
- 15. Increasingly, the people admitted through its managed-migration programme bring skills that are in short supply in Australia.
- 通过管理迁移项目引入澳洲的人数不断增长,他们带来了当地紧缺的技术。
- 16. Bring the wide end up and through the front of the loop, pulling it down and to the right. The seam should now be facing out.
- 把宽端提起穿过圈,然后向下拉到右边。宽端的缝现在应该面朝外。
- 17. Why is it that we're never observing this, for example, why is it the table doesn't diffract as we bring it through the door?
- 那么为什么我们,从来观察不到它呢,举个例子,搬动一个桌子穿过门,它为什么不衍射呢?
- 18. Once the door to social consciousness is opened, bring the spirit of your company through it to affect change.
- 一旦通往到社会意识之门打开,将企业精神贯穿于其间,改变就成为现实!
- 19. Buying spices from a bulk bin, for example, can greatly reduce the amount of packaging we bring home and eventually through out.
- 例如,购买散粒储存箱里的香料可以大大的减少我们带回家最终扔掉的包装。
- 20. Reach through the loops and grab the short end, bring it towards yourself.
- 将较短的一段穿过圆环,并且朝向自己。
- 21. Bring the wide end up and through the front of the loop, pulling it down and to the right.
- 把宽端提起穿过圈,然后向下拉到右边。
- 22. Bring the wide end behind the knot and up through the loop.
- 让宽端从结后面穿过圈。
- 23. In addition, you can define XML documents inline (directly in the XProc document) or bring in documents through an external URI.
- 另外,还可以(直接在Xproc文档中)定义XML文档内联或者通过外部uri导入文档。
- 24. My first choice was My player, the mode that has you craft a player and bring him up through the ranks to hopefully earn a spot on a real NBA squad.
- 我的第一选择是“MyPlayer”模式在此模式下你可以创建一个球员,把他带到队伍中去,以获得真正的NBA席位。
- 25. This fall, the startup company Tivorsan Pharmaceuticals licensed rights from Brown to the key protein, biglycan, hoping to bring the potential therapy through clinical trials.
- 今年秋天,新兴的生物制药公司Tivorsan已经从布朗大学得到了这种关键蛋白biglycan的生产许可权,希望能将这种潜在的新疗法带入临床试验阶段。
- 26. processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers.
- 许多其他的商业企业,从珠宝商到杂志出版商,从天然气和电气设备到牛奶处理机,都通过电脑的使用给消费者带来了越来越好、越来越有效的服务。
- 27. Now, bring the energy down your body, through your feet and into the Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet.
- 现在,把能量带入到你的身体中,通过你的脚底,进入你脚底之下的地球之心脉轮。
- 28. Now, bring the energy down your body, through your feet and into the Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet.
- 现在,把能量带入到你的身体中,通过你的脚底,进入你脚底之下的地球之心脉轮。
- Technology may bring breakthroughs to many currently incurable diseases.
科技能给现在无法治愈的疾痛带来突破。 - For example, a medical breakthrough can cure thousands, and a new product can bring convenience to many.
例如,医学上的突破能够治愈数千人,一项新产品能为很多人带来便利。 - Through communication of ideas, we can save this project.
通过交流想法,我们可以挽救这个项目。 - He was very ill but good doctors and careful nursing brought him through.
他的病情很重,不过高明的医生和细心的护理挽救了他。 - His courage will carry him through the difficulties.
他的勇气将帮他渡过困难。 - He hoped to hold the family together through the difficult period.
他希望维系家人团结,渡过困难时期。 - She was luck to come through the war.
她很幸运在战争中脱险了。 - It's a wonder that the child came through without a scratch.
- save 救
- carry through 完成
- pull through (使)脱离危险...
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