bury the hatchet
- v. 休战;埋掉战斧;和解;讲和;妥协
- 1. It is time to bury the hatchet and forget about what has happened in the past.
- 是言归于好并忘记过去发生的事的时候了。
- 2. Let us bury the hatchet.
- 让我们和解吧。
- 3. To bury the hatchet means to create peace.
- 埋了斧头“意味着创建和平。”
- 4. Call up an enemy today and bury the hatchet.
- 今天就给你的对头打电话言归于好吧。
- 5. All right. Let's bury the hatchet and be friends.
- 好了,让我们捐弃前嫌,成为朋友。
- 6. Americans debate whether a “grand bargain” might bury the hatchet.
- 美国人正为是否一笔“大买卖”能平息战乱而争论不休。
- 7. Leading tech competitors bury the hatchet to improve energy efficiency.
- 为了提升能源利用率,技术领先的几家竞争对手冰释前嫌。
- 8. I suggest you find a way to bury the hatchet with Michael Scofield's woman.
- 我想你一定能找到个方法,跟迈克·思科菲尔德的女人化干戈为玉帛的。
- 9. The winner is starting to lose so he came to the East ready to bury the hatchet.
- 赢家开始要输了,所以他来到东方准备埋葬斧头。
- 10. It also allows us to forgive and forget, bury the hatchet, and roll with the punches.
- 健忘让我们宽恕和遗忘,捐弃前嫌,大事化小。
- 11. After not speaking to each other for years, the two brothers decided to bury the hatchet.
- 这两兄弟有好几年不理对方了,如今他们决定和解。
- 12. If India and Pakistan ever managed to bury the hatchet, the two nations could even become friendly neighbours.
- 如果印度和巴基斯坦曾努力言归于好,两国可能已经成为友好的邻居。
- 13. The brothers' decision to bury the hatchet comes two weeks after India's Supreme Court ruled in Mukesh's favor in a dispute over gas pricing.
- 在印度最高法院判决穆凯什在天然气定价纠纷案中获胜后两周,兄弟俩决定冰释前嫌。
- 14. You will have the opportunity to bury the hatchet with an emotionally threatening person who has generally made relationships difficult in recent weeks.
- 你将有机会和某个在情绪上对你有威胁的人和解,这个人可能在最近几周把你们之间的关系搞僵了。
- 15. If you've been spending time debating a subject with your partner that you don't see eye to eye about, you will find you can bury the hatchet and move on.
- 如果你已经花时间和对方一起讨论,你看不到眼眼有关的主题,你会发现你可以捐弃前嫌,继续前进。
- 16. When his nemesis Wynn invited him to dinner recently to bury the hatchet, Wynn says Adelson refused, recalling that Wynn had once referred to him as Mr. Magoo.
- 最近,他的敌人温恩邀请他参加一起吃饭,化解彼此恩怨,他拒绝了。 原因是温恩曾经有一次把他叫做“脱线先生”(译注:脑子不好使的意思)。
- 17. You may need to continue discussing and even debating - but you do it in a spirit of harmony. Reconciliation means you bury the hatchet, not necessarily the issue.
- 你可能需要继续讨论甚至争论,但是你做这些本着和谐的精神。
- 18. Today, however, after six decades apart, the present day bosses are to bury the hatchet in a highly symbolic display of reconciliation, shaking hands as part of a pioneering peace initiative.
- 现在六十年过去了,如今双方的老板就要摈弃前嫌,握手言和。 作为力争和解的开拓之举,这是很有象征性意义的。
- 19. As for whether India and China can bury the hatchet over the border: that depends as much on China's understanding of its internal threats as on its robust, sometimes rabid, southern neighbour.
- 至于印度和中国是否真能尽释前嫌:这既取决于中国对其内部威胁的认知,也取决于其坚定但有时狂热的南部邻国。
- 20. As for whether India and China can bury the hatchet over the border: that depends as much on China's understanding of its internal threats as on its robust, sometimes rabid, southern neighbour.
- 至于印度和中国是否真能尽释前嫌:这既取决于中国对其内部威胁的认知,也取决于其坚定但有时狂热的南部邻国。
- A truce should be made in the interval.
在接着的一个时期中,双方实行休战。 - The two countries decided to finally bury the hatchet.
两国决定休战。 - The separated couple was irreconcilable.
那对分居的夫妻不可能和解。 - Finally they came to terms with the enemy.
最后,他们跟敌方达成和解。 - They compromised with him on the issue.
他们在这一问题上与他达成妥协。 - The captain submitted to his mutinous crew.
用作动词 (v.)
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