bus bar
- n. 汇流条
名词 busbar:
an electrical conductor that makes a common connection between several circuits
- 1. The connection of bus bar USES soldering mode.
- 汇流带的连接采用焊接方式。
- 2. The cable wire lug end is then connected to the bus bar.
- 而后将电缆线接线头端部连接到母线上。
- 3. A bus bar voltage dip during motor starting, shall not exceed 10%.
- 电动机起动时的母线电压降不得超过10%。
- 4. Probe may be taken bus bar, is intended to facilitate access to bus stops.
- 探头可能是摄公交车吧,是为了方便公交车进出站。
- 5. The bus bar is one of the important components in phased array radar antenna.
- 汇流条是相控阵雷达天线中的重要组件。
- 6. It offers a new method to calculate the balance of the vertical enclosed bus bar.
- 这为垂直布置封闭母线的热平衡计算提供了一种新的算法。
- 7. Bus Bar's current grade, specification of bus bar, heat stability are as follows.
- 母线的电流等级,导电排规格,动热稳定性能见下表。
- 8. The shield is slipped down over the bus bar conduit tube to expose the bus bar end connector.
- 护罩在母线导管上向下滑动,以露出母线端部连接器。
- 9. The cover shield is then slipped up to cover the bus bar end connector and attached cable wire.
- 然后将护罩向上滑动,以盖住母线端部连接器和连接的电缆线。
- 10. For high quality cutting process, large-area milling machine for cast aluminum bus bar was designed.
- 为适应高质量的切削加工要求设计铸铝母线专用大面铣床。
- 11. The method has good effort in application, and the insulation of the bus bar has been greatly improved.
- 该方法经实际应用效果良好,母线绝缘值有很大提高,提出了从根本上解决封闭母线绝缘低的处理对策。
- 12. The bottom of the front door and the cabinet has wide parallel to the direction of the copper bus bar grounding.
- 前门下方设有与柜宽方向平行的接地铜母线。
- 13. CMC3 series socket dense insulated bus bar groove is a new kind of equipment supplying and distributing electricity.
- CMC3系列插接式密集绝缘母线槽是一种新型的供、配电设备。
- 14. In laboratory 100% pulse noise propagating from outside to generator direction along the bus bar are recognized accurately.
- 实验室中识别沿母线向发电机方向传播的脉冲干扰的正确率达到了100%。
- 15. This paper introduces a new manufacturing technology of bus bar, and compares it with the traditional manufacturing technology.
- 文中介绍了汇流条的一种新型工艺制造方法,并与传统汇流条制造工艺作了比较。
- 16. A sealed covering for exposed portions of electrical wires (55) at an end of a protective tube (51), which houses a bus bar (52).
- 一种密封覆盖物,用于在保护管(51)的一端的电线(55)的露出部分,该保护管(51)装有母线(52)。
- 17. By simplifying the geometry model of the copper bus bar continuous extrusion process, based on a new metal forming simulation package, MSC.
- 对铜母线连续挤压过程的几何模型进行简化,基于MSC。
- 18. The connecting cable from the MRG star plate in the control room to other equipment local bus bar is equal to 25 Square millimeters or larger?
- 控制室的主参考铜排和其他设备汇流排间的连接电缆使用25平方毫米电缆或者更大?
- 19. It has been shown that the quality plates formed by tackless formation is strongly linked to the con- tact resistance between the plates and conducting bus bar.
- 叙述了不焊接化成工艺极板质量的不一致性,其产生的主要原因就化成工艺来说是极板与导电母条的接触电阻的不一致。
- 20. Secondly several kinds of more existing on-the-spot buses, consider the bus bar protects the demand of the transfer rate, select Ethernet for use as the medium.
- 其次比较现有的几种现场总线,考虑到母线保护传输速率的要求,选用以太网为介质。
- 21. In practical projects, while an asynchronous motor starting, the drop of voltage on the bus bar must be within the limits which is stipulated by the national standard.
- 在工程实际中,电动机起动时引起的母线电压下降不能超过规定值。
- 22. The flue gas exits each unit through the two boiler's ID fans and flows through existing flue work and the bus bar to the new flue work constructed for the FGD system.
- 每台机组烟气都是通过锅炉引风机流入烟道支管和母管,然后再进入为脱硫岛提供的烟道。
- 23. The utility model which is provided with slot-shaped bus bar contact faces has the advantages of low labor intensity, high processing speed, high machining precision, etc.
- 槽型母线接触面,具有减少劳动强度,加工速度快,加工精度高等优点。
- 24. In this paper the local co-ordinate method was used for calculating the three dimensional distribution of the magnetic field in a cell by bus bar with rectangular cross-section.
- 本文采用局部坐标法计算矩形截面大电流母线在电解槽中产生的三维磁场。
- 25. Bus bar power plant and important component of transformer substation, dependability that bus bar work influence power plant and dependability that transformer substation work directly.
- 母线是发电厂和变电所的重要组成部分,母线工作的可靠性将直接影响发电厂和变电所工作的可靠性。
- 26. The ways of cancelling over voltage are setting up deceleration time, consumption of energy, feedback electric network brake and Shared direct current bus bar soaking regenerated energy.
- 消除过电压主要通过设置变频器的减速时间、能量消耗、回馈电网制动以及共用直流母线吸收再生能量几种方法消除。
- 27. When bus bar fault occurs, all components connected on the faulty bus bar will be in outage until power restores by repairing the faulty bus bar or switching them over to another bus bar.
- 发电厂的母线是电厂中的一个重要组成元件,当母线上发生故障时,将使连接在故障母线上的所有元件在修复故障母线期间,或转换到另一组母线上运行以前遭到停电。
- 28. He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar.
- 他跳下公共汽车,直奔近处的酒吧。
- 29. When a civilian sees a war veteran in a bar or on a bus in the States, and the vet is staring into space or acting strangely, we might think of him as cliche.
- 当我们普通人在酒吧或是公交车上看到一个退伍老兵,他可能空洞地望着某处发呆或是举止怪异,我们可能将之视为战争创伤的陈词滥调,还会在心里想,你还是省省吧。
- 30. When a civilian sees a war veteran in a bar or on a bus in the States, and the vet is staring into space or acting strangely, we might think of him as cliche.
- 当我们普通人在酒吧或是公交车上看到一个退伍老兵,他可能空洞地望着某处发呆或是举止怪异,我们可能将之视为战争创伤的陈词滥调,还会在心里想,你还是省省吧。
- The term bus in this usage can either be rigid solid bus bars or insulated flexible cables.
用作名词 (n.)
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