a slight convexity (as of the surface of a road)
a slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force
the alignment of the wheels of a motor vehicle closer together at the bottom than at the top
curve upward in the middle
- 1. For straight - winged tailless airplanes, only the negative camber satisfies the conditions for flight.
- 对直机翼无尾飞机, 只有负弯度才满足飞行条件.
- 2. " To Camber Company, please . It's on 32 nd avenue . "
- 去 坎培克斯 公司. 在第32街上.
来自英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语
- 3. The front subframe is modified for extra camber and castor.
- 前副车架被修改为额外拱形和蓖麻.
- 4. Camber line won " ts do orthogonal arc tooth wimble gear. "
- 中心线 不成 直角的弧齿锥齿轮.
- 5. The measures for improving wear of camber for lockup were proposed.
- 针对锁紧弧面的磨损提出了改善措施.
- It has two sides, one is a circle, the other is a camber.
圆锥有两个面,一个面是圆形,另一个面是曲面。 - How does different facial forms suit to plant camber?
不同的脸形适合何种眉形? - The equation of camber is often used when the bend of girder is being studied.
在对梁的弯曲进行研究时,经常要用到弯矩方程。 - At present, the experience method of installing the camber has many problems.
摘要经验法设置大跨径连续刚构桥预拱度存在诸多问题。 - The street is quite steeply cambered at this point.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
- multiple camber 多段曲面
- top camber 上曲面
- wing camber 机翼弯度
- camber angle 中心线弯曲角,外倾角...
- positive camber 外曲面,正面率...
- beam camber 梁室
- camber beam 弓背梁, 上拱 梁...
- camber block 反挠垫块,拱架垫块...
- camber control 曲面控制
- airfoil camber 机翼上翘,机翼翘曲...
- arch camber 起拱,拱矢,拱翘起...
- blade camber 叶片弯度
- camber line 脊线
- camber ratio 弧度比,弯度比...
- camber force 车轮外倾轴向力...
- camber test 平面弯曲试验,翘曲试...
- roll camber 辊身轮廓,辊型...
- variable camber 变弯度,变曲率,变曲...
- negative camber 内曲面,内弧,向内弯...
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