cargo carrier
- 运货工具,运输机具
- 1. That spaceplane, known as the space Operations Vehicle, will be a cargo carrier that can lift a variety of pay loads and probably won't be any bigger than the space shuttle.
- 这种被称为“太空行动飞行器”的太空飞行器,将是一种运货工具,可以装载各种重量的负荷,体积不比航天飞机大。
- 2. Railway freight yard is a production workshop for the railway station cargo carrier, storage, handling and delivery, is also a converge window with other means of transportation for railway.
- 铁路货场是铁路车站办理货物承运、保管、装卸和交付作业的一个生产车间,也是铁路与其他运输工具相衔接的窗口。
- 3. The ambitious carrier, based in Dubai, said revenue from its traffic in cargo was up by nearly 50%.
- 这家位于杜拜,野心勃勃的航空公司表示货物运输业务的收益增长了将近50%。
- 4. In 1887 Congress designated rail a common-carrier service. Railways had to offer reasonable rates and conditions on any cargo.
- 在1887年,国会设计了公共运输服务的线路,铁道部门必须对任何货物提供合理定价。
- 5. "Goods" means the whole or any part of the cargo received from the Merchant and includes any Container not supplied by or on behalf of the Carrier.
- 是指自货方收到的全部货物或其任何部分,并包括非由承运人或其代表提供的任何集装箱。
- 6. Prepare transfer manifests for cargo to be transported by another carrier.
- 为将交下一承运人运输的货物准备转港舱单。
- 7. The carrier shall safely carry the passenger or cargo to the prescribed destination within the prescribed time or within a reasonable time.
- 第二百九十一条承运人应当按照约定的或者通常的运输路线将旅客、货物运输到约定地点。
- 8. Must include shipper cargo commitment and carrier rate and service commitments.
- 必须包括托运人货量承诺,承运人运价和服务承诺。
- 9. Somali pirates had hijacked the Greek-operated, Algerian-flagged 20,586-tonne bulk carrier, its crew of 27 (mainly Algerian and Ukrainian) and its cargo of clinker.
- 索马里海盗劫持了由希腊操作悬挂阿尔及利亚国旗的20585吨散货船。
- 10. Somali pirates had hijacked the Greek-operated, Algerian-flagged 20, 586-tonne bulk carrier, its crew of 27 (mainly Algerian and Ukrainian) and its cargo of clinker.
- 索马里海盗劫持了由希腊操作悬挂阿尔及利亚国旗的20585吨散货船。
- 11. Built by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, the Corellian corvette CR90 is a mid-sized vessel which can function as a troop carrier, light escort vessel, cargo transport, or passenger liner.
- 科雷利亚cr90轻巡洋舰由科雷利亚工程公司建造,是一种中等大小的飞船,能充当运兵船、轻型护航舰、货运船或客轮。
- 12. "Goods" means the cargo received from the Merchant and includes any equipment or Container not supplied by or on behalf of the Carrier.
- “货物”是指从货方收到的货载,并包括不是运送人或运送人的代表提供的设备或货柜。
- 13. It mainly assesses and predicts the potential risk degree if an accidental cargo spill occurs on LPG carrier.
- 重点研究的是液化气船发生突发性的货物泄漏后的风险性。
- 14. As the ship is the carrier of the cargo, it seems unreasonable to put such remarks. Meanwhile I don't think the Consignee will accept it.
- 船方是货物承运人,加这种批注似乎不合理,同时我想收货人也不会接受的。
- 15. Shipper. The person whose name appears on the Air Waybill or Shipment Record, as the party contracting with carrier for the carriage of cargo.
- “托运人”是指为货物运输与承运人订立合同,并在航空货运单或者货物记录上署名的人。
- 16. This paper focus on one situation-legal studies on shippers request for withdrawal cargo from the carrier in the carriage of goods by sea.
- 本文所探讨的问题就是其中的一种情况——海上货物运输中托运人请求承运人退运的法律问题。
- 17. By analyzing the basic characteristics of non-vessel-operating carrier, the paper confers its identification and its limitation of liability for maritime claims and its lien on cargo and so on.
- 在分析了无船承运人基本特征的基础上,就无船承运人的识别、无船承运人海事赔偿责任的限制、无船承运人的货物留置权、无船承运人履约能力保证等问题进行了探讨。
- 18. Article 20 the carrier must assign special persons to supervise the baggage and cargo during the storage period on ground and transportation period.
- 第二十条承运人对承运的行李、货物,在地面存储和运输期间,必须有专人监管。
- 19. The NVOCC (None Vessel Operating Common Carriers)belongs to carrier and still enjoys marine cargo lien, but the bill of lading it issues is something different with the normal bill of lading .
- 无船承运人具有承运人的法律地位,并继续享有海上货物留置权,但其签发的提单有别于一般的海运提单。
- 20. By analyzing the causes of loss and damage in cargo transporting by small_sized full_compressed liquefied gas carrier, the paper introduces some measures to reduce the loss and damage.
- 通过对全压式小型液化气船货差货损原因的分析,提出了如何减少其货差货损的具体措施。
- 21. The Clause is designed to preserve the protection which the carrier has under the Hague-Visby Rules by giving a contractual indemnity against the cargo interests.
- 本条款设置的目的是保护承运人在海牙维斯比规则下对货物权益人追偿的合同权利。
- 22. A delivery order is issued by the carrier or his agent to enable the consignee or his forwarding agent to take delivery of the cargo (import cargo) from the vessel.
- 提货单是由承运人或其代理签发给收获人或其代理,使后者能够从船上提货。
- 23. The air waybill shall be made out by the shipper in two original parts and be handed over to the carrier with the cargo.
- 托运人应当填写航空货运单正本一式两份,连同货物交给承运人。
- 24. Urban traffic network is the framework of a city and the carrier of the social economic activities and the passenger-cargo transportation of a city.
- 城市交通网络既是城市的骨架,又是城市社会经济活动、城市客货运输的载体。
- 25. Urban traffic network is the framework of a city and the carrier of the social economic activities and the passenger-cargo transportation of a city.
- 城市交通网络既是城市的骨架,又是城市社会经济活动、城市客货运输的载体。
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