- 【生】着丝点
- 着丝粒
n. (名词)
a specialized condensed region of each chromosome that appears during mitosis where the chromatids are held together to form an X shape;
"the centromere is difficult to sequence"
- 1. Centromere is the primary constriction on the chromosome, a region at which the sister chromatids are held together.
- 着丝点是染色体的主缢痕,在这个地方姐妹染色单体连在一起。
- 2. The breakpoints of these translocations were adjacent to centromere.
- 易位断点靠近着丝粒。
- 3. The duplicates are attached to each other at a constricted region called the centromere.
- 对偶体彼此相连于称为着丝粒的缩小的区域。
- 4. The secondary constriction has been observed on the centromere region of the chromosome No.
- 染色体短臂近着丝粒区观察到次缢痕。
- 5. Following the replication of chromosomes resultant chromatids remain attached at the centromere.
- 随着染色体的复制,着丝粒始终连接着形成的两个染色单体。
- 6. The chromosomes were measured and analysed on the basis of their relative length and centromere index.
- 全部染色体进行测量分析,计算相对长度和双臂染色体着丝粒指数。
- 7. Each DNA molecule that forms a chromosome must contain a centromere, two telomeres, and replicating origins.
- 每个dna分子包含一个着丝粒、两个端粒和多个复制源。
- 8. Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 Testing in 2010: Does Chromosome 17 Centromere Copy Number Make Any Difference?
- 2010年人表皮生长因子受体2检测:17号染色体着丝粒拷贝数是否具有影响?
- 9. Table is presented listing the results obtained including the relative length, arm ratio and centromere index of each chromosome.
- 图表中出现的结果包括每条染色体的相对长度、臂比、着丝点指数。
- 10. Chromatids --- The two parallel strands of chromatin, connected at the centromere, that constitute a chromosome after DNA synthesis.
- 染色体复制后仍由同一个着丝粒连在一起的两条子染色体。
- 11. The routine staining method is based on the differences in the length of chromosome and the site of centromere to distinguish the aberration.
- 常规染色法主要是通过观察染色体长度和着丝粒位置改变识别畸变。
- 12. The three strategies to construct HAC have been explored without full knowledge of chromosome elements such as centromere, telomere and replication origin.
- 本文探讨了在不完全了解着丝粒、复制起始点、端粒等人类染色体基本功能单位的情况下构建HAC的三种策略。
- 13. Centromere --- The primary constriction on the chromosome, a region at which the sister chromatids are held together and at which the kinetochore is formed.
- 染色体的主缢痕,使姐妹染色单体连在一起,在其两侧各有一个由蛋白构成的动粒。
- 14. What's more, we can find these genes tend to distribute on chromosomes, and research shows that the genes far from the centromere are more likely to exchange and recombine.
- 再有,我们可以找出这些基因倾向于在染色体上分布的区域,研究显示,远离染色体着丝粒的基因更倾向于交换,发生重组。
- 15. The paper has summarized development of biochemical component and ultrastructure of heterochromatin in eukaryote with an introduction to the development of ultrastructure in centromere.
- 概述了异染色质生化组成及其在超微结构方面的研究进展,着重介绍了着丝粒的异染色质超微结构研究。
- 16. Using DNA probe specific for centromere region of chromosome 3,7,8,9 and 12, we have detected the lymphocyte of peripheral blood, the fresh tissue and the paraffin section of tumor tissue.
- 用3、7、8、9、 1 2号染色体着丝粒特异性DNA探针,分别对外周静脉血的淋巴细胞、新鲜实体瘤组织、瘤组织石蜡切片进行染色体检测。
- 17. BAC clones corresponding to telomeres, as well as to the centromere position and the gap sizes between contigs, were determined by BAC-pachytene chromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).
- 端粒克隆、着丝粒克隆以及重叠群之间空缺的大小都经过粗线期染色体荧光原位杂交鉴定。
- 18. BAC clones corresponding to telomeres, as well as to the centromere position and the gap sizes between contigs, were determined by BAC-pachytene chromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).
- 端粒克隆、着丝粒克隆以及重叠群之间空缺的大小都经过粗线期染色体荧光原位杂交鉴定。
- The duplicates are attached to each other at a constricted region called the centromere.
对偶体彼此相连于称为着丝粒的缩小的区域。 - The centromere contains the kinetochore, a structure involved in the attachment of the chromosomes to the spindle during nuclear division.
用作名词 (n.)
- centromere distance 着丝粒距离
- centromere plate 着丝粒板
- centromere repulsion 着丝粒相斥
- centromere orientation 着丝粒定向排列...
- diffuse centromere 漫散着丝粒
- centromere index 着丝粒指数
- centromere shift 着丝粒转移
- centromere interference 着丝粒干扰
- kinetochore [生]动粒
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