certificate of deposit
- n. 存款单;存折
a debt instrument issued by a bank; usually pays interest
- 1. I'm looking for the highest rate possible on a short-term certificate of deposit account.
- 我正在寻找短期存款帐户的最高利率。
- 2. Do you have other certificate of deposit?
- 你还有其他存款证明吗?
- 3. What this country needs is a good 5% certificate of deposit.
- 美国这个国家需要的是收益率能够达到5%的定期存单。
- 4. A negotiable certificate of deposit pledged with DGT as pledgee.
- 设定质权人为电信总局之可转让定期存款单。
- 5. You have to pay a penalty if you withdraw your CD (certificate of deposit) before matures.
- 定期存款到期之前,取款是要付罚金的。
- 6. The only hope I had to live for a better life was the certificate of deposit and my late father's Will.
- 唯一的希望,我不得不住上更好的生活是存款凭证,我的已故父亲的意志。
- 7. You've found a certificate of deposit that pays a fixed 3% interest, with no loss of principal - not bad, you think.
- 你发现定期存款可以得到3%的固定利息,不损失本金——你觉得不错。
- 8. A certificate of deposit would make sure you got your invested capital back intact, but the highest rates I could find for a one-year CD were less than 2%.
- 存款单固然能够保证你原封不动地收回本金,但据我所知,一年期的存款单利息最高也不足2%。
- 9. Don't just sock away this money under your mattress; put it in a high-interest online savings account, a certificate of deposit or a money market account.
- 不要把这些钱塞在床垫下,把它存到高利率的网上储蓄账户、某种定期存款或某种货币市场账户。
- 10. A fixed deposit, also referred to as a time deposit, term deposit or Certificate of deposit (CD), is a kind of savings deposit with a definite length of maturity.
- 定期存款,也称为期限存款或定期存单,是存款期限固定的一种储蓄存款。
- 11. Discuss whether to go with a low-risk certificate of deposit or money-market fund, which might return 5% a year, or a stock mutual fund with the potential for more dramatic ups and downs.
- 可以和孩子讨论一下,是选择办张低风险的银行存折,还是买每年可以回报5%利润的基金,或者选择股票和基金,它们的起伏更充满戏剧性。
- 12. Note: the "Certificate of deposit" is only for certifying the deposits of the client in our company, but not for warranty purposes of pledge or mortgage etc., and it has no other legal effectiveness.
- 注:此“存款证明书”只证明该客户在我公司的存款,不能用于质押、抵押等担保用途,也不具备其它法律效用。
- 13. Our bank provides safekeeping service for the clients to keep documents of value, such as deposit certificate (bank book) and bonds, for which we charge some handling fee accordingly.
- 我行为客户提供保管箱服务,您可以保存有价值的证券,如存单(存折)、债券等等,我行收取一定的手续费。
- 14. Economic security certificate including economic sources: personal/family deposit certificate of real estate, scholarships, bursaries, etc.
- 经济担保证明包括的经济来源:个人/家庭存款、不动产证明、奖学金、助学金等。
- 15. Like your resident permit, proof of salary and your USD Deposit Certificate, to use as collateral.
- 像您的居住许可证、薪金证明以及您的美元存单,用作抵押。
- 16. However after their death I managed to escape with a very important documents DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE of Thirty Six Million Six Hundred Thousand u.
- 但是经过他们的死,我设法逃脱一个非常重要的文件矿床三十六万六十万美元证书。
- 17. Enclosed please find a new deposit certificate No. 500 for $100,000, which represents the principal and interest of the old certificate you sent us for renewal.
- 谨同函寄上新开定期存款第500号存折一份,面额100,000元,请查收为荷。该面额等于您寄来换新的旧存折本金加上利息之和。
- 18. This should take the form of a copy of a bank deposit certificate for the loan and a copy of either the deposit slip or passbook for the account that the loan was paid into.
- 该证明必须以银行存款证明的形式出具的,并附上存单或存折以表明贷款现已划入该帐户。
- 19. It is an ideal place for your travelling and vacation. You need to show the ID card or the other effective certificate on the information desk of 24-hour service, and also pay the deposit.
- 总台24小时为您提供入住服务,入住登记时请您出示本人的身份证件或其他有效证件,并交纳预付金,如实填写入住登记单后即可领取房卡到您所住楼层房间入住。
- 20. Article 7 Deposit certificate of a hypothecated loan may be used to guarantee the principal and interest of the loan, penalty interest, damages, penalty and expenses for the obtainment of pledge.
- 第七条存单质押担保的范围包括贷款本金和利息、罚息、损害赔偿金、违约金和实现质权的费用。
- 21. Article 7 Deposit certificate of a hypothecated loan may be used to guarantee the principal and interest of the loan, penalty interest, damages, penalty and expenses for the obtainment of pledge.
- 第七条存单质押担保的范围包括贷款本金和利息、罚息、损害赔偿金、违约金和实现质权的费用。
- You mentioned certificates of deposit.
你提到了存款单。 - Please show me how to fill out a deposit slip.
请给我说一下怎么填写存款单。 - My deposit certificate fell due yesterday.
我的定期存折昨天到期了。 - Here is your deposit book and here is your ID.
用作名词 (n.)
- CD 激光唱片(=compac...
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