- n. 票据交换所
- 1. The centre will act as a clearinghouse for research projects for former nuclear scientists.
- 该中心将作为前任核科学家研究项目的信息搜集所。
- 2. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC).
- 国家糖尿病信息交换中心(NDIC)。
- 3. The clearinghouse informs every exchange member of their net settlement status.
- 清算所将每个交易所清算成员各自的净结算头寸通知他们。
- 4. PBS also plans to make PBS Video the clearinghouse for shows from local affiliates.
- PBS也计划将PBS视频打造成地方分支机构的节目交换中心(link)。
- 5. Some of the spokesmen noted that the bankers have expertise that helps the clearinghouse.
- 有些发言人表示,银行家有专业知识可以帮助清算所。
- 6. At the close of every trading day, the clearinghouse matches buy and sell contracts for the day.
- 在每天的交易结束之后,清算所将当天的买卖合约进行撮合。
- 7. The Microsoft IT strategy team provides a central clearinghouse for sales information with a 500-GB data mart.
- 它还操作一个信息中心,用以传播其获取的丰富信息。
- 8. With Citadel out of the picture, the Banks agreed to join the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's clearinghouse effort.
- 在Citadel出局后,银行同意加入芝加哥商品交易所的清算所。
- 9. NIEM provides an IEPD clearinghouse that allows you to search for existing IEPDs submitted by other organizations.
- NIEM提供了一个IEPD交换所(clearinghouse),支持搜索由其他组织提交的IEPD。
- 10. The noise Pollution Clearinghouse is a national non-profit organization with extensive online noise related resources.
- 噪音信息交换所是国家的非营利组织,具有广泛的在线相关资源。
- 11. These conditions gave the banks significant power at ICE’s clearinghouse, according to two people with knowledge of the deal.
- 根据对此项交易了解的两位人士提供的信息,这些条件使银行在ICE的清算所拥有重要的权力。
- 12. These conditions gave the banks significant power at ICE's clearinghouse, according to two people with knowledge of the deal.
- 根据对此项交易了解的两位人士提供的信息,这些条件使银行在ICE的清算所拥有重要的权力。
- 13. The U.S. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse offers these Suggestions for preventing eye problems if you're diabetic.
- 美国国家糖尿病信息库为糖尿病人提供的眼保建议如下。
- 14. Anne Archer told me that the reputation of Katselas's class as, in Gordon's words, a "Scientology clearinghouse" is overblown.
- 安妮·阿彻告诉我,凯撒勒的班级的声望——用戈登的话来说,就像一个“山达基情报交流站”——言过其实了。
- 15. The goal was to set up a clearinghouse as well as an electronic trading system that would display prices for credit default swaps.
- 其目的是建立一个清算所同时是一个电子交易系统,可以显示信贷违约互换产品的价格。
- 16. Action 3.3: Develop a clearinghouse of existing health protection strategies in Member States and make the information widely available.
- 行动3.3:建立会员国中现行健康保护战略的交流中心,广泛传播信息。
- 17. Andrew gives an example of a clearinghouse for scientific problems and problem solvers, which posted descriptions of problems over the Web.
- Andrew给出了一个票据交换所的例子,他们将对问题的描述发到了网上以寻求答案。
- 18. Only trademark holders who have registered their trademark with ICANN's trademark Clearinghouse may purchase domains during the Sunrise Period.
- 只有将注册商标提交ICANN商标清算所进行注册的商标持有者,才可以在抢注阶段购买新域名。
- 19. In the midst of the turmoil, regulators ordered Banks to speed up plans - long in the making - to set up a clearinghouse to handle derivatives trading.
- 在危机进程中间,监管者要求银行加快建立处理衍生产品的交易清算所的计划,这是一项长期的任务。
- 20. The one new derivatives clearinghouse that has welcomed Newedge, bank of new York and the others - Nasdaq - has been avoided by the big derivatives Banks.
- 一家新的衍生产品清算所欢迎Newedge、纽约银行和其他金融机构,即纳斯达克,它是其他大的衍生产品银行所回避的。
- 21. So the banks responded in the fall of 2008 by pairing with ICE, one of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s rivals, which was setting up its own clearinghouse.
- 银行在2008年秋天通过与ICE的合作做出回应。 ICE设有自己的清算所,是芝加哥商品交易所的竞争对手之一。
- 22. To do this, visit the clearinghouse Web site (see the link in Resources), and click Submit IEPD Information to get a form on which you can upload your IEPD.
- 为此,访问clearinghouse We b站点(参见参考资料中的链接),并单击SubmitIEPDInformation以得到一个窗体,在该窗体上可以上载IEPD。
- 23. So the banks responded in the fall of 2008 by pairing with ICE, one of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's rivals, which was setting up its own clearinghouse.
- 银行在2008年秋天通过与ICE的合作做出回应。ICE设有自己的清算所,是芝加哥商品交易所的竞争对手之一。
- 24. Once there is a centralised clearinghouse, starting in 2013, Kokkonen said these sort of problems will no longer be an issue: "We have to survive till 2013."
- Kokkonen表示,一旦2013年开始使用集中的票据交易所,这种问题将不再成为一个问题,“我们在2013年前必须坚持下去”。
- 25. Bitcoin was developed as a secure and low-cost alternative to conventional electronic payment methods, such as credit CARDS and automated clearinghouse payments.
- 比特币是传统电子支付方式的一种安全且低成本的替代方案,如信用卡和自动清算支付。
- 26. The Secretariat of Rotary International acts as a clearinghouse for Rotary clubs worldwide, gathering, analyzing, translating, and disseminating Rotary information.
- 国际扶轮秘书处就好像是全世界所有扶轮社的交流中心,专门从事收集、分析、翻译及传播扶轮的资讯。
- 27. Banks that have registered trademarks, you should make sure they are registered with ICANN's trademark Clearinghouse prior to May 1, 2015, when the Sunrise Period begins.
- 对于拥有注册商标的银行,请确保于抢注阶段开始前,及2015年5月1日之前,在ICANN商标清算所进行注册。
- 28. Many open source developers are familiar with, a clearinghouse community that hosts many thousands of projects - nearly a quarter of a million as of mid-2009.
- 许多开源开发人员都熟悉,这是一个宿主了大量项目的混合社区——2009年年中时大约包含了25万个项目。
- 29. By using the aggregation component as a clearinghouse for all data exchanges, your application is guaranteed to have the most recent context for all the values that it tracks.
- 通过将聚合组件作为所有数据交换的交换场所,可保证应用程序对于跟踪的所有值保留最新的上下文。
- 30. By using the aggregation component as a clearinghouse for all data exchanges, your application is guaranteed to have the most recent context for all the values that it tracks.
- 通过将聚合组件作为所有数据交换的交换场所,可保证应用程序对于跟踪的所有值保留最新的上下文。
- Options trading is organized by a clearinghouse.
特权交易一般在票据交易大厅进行。 - The biggest clearinghouse is the Options Clearing Corporation in the United States.
最大的票据交换所是联邦期权票据交换公司。 - The clearinghouse informs every exchange member of their net settlement status.
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