coast line
- 岸边线
名词 coastline:
the outline of a coast
- 1. The land boundary line is9080 kilometers, and the coast line is22680 kilometers.
- 陆地边界全长9080公里,海岸线全长22680公里。
- 2. The Pacific Plate consists of most of the Pacific Ocean floor and the California Coast line.
- 太平洋板块包括大部分太平洋海底和加利福尼亚海岸线。
- 3. Other attacks were reported in Equador, in the Gulf of Guayaquil and along the Peruvian coast line.
- 其他的攻击报道发生在厄瓜多尔,瓜亚基尔湾和沿着秘鲁海岸线。
- 4. Shantou is adjacent to South China Sea, with a coast line of 289 km, being rich in coastal resources.
- 汕头濒临南海,海岸线长达289公里,岸线资源丰富。
- 5. The coast line changes are various in the southern and northern coasts because of their geotectonic difference.
- 因区域构造差异,南北岸线变化表现,一,湾顶临洪口是过渡地段。
- 6. The Two Oceans Aquarium in the Waterfront offers glimpses of the diverse life found off the South African coast line.
- 位于码头区的双海洋水族馆就向人们展示了南非海域丰富多样的海洋生物。
- 7. At a port of the west coast line in Europe, there was a fishing boat, inside which a man wearing ragged garments was lying, taking a nap.
- 欧洲西海岸的某港口泊着一条渔船,一个衣衫寒碜的人正在船里打盹儿。
- 8. Indeed, ZGPT's location in Zhejiang province is ideal for serving the many shipyards along the local coast line and neighbouring Zhoushan Islands.
- 的确,ZGPT位于浙江省,优越的地理位置便于服务当地海岸线及附近舟山群岛沿岸的许多船厂。
- 9. From the architect. Located on a windswept coast line, Moonlight Cabin is a place to retreat from and engage with the landscape's ephemeral conditions.
- 来自事务所的描述:月光小屋坐落在一个多风的海岸线上,是在不断变化的景观条件下建造的。
- 10. Based on historical data of the coast line changes over the years, siltation process of the Zhejiang coast is discussed and four silt sources are clarified.
- 本文根据历年来岸线变迁与海塘兴建的资料,论述了浙江海岸的淤涨规律,并进一步阐明了海岸淤涨的四种泥沙来源。
- 11. Mainland coast line for of oundary nd along mritime country with do not country mark out boundarying of mainland of close together or opposite hour principle.
- 大陆架的界限及沿海国的海岸线与别国的海岸线相邻或相对时大陆架的划界原则。
- 12. One of the biggest problems on the modern network is overcrowding and congestion, something that the improved west-coast line should help to ease, at least for a few years.
- 现代铁路网最大的问题之一是乘客拥挤与铁路堵塞,这也是西海岸铁轨升级的用意所在,虽非一劳永逸之法,但至少能舒缓数年。
- 13. The arrangement of berths for all kinds of cargoes concerning coast line development exploration and suggestions on the train of thought concerning port construction fund′s collection are expounded.
- 在探索岸线开发方面论述了各冀种泊位布局和建港资金筹措思路的意见。
- 14. The town is in a direct line between London and the coast.
- 这个镇在伦敦与海岸之间的直线上。
- 15. Levels of mitochondrial DNA - a female genetic marker only carried down the female line - is similar all along the coast, regardless of language.
- 不管语言,沿海岸线的线粒体dna的层级——一个女性基因标记只携带了女性线链——是相似的。
- 16. A crawl line appearing on all TV channels in Sumatra asking them to evacuate was not seen by people in the Mentawai Islands off Sumatra's western coast because most villages there have no electricity.
- 而身在苏门答腊西海岸的明打威群岛的人们,则根本没有看到苏门答腊电视新闻播报的关于人员疏散的信息,因为那里绝大多数的村庄都没有通电。
- 17. Another sensor line runs off the Canadian coast.
- 还有一条探测器线阵沿加拿大海岸线布设。
- 18. The white line surrounding the island's coast is probably surf.
- 海岸线外的白圈可能是海浪。
- 19. Willett Kempton: Storms tend to move up along the coast. So connecting wind farms in a line along the coast tends to give you fairly level power.
- 威利•肯普顿:风沿海岸转移,将这些风电场连接起来易于提供均衡的电能。
- 20. But some of those precious minutes would be saved by making fewer stops, while train frequency on the traditional west-coast main line will be cut.
- 但是,这几分钟的宝贵时间将通过减少停靠站的方式节省下来,而传统的西海岸主干线的列车班次会减少。
- 21. There are already some undersea transmission lines running off the Atlantic Coast, but this is the first line that will collect power from generators along the way.
- 虽然在大西洋沿岸已有数条海底电力传输线运行,不过这条传输线却是首次尝试收集沿线发电机产生的电能。
- 22. But consumers' strong preference for natural products means that the bergamot groves that line Calabria's coast are likely to be kept busy for many Christmases to come.
- 但消费者对天然产品的强烈偏好意味着卡拉布里亚海岸的佛手柑园很可能在许多圣诞节到来之时繁忙起来。
- 23. French warships have bombarded factories and a railway line along the Italian coast.
- 法国战舰炮击了意大利海岸附近的工厂和铁路。
- 24. French warships have bombarded factories and a railway line along the Italian coast.
- 法国战舰炮击了意大利海岸附近的工厂和铁路。
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