- 斗鸡的人
- 长耳猎犬
- 西班牙长耳猎犬
- 科克尔
- 一种矮脚长耳猎犬
- 斗鸡迷
- 堆垛机
- 集草车
- 喜好或举办斗鸡的人
- 斗鸡家饲养斗鸡的人
- 娇养
- 溺爱
- 放纵
n. (名词)
a small breed with wavy silky hair; originally developed in England
treat with excessive indulgence;
"grandparents often pamper the children"
"Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- 1. The cocker spaniel sprang for Wilbur's hind leg.
- 小猎狗跳起来,扑向威尔伯的后腿。
- 2. I take my cocker spaniel to be groomed once a week.
- 我每星期都带我的科卡犬去美容呢。
- 3. I hope our Cocker Spaniel Fila health and longevity.
- 希望我们的可卡犬菲拉健康长寿。
- 4. I am probably the chubbiest English Cocker you can find.
- 我可能是你能找到的最大只的英国科卡犬。
- 5. The English Cocker is capable of hunting in dense cover and upland terrain.
- 英国可卡犬是能够在浓密的灌木丛中和丘陵地带狩猎的猎犬。
- 6. The cake featured his black and white Cocker Spaniel wearing a pair of his glasses.
- 蛋糕的主角是他的黑白色可卡犬,还戴着一副他的眼镜。
- 7. The cocker spaniel heard the commotion and he ran out from the barn to join the chase.
- 那只小猎狗听到动静,也从谷仓里跑出来,加入了追捕行动。
- 8. The English Cocker is well-feathered, but not so profusely as to interfere with field work.
- 英国可卡犬有许多羽状饰毛,但不会多到影响他在野外工作。
- 9. Some popular members of the Sporting Group are the Golden Retriever and the Cocker Spaniel.
- 一些受欢迎的成员,体育组是黄金猎犬和卡犬。
- 10. When she saw her friend Mandy walking her cocker spaniel, she would call out, "Hello, Mandy!"
- 当看到好友曼蒂和她的小曲卡犬时,她总会大声说“哈罗,曼蒂!”
- 11. He also alleged that Cocker had attacked children on stage, something that the Pulp singer denied.
- 他还声称,库克袭击了儿童在舞台上,这纸浆歌手否认。
- 12. "I would never eat dog meat," said Louisa Yong, as she clutches her pet cocker spaniel. "It's so cruel!"
- “我是绝不会吃狗肉的,”路易莎·杨一边抱着她的宠物可卡犬一边说,“这太残忍了!”
- 13. Precious, our only black 1 cocker, was having a very difficult time with the delivery of her puppies.
- “宝贝”——我们唯一的黑色可卡犬,正在经受着生宝宝的艰难过程。
- 14. This left me with one brown and tan cocker, as well as the smaller puppy with the cleft lip and palate.
- 这样,我的手边就只剩下了一只棕褐色的小可卡犬,以及那只有唇腭裂的小狗。
- 15. You think that having a cocker will help teach your children responsibility. this is partially correct.
- 如果你认为拥有一只可卡,可以教育你的孩子服有责任心,这只有一部分是正确的。
- 16. The page, which has two cocker spaniel puppies lurking in the upperright-hand corner, is a list of dates.
- 我打开日记,翻到一张报纸夹着的地方,这一页的右上角有两只西班牙猎鸡幼犬,并且写了一串日期。
- 17. He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind.
- 当时还只有13岁在操场上踢球,就像是在追逐风中银色纸片的小猎犬。
- 18. Cocker spaniel were originally bred as hunting dogs who would think nothing of gobbling up a tiny bird as a tasty snack.
- 可卡犬最初是被培育成猎犬,这种品种的犬从不会把吞食一只小鸟当做美餐当一回事。
- 19. Then I settled in to enjoy the next guest, the famous English rocker Joe Cocker, as he sang his latest hit, Unchain My Heart.
- 然后我坐下来欣赏下一位嘉宾的演出,他是著名的英国摇滚歌手乔。科克尔,演唱了他最新的热门歌曲《放飞我的心》。
- 20. When our kids were growing up, we had an adorable little cocker spaniel, probably the most patient and kid-friendly dog one could want.
- 孩子还没长大时,我们带回一只可爱的可卡犬。它可能是对儿童最友好最有耐心的狗。
- 21. I remember the first time I saw him. He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind.
- 我记得第一次看到他的时候,他只有13岁,在球场跑来跑去的,就像一只英国可卡犬追逐着风中飞舞的银色纸片。
- 22. For Cocker Spaniels, grooming will be another necessary expenditure. You can learn to do it yourself, but even then, grooming tools are expensive.
- 最为可卡,还有一项重大开销,那就是美容,可卡的美容工具也是价格不菲的。
- 23. You think that having a Cocker will help teach your children responsibility. This is partially correct. Children often do form very strong bonds with their pets.
- 狗与爱的世界如果你认为拥有一只可卡,可以教育你的孩子服有责任心,这只有一部分是正确的。
- 24. But Flint the cocker spaniel went against all his natural instincts to befriend a tiny sparrow which had tumbled out of its nest and crash-landed in the garden in Wiltshire, UK.
- 但是在英国威尔特郡一只叫“弗林特”的可卡犬却表现出有悖天性的事情,那就是和一只不幸从鸟窝中掉下来的小麻雀成为好朋友。
- 25. A serious decline in the quality of American Cocker Spaniels in the 1940s was generally thought to be attributable to the rare double win of a single Cocker Spaniel in 1940 and 1941.
- 1940年代美国可卡犬的质量严重下滑被普遍认为是由一只可卡犬(1940年和1941年)两度获得总冠军所致。
- 26. The best answer to this is – get another breed! Cocker Spaniels can be "living door bells" when a stranger arrives at your home, but will then want to be your visitor's new best friend.
- 可卡虽然可以在听到陌生人的门铃的时候用叫声提醒你,可他们也会在客人进门后,把他们当成自己的新朋友。
- 27. It must have been damn near unspeakable. A rat jumped out of the pipe as Tremont was examining the hole and the rock-hammer, and he swore later that it was nearly as big as a cocker spaniel pup.
- 当崔门在检查管子上的缺口和那把石锤时,一只老鼠就从管子里跳了出来,崔门后来发誓那只老鼠跟一头小猎犬一样大。
- 28. It must have been damn near unspeakable. A rat jumped out of the pipe as Tremont was examining the hole and the rock-hammer, and he swore later that it was nearly as big as a cocker spaniel pup.
- 当崔门在检查管子上的缺口和那把石锤时,一只老鼠就从管子里跳了出来,崔门后来发誓那只老鼠跟一头小猎犬一样大。
- There was even a fenced-in backyard for our cocker spaniel.
甚至还有一个带栅栏的后院,可供我们的小猎犬玩耍。 - I take my cocker spaniel to be groomed once a week.
我每星期都带我的科卡犬去美容呢。 - Grandparents tend to cocker up their grandchildren.
祖父母们总是很宠爱孙儿。 - We do not encourage parents to cocker up their children.
我们不提倡父母溺爱他们的孩子。 - If you always try to cocker the boy up in this way, you might end up spoiling him.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
- cocker spaniel 英国可卡犬
- hay cocker 干草堆垛机
- according to cocker 正确(无误
- cosset 宠爱
- English cocker spaniel 英国矮脚长耳猎犬...
- indulge 迁就
- baby 婴儿
- featherbed 任闲职
- cocker spaniel 英国可卡犬
- pamper 纵容
- coddle 娇养
- mollycoddle 溺爱
- spoil 宠坏
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