- 波纹
名词 cockle:
common edible European bivalve
common edible, burrowing European bivalve mollusk that has a strong, rounded shell with radiating ribs
stir up (water) so as to form ripples
to gather something into small wrinkles or folds
- 1. There's nothing like steam heat to warm the cockles of a spaceman's soul as he or she traverses the cold depths of interplanetary space.
- 当宇航员在冰冷的星际空间漫游时,还有什么能比蒸汽更能温暖他或她的灵魂呢?
- 2. A blue knitted cap hides the cockles of his hair.
- 一顶蓝色针织帽遮住他乱麻般的头发。
- 3. I like a good brandy-it warms the cockles of your heart.
- 我喜欢喝优质白兰地酒——它使人内心感到高兴。
- 4. The reasons causing cockles in the paper producing on Yankee machine was analyzed briefly.
- 本文简要地分析了单缸圆网纸机生产过程中产生褶子的原因。
- 5. This poem expressed the poet's affection in the cockles of the heart and the loyalism in the poem was sincere.
- 该诗是诗人自鸣中怀之作,诗中所表忠义确系真心。
- 6. An Ulster version includes potato bread and soda farls, Welsh includes laverbread, eaten Fried with bacon and cockles.
- 阿尔斯特(位于北爱尔兰)版本的早餐中有土豆面包和苏打薄饼;威尔士版本的则有莱佛面包,跟熏肉和鸟蛤一起炸着吃。
- 7. Then again, there's nothing like steam heat to warm the cockles of a spaceman's soul as he/she traverses the cold depths of interplanetary space.
- 当宇航员在冰冷的星际空间漫游时,还有什么能比蒸汽更能温暖他们的灵魂呢?
- 8. As an individual self-dialog, art composition, to some extent, is the way by which artist goes into the inside of his personality and the cockles of his heart.
- 而艺术创作作为一种极具个人化的自我对话方式,在某种程度上是艺术家们进入内心世界的通道。
- 9. There are reports of increased canning activity of both mussels and cockles in an effort to salvage as much stock as possible in advance of any interruption in supply.
- 据报导,贻贝和海扇的加工活动在增加,主要是为了多争取一些库存,以便应付可能的缺货。
- 10. But just when I get crotchety enough to start shopping for a shawl and rocking chair, along comes what may be the one meme on Twitter that actually warms the cockles of my heart: Follow Friday.
- 然而当我的脾气古怪到开始准备购买披肩和摇椅,这种时候也许Twitter上的一个小小的流行因子足以温暖我内心的波澜:Follow Friday(星期五跟随日)。
- 11. But just when I get crotchety enough to start shopping for a shawl and rocking chair, along comes what may be the one meme on Twitter that actually warms the cockles of my heart: Follow Friday.
- 然而当我的脾气古怪到开始准备购买披肩和摇椅,这种时候也许Twitter上的一个小小的流行因子足以温暖我内心的波澜:Follow Friday(星期五跟随日)。
- For the rest of the day the port presented a scenario of furious productivity, guaranteed to warm the cockles of the dock boss's heart.
那天其余的时间里,码头掀起了戏剧化的生产高潮,保证让船坞老板心满意足。 - The good news rejoiced the cockles of my heart.
这好消息使我从心坎里感到高兴。 - For the rest of the day the port presented a scenario of furious productivity, guaranteed to warm the cockles of any dock boss's heart.
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