- 1. He was colorblind.
- 他是个色盲。
- 2. Last year's Colorblind trend was easy to spot, but hard to explain.
- 去年的色盲的趋势是容易被发现,但很难解释。
- 3. People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be colorblind.
- 不能辨别颜色的人被称为色盲。
- 4. Most people dismiss colorblind people as having a minor problem with red and green.
- 大多数人都认为色盲只是对红色和绿色有问题。
- 5. After I finished at the end of the day, I found out my boss is red-green colorblind. FML.
- 结果,我的老板是红绿色盲。
- 6. George Bernard Shaw was colorblind, and he came to know it when he was sixty years old.
- 伯纳萧是个色盲,他六十岁的那天才知道自己是个色盲。
- 7. Out of interest, does that logo look normal to anyone here/ is there anyone who’s colorblind here?
- 出于兴趣,这个Logo在无论谁的眼中会是正常色彩吗/这儿有色盲吗?
- 8. I stopped seeing things through colorblind glasses and began to really view the world the way it was.
- 我再也不透过有色眼镜来看待事物,同时,我开始真正地认知这个世界到底应该是怎样的。
- 9. The past has crippled life very badly, it has made you almost laughter blind, just like there are people who are colorblind.
- 过去是如此的摧残著生命,几乎让你的笑蒙尘了,就好像是色盲的人混淆了颜色。
- 10. According to the Colorblind Web Page Filter, above is what Google.com looks like for users with protanopia (red/ green color blindness).
- 参照色盲网页过滤器,其看起来像是Google.com为红色盲(红绿色盲)服务的。
- 11. I tell her lions are colorblind. A zebra could be bright orange and still be 12 camouflaged in the tall grass, as long as it has its wavy lines.
- 我告诉她,狮子都是色盲。因此即使斑马是亮橘红色的,它依然能在高高的草丛中藏得好好的,只要它身上还有波浪条纹。
- 12. I joined the Royal Canadian Air Cadets as a teenager, but soon discovered I was partially colorblind, wiping out any chance for military flying.
- 我十几岁时参加了加拿大皇家空军训练队,但很快被发现色弱,丧失了军事飞行的机会。
- 13. My father values talent. He recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it. He is colorblind and gender neutral. He hires the best person for the job, period.
- 我父亲十分珍视人才。他重视知识和技能;他不在乎肤色和性别;他只启用最适合这个岗位的人才,不管你是谁。
- 14. The Colorblind Filter site is a bit slow at the moment but if you created a website and you're not color blind, you can check how well your intended color scheme fares.
- 色盲过滤器目前可能会有一点儿慢,但是如果创建一个站点并且你不是色盲,则你就能够检查核对已经设定的色彩设计如何。
- 15. Martin Luther King's address at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington offered the hope of a colorblind society and was a major turning point in the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.
- 马丁·路德·金1963年在华盛顿的林肯纪念堂前发表演讲,为民众勾勒了一个没有种族差别的社会,这个讲话成为1960年代民权运动的转折点。
- 16. Though the study found that a romantic movie featuring an interracial couple "almost always revolves around race as a theme," all is not lost for those dreaming of a colorblind box office.
- 虽然研究表明:以跨种族爱情为题材的影片几乎总是围绕着\“种族\”这一主题,但那些梦想着观众能抛开偏见并以此获得高票房的人也并非一无所获。
- 17. Though the study found that a romantic movie featuring an interracial couple "almost always revolves around race as a theme," all is not lost for those dreaming of a colorblind box office.
- 虽然研究表明:以跨种族爱情为题材的影片几乎总是围绕着\“种族\”这一主题,但那些梦想着观众能抛开偏见并以此获得高票房的人也并非一无所获。
- There are people on the development team that are colorblind so it's something we're constantly aware of.
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