cooking range
- 炉灶
- 1. Lao Huang and his son is setting up a cooking range beside the brook. The job of the cooking range is to boil salt every winter.
- 老黄和他的儿子树江小溪边搭建一个炉灶,土灶每年冬天的工作就是熬盐。
- 2. This Law shall not apply to the utilization of straws or stalks, firewood or dung in the form of direct burning through an inefficient cooking range.
- 通过低效率炉灶直接燃烧方式利用秸秆、薪柴、粪便等,不适用本法。
- 3. When the temperature exceeds the threshold, the control sends out signal and controls the inlet valve so as to adjust the flame of the cooking range.
- 当温度超过限定值时,控制器发出信号并控制进气阀,从而调整炉灶火头大小。
- 4. Polished concrete floors turn up to form the monolithic kitchen island bench which accommodates a cooking range, commensurate with the clients love for food.
- 混凝土地面抛光转,形成了整体厨房中央台可容纳一个炉灶,与客户相称的食物的爱。
- 5. Factory for 4900 and cooking range of coin, or $3060 (not including the fridge and television), such as achieve scale production, the price can be reduced by 40%.
- 炉灶出厂价为4900巴币,折合3060美元(不含冰箱和电视机),如实现规模生产,价格可降低40%。
- 6. Debbie’s recent projects include a Jamie Oliver kids’ cooking range, Carluccio’s restaurant and Walker touch-and-feel baby books, in addition to having just finished writing a children’s book.
- Debbie刚刚创作了一本童书,最近还为JamieOliver儿童食品(Jamie Oliver'scooking range),Carluccios餐厅和Walker触摸式婴儿读物完成了一系列的设计。
- 7. Courses range from cooking to computing.
- 课程从烹饪到计算机应用都有。
- 8. Cooking increases the energy available from starchy foods such as potatoes and grains and inactivates certain food toxins, thereby increasing the range of foods available to us.
- 烹饪增加了淀粉类食物的能量,如土豆,谷物,并能灭活某些食物中的毒素,从而增加了我们可食食物的范围。
- 9. Just watch his talk at TED and you will see that his interests range from cooking to photography to nuclear technology to archeology and more.
- 仅仅只是看看他在TED的讲话,你就可以发现他的兴趣有多广泛,从烹饪到照相,从核技术到考古学等等。
- 10. Cantonese cuisine, the hardest to categorize, emphasizes light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients.
- 最难归类的粤菜强调轻炒浅煮,选料似乎不受限制。
- 11. Sichuan cuisine features a wide range of materials, various seasonings and different cooking techniques.
- 川菜选料范围大,调味及炊技变化多样。
- 12. Such cooking and heating produces high levels of indoor air pollution with a range of health-damaging pollutants, including small soot particles that penetrate deep into the lungs.
- 这种烹饪和取暖做法会造成高度室内空气污染,产生大量对健康有害的污染物,包括可渗透到肺部深处的烟尘微小颗粒。
- 13. And it's possible they were cooking up nuts, using a wide range of nuts - including acorns - that you need to cook and boil for a long time before you can actually eat them. '.
- 也有可能是在炖坚果,像橡子之类的,那种东西可真是要熬很久时间可以吃。
- 14. There is no kitchen range hoods, often cooking, then, will not affect the skin?
- 没有厨房,抽油烟机,经常烹饪,那么,会不会影响皮肤?
- 15. An efficient kitchen ventilation hood that fits your cooking needs and the capacity of your range can help minimize the amount of these indoor air pollutants found in your home.
- 一个高效的厨房通风罩适合你的烹饪需求和能力的范围可以帮助减少这些量的室内空气污染物中发现你的家。
- 16. Rather than cooking onsite, they make a wide range of meals that can last for a couple of days.
- 他们不在现场制作,而是提供种类繁多且可以存放数天的食物。
- 17. Rather than cooking on site, they make a wide range of meals that can last for a couple of days.
- 不是当场做,而是制造一系列可以持续几天的便餐。
- 18. The station staff of a woman was doing cooking with a coal range outside the station.
- 车站月台上一个女车站工作人员在生炉子准备晚饭。
- 19. The station staff of a woman was doing cooking with a coal range outside the station.
- 车站月台上一个女车站工作人员在生炉子准备晚饭。
- Asbestos can be used to insulate a cooking stove.
石棉能被用来使烹调用的炉灶绝热。 - Kerosene lamps and stoves were the norm for light and cooking.
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