- (前缀)表示“相反,相对”之义
名词 counter:
table consisting of a horizontal surface over which business is transacted
game equipment (as a piece of wood, plastic, or ivory) used for keeping a count or reserving a space in various card or board games
a calculator that keeps a record of the number of times something happens
a piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room; has shelves and drawers
a person who counts things
a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one)
(computer science) a register whose contents go through a regular series of states (usually states indicating consecutive integers)
a piece of leather forming the back of a shoe or boot
a return punch (especially by a boxer)
speak in response
act in advance of; deal with ahead of time
indicating opposition or resistance
in the opposite direction
- run counter to 与 ... 背道而驰...
- go counter to 违反(与 ... ...
- hunt counter 向与猎物逃走的相反的...
- act counter to 违反(与 ... ...
- over the counter 场外交易
- under the counter 私下出售的(违法的)...
- go counter 向与猎物逃的相反的方...
- point counter 尖端式计数管,点端式...
- Geiger counter 盖格计数器(用于测量...
- counter force 对抗力
- counter current 反向电流,逆流...
- crystal counter 晶体探测器,晶体计数...
- lunch counter 速食餐厅的长柜台...
- revolution counter 转数计,转数表,见t...
- batch counter 拌合计数器,拌和计数...
- cycle counter 频率计,周波表,循环...
- dust counter 计尘器尘粒计数器,尘...
- down counter 降值计数器,减法计数...
- scintillation counter 闪烁记数器,闪炼计数...
- counter balance 平衡块
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