256查询网 英汉词典
首页> 英汉词典>counter-的意思


英['kaʊntə(r)] 美['kaʊntər]
  • (前缀)表示“相反,相对”之义


名词 counter:
  1. table consisting of a horizontal surface over which business is transacted

  2. game equipment (as a piece of wood, plastic, or ivory) used for keeping a count or reserving a space in various card or board games

  3. a calculator that keeps a record of the number of times something happens

  4. a piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room; has shelves and drawers

  5. a person who counts things

  6. a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one)

  7. (computer science) a register whose contents go through a regular series of states (usually states indicating consecutive integers)

  8. a piece of leather forming the back of a shoe or boot

  9. a return punch (especially by a boxer)

动词 counter:
  1. speak in response

  2. act in advance of; deal with ahead of time

形容词 counter:
  1. indicating opposition or resistance

副词 counter:
  1. in the opposite direction



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