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英[kɔːs] 美[kɔːrs]
  • n. 课程;讲座;过程;路线;一道(菜)
  • v. 跑过,穿过;追赶;快跑
coursed coursed coursing courses
CET4 TEM4 考 研 CET6


    n. (名词)
    1. 课程,学科
    2. 进程,过程,经过
    3. 路线,方针
    4. 一道菜
    5. 跑道
    6. 航向,航线
    7. 习惯的程序
    8. 方向,行动方向
    9. 场地
    10. 【建】层,一层砖石
    11. 路程
    12. 疗程
    v. (动词)
    1. 跑过,穿过,越过
    2. 追逐,追赶,赶,追
    3. 追猎,猎狩,猎,追捕,跟踪
    4. 横断(原野)
    5. 快跑,跑,奔,快速移动
    6. 不住地淌,如泉涌,哗哗地流,(液体)快速地流动
    7. 决定航线,指引航线
    8. 沿…(方向)前进
    9. 与猎犬一起追猎,狩猎
    10. 参加马上比武
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]课程,学程 series of lessons, lectures
    2. [U]进程,过程 forward movement in time
    3. [C]途径,方法 direction or route following by a ship or an aircraft or by a river
    4. [C]一道菜 any of the separate parts of a meal, e.g. soup, dessert


  1. education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings;

    "he took a course in basket weaving"
    "flirting is not unknown in college classes"

  2. a connected series of events or actions or developments;

    "the government took a firm course"
    "historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available"

  3. general line of orientation;

    "the river takes a southern course"
    "the northeastern trend of the coast"

  4. a mode of action;

    "if you persist in that course you will surely fail"
    "once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place"

  5. a line or route along which something travels or moves;

    "the hurricane demolished houses in its path"
    "the track of an animal"
    "the course of the river"

  6. a body of students who are taught together;

    "early morning classes are always sleepy"

  7. part of a meal served at one time;

    "she prepared a three course meal"

  8. (construction) a layer of masonry;

    "a course of bricks"

  9. facility consisting of a circumscribed area of land or water laid out for a sport;

    "the course had only nine holes"
    "the course was less than a mile"

  1. as might be expected;

    "naturally, the lawyer sent us a huge bill"

  1. move swiftly through or over;

    "ships coursing the Atlantic"

  2. move along, of liquids;

    "Water flowed into the cave"
    "the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi"

  3. hunt with hounds;

    "He often courses hares"


1. She'd half expected him to withdraw from the course.


2. He was charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice.


3. She is currently doing a business studies course at Leeds.


4. On arrival, a six-course meal was top of the agenda.


5. The two communities are now on a collision course.


    用作名词 (n.)
    1. She took a course in philosophy.
    2. She is taking a secretarial course.
    3. Television has arranged an English teaching course lately.
    4. Events took their natural course.
    5. We shall now describe the course of this change.
    6. They came to dispute in the course of conversation.
    7. Our course was straight to the north.
    8. Fish was the last course that day.
      那天, 鱼是最后一道菜。
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. An intermediate English course is more advanced than a beginners's course, but not as difficult as an advanced course.
    2. They're going to start an advanced course in English at that institute.
    3. I study an advanced English course.
    4. The year-long course was cut to six months.1
    5. I must consider giving a new course.
    6. Let's review the complete course.
    7. When will you finish your college course?
    8. Wars have influenced the course of history.
    9. The event changed the course of my life.
    10. Owing to bad weather the plane had to change its course.
    11. The ship is off course.
    12. Our course was straight to the north.
    13. Several houses in the village were carried away when the swollen river suddenly changed its course.
    14. Between extremes it is best to steer a middle course.
    15. Your best course of action is to forget about the whole unfortunate matter.
    16. The enemy had two alternative courses:surrender or death.
    17. We had a 3-course dinner.The main course was chicken.


n. (名词)
  1. course用于表示“课程,学程”时为可数名词,常指以一定的时间为期限开设的课程。表示“某学科的课程”,后面一般接介词in。course用于表示“进程,过程”时,为不可数名词,一般指事物自然的发展过程。course作“途径”“路线”解时,可表示行动的方针、途径,行事的方法,作此解时是可数名词。
  2. course还可表示“一道菜”,为可数名词。
  3. of course的意思是“当然”“自然”,可放在句首、句中,也可放在句尾,指预料必然发生而不费力的事,常用逗号和主句隔开。
n. (名词)
in course, on course
  • 这两个短语的区别是:前者的意思是“按规定、惯常或自然顺序”; 后者从航海用语引申为“按规定的方向”“在正确的轨道上”。例如:
  • You will receive the other numbers of China Reconstructs in course.
  • 你将依次收到《中国建设》的其他各期。
  • They have put the country's economy on course.
  • 他们已使这个国家的经济走上正轨。
  • in course of, in the course of
  • 这两个短语都可表示“在…中”。其区别是:
  • 1.前者表示某事正在进行之中; 后者则表示在某事的发展过程中。例如:
  • The new platform is in course of con- struction.
  • 新的站台正在兴建中。
  • The new platform is in the course of construction.
  • 新的站台正在建造过程中。
  • 2.in the course of可表示“在…时期”,而in course of则不可。例如:
  • 下周之内我们的代表将去拜访您。
  • [误] Our representative will call on you in course of the next week.
  • [正] Our representative will call on you in the course of the next week.
  • course, class, lesson
  • 这三个词都有“课”的意思。其区别在于:class原指同一班级学习同一学科的人,由此可引申为同学聚集在一起“上课”; course指教学中一段时期内要教完或学完的功课,即“课程”; lesson指课程所分成的“段落”,课本中的“一课”或“每次授课的单位时间”。例如:
  • There won't be any class today.今天不上课。
  • I took up a three-year course in English in middle school.在中学,我学习了三年的英语课程。
  • The new lesson is very difficult.新课很难。
  • course, route
  • 这两个词都有“路线”的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.表示自然力所形成的河道、星星运行的轨道等时,只能用course,不能用route。例如:
  • The stars move in their courses.星星沿轨道运行。
  • 2.表示人为设计的路线时, route强调其规律性, course强调其强迫性。route多用于军队或旅游者, course常用于企业等。例如:
  • This is the shortest route from Paris to Beijing.这是从巴黎到北京的最短的航线。
  • of course, certainly, for certain
  • 这组词(组)都有“确实地,一定地,当然地”的意思。其区别是:
  • certainly可位于句首或句末,表示强调,有时位于动词前,修饰全句,表示确有把握,深信不疑; of course通常用于表示自然的或不可避免的结果; for certain指确有把握,经常用于否定句中。例如:
  • She certainly thought that this doctor was overestimating her case.
  • 她确实认为这医生夸大了她的病情。
  • You could of course have criticized him, but,instead,you cried him down rudely.
  • 你批评他当然是可以的,可你却粗暴 地把他贬低。
  • I can't say for certain when he will arrive.
  • 我说不准他什么时候到达。
  • class,lesson,lecture,course
  • 这些名词均含“课”之意。
  • class从“班级”引申指学生在一起上课,还可表示“(一节)课”。
  • lesson主要指教材中的一课或每次授课的单位时间。
  • lecture指讲课。
  • course指在一段时间内教完或学完的完整的课程。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    (as) a matter of course
      理所当然的事,自然地 naturally
    in course of
      正在…中 under the specified process
    in due course
      到一定的时候,没过多久 on the right time
    in ordinary course
      在一般情况下,通常 as things usually happen, normally
    in the course of
      在…期间,在…过程中 during or before the end of
    in the course of time〔the year〕
      随着时间〔岁月〕的推移,渐渐 when time has passed
    of course
      当然,自然 certainly;naturally
    on course
      按规定的方向,在正确的轨道上 on right way
    take〔run〕 its〔their〕 course
      听其自然,按常规进行 develop as is usual
    take one's own course
      为所欲为,一意孤行 have one's way
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词


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