- n. 蠕变(渗水;漏电)
- 1. This essay expatiates on the harm of low creepage current in coal mines.
- 阐述了煤矿井下低压供电网络漏电电流的产生和危害。
- 2. Creepage distance is an important test item of safety test and international proficiency test.
- 爬电距离是安全试验和国内外水平测试的重要项目。
- 3. Wheel squeal is associated with a complex combination of creepage and a mechanism known as stick-slip.
- 车轮的尖啸噪声与蠕滑及粘滑的组合机械运动有关。
- 4. According to the analysis of the landslide, it shows that the landslide belongs to creepage sliding-tension type.
- 根据对小口滑坡的分析,其属于蠕滑-拉裂型滑坡。
- 5. Once the force generating the creepage is spent by the sliding 'action, the stick-slip process begins again (Figure 1).
- 当产生蠕滑的力被滑动过程消耗以后,下一个粘滑过程又会重新开始。(见图1)。
- 6. On transit systems, rail corrugation is generally a result of periodic wear from longitudinal, lateral or spin-type creepage.
- 城市轨道交通系统的钢轨波浪磨耗是由于车轮长期在轨面沿纵向、横向或蛇行蠕滑造成的。
- 7. The total creepage distance of an insulator shall be not less creepage distance requested by the pollution level for the site.
- 绝缘子总的爬距应等于或大于由该地区污秽等级所要求的爬距。
- 8. This text expatiated the composing necessity of setting, principles of setting and methods of design of creepage fire alarm system.
- 本文阐述了漏电火灾报警系统的组成,设置的必要性,设置的原则以及设计方法。
- 9. The alarming system of creepage fire disaster plays an important role in protecting grounded trouble fire disaster of electric arc.
- 漏电火灾报警系统防止电弧性接地故障火灾具有重要作用。
- 10. 6 patent of invention on main element-heater, Aluminium Die Casting, No creepage, anti-scale, heating efficiency is more than 99.97%.
- 核心发热体拥有6项国家发明专利,采用铝合金压铸一次成型,永不漏电,不结垢,热效率高达99.97%。
- 11. Considering patient's safety, we design alarming function, such as automatic check-up after boot-strap in order to avoid creepage or burn.
- 基于安全性的考虑,盆腔炎治疗仪还设计了开机自动检测和异常报警等功能,保证不会发生漏电、灼伤等危险。
- 12. Before starting the machine, check and make sure there are no creepage, short circuit in all the circuits, and all the screws and bolts are secured.
- 新机开车前,先认真核查电路有无漏电、短路、各螺栓结合部有无松动。
- 13. This paper states that using creepage and turnoff implement should pay attention to its usage environment and action electricity and separation time.
- 使用漏电断路器应注意其使用环境及动作电流、分断时间的选配。
- 14. The double-umbrella insulator has the advantages of improving the pollution-resistance performance of the insulator and increasing the creepage distance.
- 这种双伞绝缘子的优点是改善绝缘子的耐污秽性能,增加爬电距离。
- 15. A new viewpoint on the selection of the specific creepage distance is put forward and the merits and disadvantages of the line lightning arrester are analyzed.
- 作者还对避雷器爬电比距的选择提出新的观点,分析了线路避雷器具备的优缺点。
- 16. The most effective way to reduce creepage and to inhibit the formation of such noise-initiating corrugation is through improved control of wheel and rail profiles.
- 为了减少蠕滑以抑制作为噪声源的波浪磨耗的形成,最有效的办法是改善轮轨关系。
- 17. Ground tensile deformation and asymmetry sedimentation are caused by slow creepage of faultage fracture zone, which brings great damage effects to ground buildings.
- 断层破碎带的缓慢蠕动将引起地面的拉张变形或不均匀沉降,对地面建筑物有巨大的破坏作用。
- 18. The machine should be grounded parts the electrical wire should be insulated and installed in the snakeskin annultions. Check out whether the motor is abrasion or creepage.
- 机器设备应接地,电线应可靠绝缘,并装在蛇皮带内,经常检查电机接线是否磨损和漏电。
- 19. What's more, the unqulified wire seems thick on the insulated sheath, the fact is they are made from recycled pvc, the insulation layer will aging and creepage after a period.
- 另外,伪劣电线绝缘层看上去似乎很厚实,实际上大多是用再生塑料制成的,时间一长,绝缘层会老化而漏电。
- 20. Meanwhile, since the outer diameter of each creepage extender is large, a continuous icicle can hardly be formed, and when ice and snow are melted, rain flashover cannot be caused.
- 同时,由于增爬裙外径大,难形成连续的冰柱,在冰雪融化时也不会造成雨闪。
- 21. After comparing and analyzing several conventional insulating resistance measuring method such as AC method, DC creepage method and so on, their shortcomings in use are pointed out.
- 对直流系统常用的几种接地电阻测试方法如交流法、直流漏电流法等进行了比较分析,指出了它们在使用中的缺点。
- 22. Creepage Distance - Shortest path between two conductive parts, or between a conductive parts and the BUNDING surface of the equipment, measured along the surface of the insulation.
- 爬电距离—沿绝缘材料表面测量,两个导体部件之间或者一个导体部件与产品的绝缘外壳之间的最短距离。
- 23. In this paper, the observational data of Kizil Reservoir are analysed. We found out the creepage of E_2 Fault, and got the information for periodic variation caused by hoting the creep.
- 本文分析了黑孜水库形变观测资料,指出了F_2断层的蠕滑现象,同时获得由热形变引起的周期变化信息。
- 24. The ring network switch device increases the electric clearance, effectively prevents the occurrence of the creepage phenomenon and enhances the torsional strength of the switch principal axis.
- 采用本发明增加了电气间隙,有效的防止了爬电现象的产生,加强了开关主轴的抗扭强度。
- 25. The antipollution mechanism of creepage extenders and the experimental study are introduced in this paper. The impact on antipollution performance is analyzed in the installation quantity and...
- 介绍了硅橡胶防污增爬裙的防污机理和试验研究情况,分析了增爬裙安装数量以及安装位置对防污性能的影响。
- 26. The antipollution mechanism of creepage extenders and the experimental study are introduced in this paper. The impact on antipollution performance is analyzed in the installation quantity and...
- 介绍了硅橡胶防污增爬裙的防污机理和试验研究情况,分析了增爬裙安装数量以及安装位置对防污性能的影响。
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