a section created by a plane cutting a solid perpendicular to its longest axis
a sample meant to be representative of a whole population
(physics) the probability that a particular interaction (as capture or ionization) will take place between particles; measured in barns
- 1. The authors want to deduce a brief formulation, and use all-purpose program to get exact result for echelon, rectangle and rotundity cross section.
- 作者想推导简短的公式,对梯形、矩形和圆形断面采用通用的程序,以得到准确的结果。
- 2. This law abolished special educational requirements for federal jurors and required them to be selected at random from a cross section of the entire community.
- 该法案废除了对联邦陪审员特定的受教育水平的要求,并要求联邦陪审员是随机选自全社会各阶层的。
- 3. Bidders are shown only a cross section of the ribs.
- 投标者只能看到牛肋骨的横截面。
- 4. Prof Cheng agrees the Pisa results reflect a broad cross section.
- 程教授认为Pisa的测试结果能反映了大致情况。
- 5. Now this is a function of cross section, this is a function of energy on a log plot.
- 现在,这是横截面的函数,这是在坐标图的能量函数。
- 6. You take the flux, multiply it by the cross section, average it, integrate it over the whole volume.
- 你拿流量乘以横截面,平均它,乘以它除以总容积。
- 7. It provides access to a large-cross section of a well, instead of just a narrow, vertical shaft.
- 提供了一个大的油井截面,而不只是一个狭长竖井。
- 8. The absorption term also is relatively straight forward, macroscopic absorption cross section times the flux.
- 吸收项也是相对直接的,宏观吸收横截面乘以流量。
- 9. But, perhaps that is what makes the cross section of these two cultures, when captured correctly, so perfect.
- 可能正是因此,这两种文化的交集在表述恰当的时候却显得特别完美。
- 10. The discussion covers only a cross section of the variables; for a detailed discussion, see the Resources section.
- 这里只讨论了一部分变量;更详细的信息参见参考资料。
- 11. Judging from the nearly 1, 898 headshots posted on the website, its a pretty broad cross section of computer users.
- 从支持者上传至该网站的近1898个头像来看,这些计算机用户的行业分布相当广。
- 12. Now when you look at uranium cross section as a function of energy and that's this neutron energy from EVs to MEV levels.
- 现在,当你看铀的横截面,是以能量的函数,那是中子能量,从电子伏到兆电子伏水平。
- 13. So if you take a certain volume and you have a certain amount of material, let's just take the fission cross section as the issue.
- 所以,如果你得到一定的容积,你有一定量的材料,我们就把裂变横截面当做问题。
- 14. And you can see a very high energy as uranium 238 does have a fission cross section which in some ways can be used in fast reactors.
- 你能看到铀238有很高的能量8,有一个横截面在一些方式下,能够用于快速反应堆中。
- 15. And that is measured as a macroscopic cross section of absorption thermal divided by the integral of all energies in terms of absorptions.
- 那是被测量的,作为吸收热能的,宏观横截面,除以全部的,吸收的能量的乘积。
- 16. We call that a cross section which is the microscopic cross section which as we mentioned before could be absorption, capture, fission, scatter.
- 我们称为一个横截面,那是宏观横截面,那我们之间提过的,可能是吸收,捕获,裂变,散射。
- 17. And if you scatter you can have an elastic scattering cross section or an inelastic scattering cross section which are combined to the fundamental scattering cross section.
- 如果你们有一个弹性散射,横截面或非弹性散射横截面,那是结合成基本的散射,横截面。
- 18. The F-15SE offers unique aerodynamic, avionic and Radar Cross Section reduction features that provide the user with maximum flexibility to dominate the ever-changing advanced threat environment.
- F-15SE拥有无与伦比的航空动力学技术、航空电子、雷达截面减少特性,为用户提供了适应多变高级威胁环境下的最大灵活度。
- 19. I was surprised at the cross-section of people there.
- 我对那里人的典型性类型感到惊讶。
- 20. The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross-section of speakers.
- 那次示威为广泛代表各方的发言者们提供了一个发表意见的机会。
- 21. The problem of the dipole cloud is an effective scattering cross-section while observed by a monostatic radar was studied.
- 偶极子云的问题是在通过单基地雷达观测时有效散射截面。
- 22. These requirements represent a pretty good cross-section of the CS curriculum.
- 这些要求表现了计算机科学课程的一个很好的横截面。
- 23. It has odd angles (reminiscent of a stealth bomber) to reduce its radar cross-section, and was coated in radar-absorbing material.
- 它有着怪异的夹角(令人回忆起隐形轰炸机),以减小雷达横截面,并且涂抹了雷达吸波材料。
- 24. One type is printed where the cross-section is required to be solid, and the other where there are cavities, overhangs and other features with spaces.
- 这种聚合物有两种,一种是打印在需要凝固的横截面部分,另一种打印在镂空、悬垂和其它有空间的部分。
- 25. The goal is to get a good cross-section of visitors testing the new design options.
- 目标是在新设计测试中获得良好的交叉访客。
- 26. Cross-section of a hut found at Dolne Vestonice, Moravia, Czechoslovakia.
- 捷克斯洛伐克摩拉维亚DolneVestonice一间棚屋的横截面。
- 27. The results are based on the findings of a two-year study of a cross-section of the British population which examined the effects of ageing on the cardiovascular system.
- 这些结果来源于一项为期两年的研究。该研究对英国人口进行横断面分析,旨在调查年龄增长对心血管系统产生的影响。
- 28. The results are based on the findings of a two-year study of a cross-section of the British population, which examined the effects of ageing on the cardiovascular system.
- 这些结果来源于一项为期两年的研究。该研究对英国人口进行横断面分析,旨在调查年龄增长对心血管系统产生的影响。
- 29. It differs from stealth technology, which does not make an aircraft invisible but reduces the cross-section available to radar, making it hard to track.
- 但它不同于隐形技术。隐形技术不是让飞机变得看不见,而只是减少能被雷达探测到的切面以使其难以被追踪到。
- 30. It differs from stealth technology, which does not make an aircraft invisible but reduces the cross-section available to radar, making it hard to track.
- 但它不同于隐形技术。隐形技术不是让飞机变得看不见,而只是减少能被雷达探测到的切面以使其难以被追踪到。
- Judging from the transverse section of the bread, it was with filling.
从面包的横切面可以看出它是夹心的。 - The illustration shows a section through a leaf.
图中所示为叶的剖面。 - There are indications of gas sands on record section.
在记录剖面上有含气砂岩迹象。 - The cold receptor was designed as an exchangeable part to avoid the cross interferences from one sample to another one.
本文用组合蒸馏技术研制了一套用于气相色谱分析的样品前处理装置。 - Method The ultrastructures of cross links on stereocilia of guinea pig OHC were observed by scanning electron microscopy and tannic acid procedures.
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