- adj. 十年间的(由十个组成的)
- 1. "The oceans are key to decadal natural variability," he said.
- “海洋是十年气候变化的关键。”他说。
- 2. Doug Smith: head of decadal climate prediction research, the Met office.
- 道格·史密斯:英国气象局气候预报研究部的领导,已任职十年。
- 3. In winter, the north Pacific storm track experience significant annual and decadal variability.
- 冬季北太平洋风暴轴存在明显的年际、年代际差异。
- 4. This paper analyzed the interannual and decadal changes of sandstorm from 1960 to 2000 in north Shannxi.
- 分析了陕北1960—2000年沙尘暴的年际和年代变化情况。
- 5. And normally we're talking about that on multi-decadal time scales, and longer, even centuries and millennium.
- 一般来说,我们谈论的这些数据的时间跨度有的几十年,有的几百年,有的甚至长达几千年。
- 6. When ENSO is happened , the global precipitation has decadal variety between the time before 1976 and after 1976.
- 当ENSO发生时,1976年以前和1976年以后的的全球降水发生了年代际变化。
- 7. We also detail regional range of each season. and chose 4 stations to analyze the decadal variability of rainfall.
- 最后选取4个代表站进行降水的年代际变化分析。
- 8. It is highly important for us to predict the decadal climate variation and short term climate variation of rainfall.
- 这些结果对于降水的年代气候预测和短期气候预测都具有重要意义。
- 9. The western tropical South Pacific, where there is an evident decadal variability, is the key region of the ENSO decadal variability.
- 结果表明,热带西南太平洋不仅是年代际信号的显著区,同时也有可能是影响ENSO循环十年际变化的关键区。
- 10. The decadal variation of ITF is that the decadal signal lies in the change of latitude-oriented wind stress in the Equator-Pacific region.
- ITF的年代际变化是:年代际信号取决于赤道太平洋纬向风应力的变化。
- 11. Decadal and longer changes in sunspot activity impacting warming and cooling cloud cover patterns are now being recognized as an important factor.
- 太阳黑子活动的年代际和长期变化对升温和降温云层模式的影响现在已被确认为一个重要因素。
- 12. With the annual maximum frozen soil depth data of China, analysis is made of the special distribution and decadal change during the recent 50 years.
- 利用我国年最大冻土深度数据集,分析了我国最大冻土深度的空间分布及年代际变化。
- 13. Decadal changes in EESC are similar to those of the ozone hole, and interannual variations of ozone are closely related with stratospheric temperature.
- EESC的年代际变化与臭氧变化趋势相似,臭氧的年际变化与平流层温度关系密切。
- 14. On the basis of observations investigation is conducted on the decadal characteristics of summer Eurasian blockings and its possible relation to precipitation over China.
- 利用观测资料对夏季欧亚地区阻塞活动的年代际变化特征及其与我国降水年代际变化的可能联系进行了分析。
- 15. The main results show as following: (1) There is obvious inter-annual and inter-decadal variation for polar vortex, including the variation of area, intensity and location.
- 主要结论如下:(1)北半球及各分区极涡的面积、强度及位置有着很明显的年际及年代际变化。
- 16. The scales of the direct influencing weather systems were obviously mesoscale, with time scale of several to decadal hours, and the horizontal scale several hundred kilometers.
- 强降雨直接影响系统具有明显的中尺度时、空特点,时间为几个到十几个小时,水平尺度一般为几百公里。
- 17. The IHME believes that scientific journals and official agencies should adopt rigorous vetting methods of predictive power, such as the 20% tests and decadal-withholding exercises.
- 健康指标和评估研究所认为科学期刊和官方机构应该对预测能力采用严格的核查方法,比如20%测试法和十年移除法。
- 18. The results are outlined as following, 1 Anomaly fields have their larger inter-decadal component percentage but smaller inter-annual one in both climate and sea thermal elements.
- 结果表明:1年代际变化在海洋要素和气候要素异常的构成中均是显著的,而这些要素对应的年际变化冬夏均不显著。
- 19. Therefore, the influence of AAO on summer rainfall in China is related to the decadal background. After 1976, the influence of AAO tended to intensify and extended more northward.
- 这说明AAO对中国夏季降水的影响与年代际背景有关,1976年之后,AAO对中国夏季降水的影响增强,影响范围更加偏北。
- 20. This response has decadal variation, the most significant period appears before 1983 and there is an adjustment stage between 1983 and 1993, which appears significantly after 1993.
- 这种响应存在年代际变化,在1983年之前最为明显,1983 ~ 1993年是个调整时期,1993年以后又开始明显。
- 21. The met Office's forecast was made using the Decadal Prediction System, or DePreSys (pronounced "depresses", which is what it sometimes does to Doug Smith and his colleagues, who run it).
- 气象办预测使用的是十年预测系统,英文缩写“DePreSys”,发音和“depresses(令人沮丧)”一样。而这一系统有时的确令使用它的道格·史密斯和他的同事们沮丧。
- 22. In the context of ECMWF height data, investigation is conducted of the decadal mean and anomaly characteristics of major summer monsoon systems in May, 1985 (of drought) and 1991 (severe flood).
- 利用ECMWF高度场资料,详细分析了1985年(旱年)和1991年(涝年)5月主要季风环流系统的旬平均和旬距平特征。
- 23. There are distinct differences of the trends of extreme temperature variation between different regions, but the periodic variation analysis show that the inter-decadal variations are consistent.
- 各区域的极端温度值时间变化存在较大差异,但是周期分析显示,各区域极端温度值的年代际周期振荡具有全省一致性。
- 24. The East Asian summer and winter monsoon intensity indices are constructed by using the SLP data for the period of 1873~1996/1997 and their interannual and inter decadal variabilities are analyzed.
- 用1873~1996/1997年资料,延长计算了东亚冬夏季风强度指数,研究了指数的年际及年代际变化的主要特征。
- 25. The East Asian summer and winter monsoon intensity indices are constructed by using the SLP data for the period of 1873~1996/1997 and their interannual and inter decadal variabilities are analyzed.
- 用1873~1996/1997年资料,延长计算了东亚冬夏季风强度指数,研究了指数的年际及年代际变化的主要特征。
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