- n. 净化;排除污染
contamination污染; containment控制; sterilization杀菌,绝育; remediation补,,补救,纠正; clean-up打扫,卫生扫除; cleanup清除; purification净化; evacuation撤; radioactivity放射; contaminated受污染的; filtration过滤;
the removal of contaminants
- 1. The land will require public money for decontamination.
- 土地净化需用公款。
- 2. Scientists therefore propose using sunflowers for decontamination wherever there are radioactively contaminated ponds.
- 因此,科学家建议,只要有受放射性污染的池塘,就可以用向日葵来消毒。
- 3. Have special decontamination, polishing, anti-mildew, anti-odor, anti-static function.
- 有特殊去污、上光、防霉、防臭、防静电功能。
- 4. Features: Decontamination, flexibility, sterilization, Qingxiang, phosphate-free, anti-static, anti-hard water.
- 功能:去污、柔顺、杀菌、清香、无磷、抗静电、抗硬水。
- 5. The invention has the superior functions of oil resistance and easy decontamination, and a processed product has flexible hand feel.
- 本发明不但具有优良的抗油易去污功能,而且所处理的产品手感柔软。
- 6. The product has strong decontamination, it quickly removes pitch, grease, dirt form car finish and wheel. It also clean and gloss over the surface.
- 本产品具有特强去污能力,能迅速清除汽车、摩托车、合金框其表面的柏油及油渍污垢,并同时具上光效果,能令阁下座驾洁净光亮。
- 7. In the Swiss study, those found to be carrying MRSA in the screening group were exposed to a range of measures, including isolation and decontamination.
- 在瑞士的这项研究中,他们发现在筛查的群体中传播的MRSA已经暴露于测量范围之内,包括那些已经隔离的与消毒的群体。
- 8. In this article, the importance of plants, the selection of decontamination plants and the principles and techniques of decoration as well as the design ofd...
- 本文依次阐述了室内植物装饰的重要作用、去污植物的选择及装饰原则、装饰手法,以及不同室内空间的植物装饰设计。
- 9. He noted the forces' attempt to douse the reactors with sea water by helicopter and decontamination and civilian evacuation activities around the damaged plant.
- 他提到了自卫队的努力,他们通过直升机用海水倒灌、净化核反应堆以及疏散被毁核反应堆附近的居民。
- 10. Because endophytes not only have excellent applications in agriculture, grazing and environment decontamination, but also offer a new approach to drug research.
- 不仅是因为内生菌在农牧业生产和环境净化方面应用的良好表现,而且还为新药研制提供了新的途径。
- 11. The application methods of functional molecular materials in decontamination agents are classified, furthermore each sort of applications is described in details.
- 对高分子材料在洗消药剂中的应用方法进行了分类,并对各种应用进行了详细的叙述。
- 12. Finish oils of PAN precursor and effects of the purification of raw materials and the decontamination of production environments on its quality are also narrated.
- 同时,阐述了PAN原丝油剂及生产过程中原料的纯化及生产环境的净化对原丝质量的影响。
- 13. Courses may include plant physiology, biochemistry, current pesticide regulations, forest pest suppression, chemical decontamination, and aquatic weed management.
- 课程包括植物生理学、生物化学、除虫剂使用规章、森林虫害预防、有害化学物质清理和水环境清理。
- 14. The stainless steel compaction head makes it ideal for decontamination of low-level radioactive waste or chemical waste that would take paint off of carbon steel.
- 压缩头采用不锈钢制造,非常适用于低放射性废物或化学废物(可导致碳钢涂漆掉落)的去污应用。
- 15. Subsequently, this paper presented the viewpoint of heavy metal contaminated soils remediation using clay minerals based on their effective decontamination ability.
- 通过粘土矿物在重金属污染土壤中净化功能的阐述,提出利用粘土矿物修复土壤重金属污染的观点。
- 16. The text introduced work principle and existent disadvantage particular for traditional tepefaction regeneration adsorption type compress air decontamination system.
- 详细介绍了传统的微热再生吸附式压缩空气净化系统的工作原理及存在的缺点。
- 17. Disposal of sewage could make the sewage reach the water quality requirement of a certain water body or re-used water, and then carry out the decontamination process.
- 污水处理是对污水净化使其达到排入某一水体或再次使用的水质要求的过程。
- 18. It may complete such tasks as decontamination, polishing, waxing and dust proof synchronously, its technology targets have reached the advanced leve of import product.
- 多功能有机硅蜡乳的制备工艺简单、造价低廉、使用方便,广泛用作车辆、家俱、设备表面的清洁护理剂,能集去污、上光、打蜡、防尘于一体,一次同步完成。
- 19. It is recommended that maximum time between decontamination and sampling is allowed, i. e. samples to be taken a. m. following the overnight processor decontamination.
- 建议在去污染和取样之间确定最大限度时间,即在处理器去污染过夜之后早晨取样。
- 20. If the hospital does not have a patient-management system that ensures decontamination or protective gear for doctors to wear, they can be exposed to toxic substances.
- 而如果医院没有一个健全的患者-处理系统来确保对患者进行消除污染处理,或者没有防护服,医护人员就将直接暴露于毒性物质的威胁之下。
- 21. Equipped with decontamination, Angle grinding, polishing and polishing of four different forms of grinding head, function more comprehensive and more convenient to use.
- 配有去污、磨角、打磨、抛光四种不同形式的磨头,功能更全面,使用更方便。
- 22. Bright color, specifications complete, and its water absorption characteristics are strong decontamination ability, good wear resistance, easy cleaning, long life etc...
- 彩色鲜艳,规格齐全,其特点是吸水性强,去污能力强,耐磨性好,清洗简单,使用寿命长等优点。
- 23. Of the potential contaminants, mycotoxins are the most widespread, particularly in hot, humid conditions, and mycotoxin decontamination must be a part of feeding strategies.
- 在潜在的污染物中,霉菌毒素是最常见的,尤其是在炎热潮湿的条件下,因此消除霉菌毒素污染必须是饲养策略当中的一项措施。
- 24. This product low-price quality merchandise, not only lives at necessarily may also use in the industrial plant equipment, the construction decoration decontamination clean.
- 该产品价廉物美,不仅家居必备亦可用于工厂设备,建筑装潢的去污清洗。
- 25. If the smear is too serious, can use a neutral cleaning agent or some furniture special cleaning agent, in decontamination immediately after the shutter doors will be clean.
- 如果污迹太严重,可以使用中性的清洗剂或是一些家具专用的清洗剂,在去污后立即将卷帘门擦拭干净。
- 26. The cleaner can effectively remove human excrement and urine scale without corrosiveness, and has the functions of decontamination, cleaning, sterilization and deodorization.
- 本发明所述清洁剂能有效去除浴室的人体排泄物及尿碱尿垢,无腐蚀性,具有去污、清洁、杀菌、除味的作用。
- 27. Instructions: the product is made of high-quality material and contains strong decontamination. It can easily remove the tea stain, rust, dirt, grease and any other watermarks.
- 产品说明:本品用优质原料制成,含强力去污溶液,可方便的去除茶水渍,铁锈,污垢,油脂及任何有水锈水垢场合。
- 28. Notes: for the main stage of washing, bleaching and color washing powder with cotton, linen, chemical fiber, such as decontamination grass cloth, whitening effect is outstanding.
- 注意事项:用于主洗阶段,与彩漂粉搭配洗涤棉、麻、化纤等布草去污、增白效果十分出众。
- 29. Leather seats for oil, available specifically for the liquidation of manufacturing leather stains cleaning agent can decontamination, and not hurt the skin, leather car seat cover.
- 真皮座椅上如有油污,可用专门为清算真皮污渍而制造的洁净剂,既可去污,又不伤皮,真皮汽车座套。
- 30. The pouring process comprises making the center and both sides material of the compound steel, derusting and decontamination, pouring steel melt, derusting for relevant equipments.
- 对中心及两边材料进行除锈及去杂质;通过模具的中注管浇注钢水;以及抛丸清理机和其它设备除锈除杂质等过程。
- Provide means for decontamination of the enclosure and effluents.
采用净化隔离栏和污物的方法。 - Highly purified salt is produced by the gore film decontamination technology.
用作名词 (n.)
- decontaminate 净化
- chemical decontamination 化学净化
- decontamination index 净化指数
- decontamination room 洗消室
- decontamination fluid 消除污染流体,去污沾...
- decontamination agent 去污剂
- decontamination cycle 净化循环,削除(放射...
- soil decontamination 土壤去污
- decontamination factor 纯化系数
- decontamination plant 净化装置
- decontamination facility 放射性去污装置, 放...
- radioactive decontamination 消除放射性,放射性去...
- decontamination device 清除放射性设备...
- surface decontamination 表面净化, 表面去污...
- decontamination system 净化系统
- decontamination chamber 净化室
- decontamination apparatus 除沾染装置
- decontamination area 消除污染区域...
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