defensive position
- 防守姿势
- 1. Troops took up a defensive position around the town.
- 部队在全城采取了守势。
- 2. It is an excellent defensive position.
- 那是一个绝妙的防守阵地。
- 3. This was essentially a defensive position.
- 从本质上说,这是一个防御阵型。
- 4. An assault from a defensive position; a sortie.
- 由防守状态突然猛攻;突击。
- 5. It was, in fact, the only defensive position available.
- 事实上,这是惟一的防守位置。
- 6. Someone who's lying may feel attacked and get in a defensive position.
- 有些人在说谎时会有被侵犯的感觉并且立刻将自己置于防御姿态。
- 7. This is proactive and prevents your company from being put in a weakened, defensive position.
- 这是一个积极主动的举措,防止您的公司被置于不利的被动防御地位。
- 8. An underground defensive position with a fortified projection above ground level for gun emplacements.
- 掩蔽壕,地堡一个地下防御工事,有一个高干地面的,用来放枪的防御射击处。
- 9. The evening before the battle, Wellington took up a defensive position along, and to the rear of, a long ridge.
- 那场战斗的前夜,威灵顿沿一条长长的山脊背后占据了一个防守阵地。
- 10. Third, India has needlessly retreated to a more and more defensive position, bringing itself under greater Chinese pressure.
- 第三,印度一再忍让,越来越处于守势,处于中国的巨大压力之下。
- 11. The 32-year-old Londoner is in no mood to surrender his place in the team, but he says young challengers for his central-defensive position must not be fazed by reputation alone.
- 这位32岁的伦敦人不打算失去自己的位置,但他说想夺得主力中卫位置的年轻人必须忘记他的名头。
- 12. The Yes campaign has spent most of the past few weeks in a defensive position, struggling to refute claims about the cost, complexity and international rarity of their voting model.
- 支持派阵营则在过去几周的多数时间内处于防御自卫地位,艰难地批驳针对其投票制度的开销、复杂度和全球罕见度的言论。
- 13. Defensive wings, in examples, means that the player must play in this position in order to gain anything from this training.
- 例如,防守型边锋,是在这个位置进行比赛而为了从训练获益的球员。
- 14. Even though that is Gasol's natural position, he has simply not been able to adjust his defensive play and his offensive timing around Bynum.
- 即使大前锋是加索尔最合适的位置,但是他还是不能适应和拜纳姆搭档,不论在防守方面还是进攻方面。
- 15. This paper aims at comparing the above two cities from the geographical position, layout, structure and defensive system to have a deep understanding of the capitals during the Warring States Period.
- 本文从地理位置、布局形制和防御体系三个方面对以上两城进行了比较,以期对战国时期列国都城有更进一步的认识。
- 16. The young Spaniard made the defensive midfield position his own last season, with a string of dominant displays as the Catalan giants retained their la Liga title.
- 这个年轻人在上赛季完全霸占了防守型后腰的位置,当然了他同时也在加泰巨人蝉联冠军的过程中展现出了强大的统治力。
- 17. As things panned out it was Davids who would be sitting on the bench, as Cambiasso immediately made the defensive midfield position his own, with an outstanding start to his career in Italy.
- 却是戴维斯坐上了板凳,而坎比亚索则立刻占据了主力防守中场的位置,这给他在意大利的事业开了个好头。
- 18. It is easy to fall into a passive position in defensive warfare, which gives far less scope for the full exercise of initiative than does offensive warfare.
- 防御战本来容易陷入被动地位,防御战大不如进攻战之能够充分地发挥主动权。
- 19. If you're defensive, you can have a more powerful position to make offensive player away from the basket.
- 如果你在防守中,你能拥有更有力的位置使进攻队员远离篮框。
- 20. Otherwise, you will be driven towards a defensive attitude rather than enjoying the financial position.
- 否则,你就会被朝一个防守的态度而不是享受的财务状况。
- 21. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the breakup of Yugoslavia in the nineteen nineties challenged NATO's traditional position as a defensive alliance.
- 在20世纪90年代,作为防守同盟,苏联解体和南斯拉夫的崩溃挑战着NATO传统阵线。
- 22. At the beginning of the season the boss told me he sees me playing in that position but the defensive side, my heading from goal-kicks and my tackling for example, needed to be worked on.
- 在这个赛季之初,老板告诉我他认为我可以打后腰,但是我在防守上,比如在门球开出之后争顶头球上,在我的铲断上,还需要提高。
- 23. His exceptional athleticism and reading of the game enable him to cover for defensive errors, take possession of loose balls from a deep position and secure possession.
- 他出色的运动能力和对比赛的阅读让他能够解决防线的失误,抢到失去控制的球并控制住。
- 24. His exceptional athleticism and reading of the game enable him to cover for defensive errors, take possession of loose balls from a deep position and secure possession.
- 他出色的运动能力和对比赛的阅读让他能够解决防线的失误,抢到失去控制的球并控制住。
- A defensive position or stance, as in boxing or fencing.
防卫在拳击或击剑中所处的防守的位置或姿势 - An underground defensive position with a fortified projection above ground level for gun emplacements.
掩蔽壕,地堡一个地下防御工事,有一个高干地面的,用来放枪的防御射击处 - The evening before the battle, Wellington took up a defensive position along, and to the rear of, a long ridge.
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