a calcareous material harder and denser than bone that comprises the bulk of a tooth
bone (calcified tissue) surrounding the pulp cavity of a tooth
- 1. PAX9 is involved in the biomineralization process of the dentine and enamel.
- PAX9参与牙本质和釉质的生物矿化过程。
- 2. Results NS paint grew crystal in the dentine surface, occluding dentine tube.
- 结果NS牙面涂料在牙本质表面形成结晶,覆盖乃至堵塞牙本质小管。
- 3. Objective To establish an in vitro culture model of the dentine-pulp complex.
- 目的建立牙髓牙本质复合体体外培养模型。
- 4. To grasp the direction of dentine caries expending and its pathological form.
- 掌握牙本质龋的扩展方向及病理形态。
- 5. Conclusion Fluoride iontophoresis can effectively occlude the dentine tubules.
- 结论氟离子导入对于牙本质小管有一定封闭作用。
- 6. Objective To know the mechanisms of treating dentine hypersensitivity by ns Paint.
- 目的探讨NS牙面涂料对牙本质过敏症的治疗机制。
- 7. Found in the scales of Palaeozoic fishes as a superficial layer over a dentine structure.
- 发现于古生代鱼类的鳞片形成覆于齿质结构之上的表面层。
- 8. AIM: to observe the effects of treatment on hypersensitive dentine by semi-conductor laser.
- 目的:观察半导体激光治疗牙齿感觉过敏症的疗效。
- 9. Objective: To evaluate the effect of the stress distribution of dentine under post crown prosthesis.
- 目的:分析桩冠修复后对根管壁牙本质应力分布的影响。
- 10. Objective:To investigate the effect of self-made herbal desensitizer in the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity.
- 目的:探讨中药抗敏剂治疗牙本质过敏症的疗效及作用机制。
- 11. Purposes:To investigate the histopathological effect of laser treatment for hypersensitive dentine on dental pulp.
- 目的:探讨激光治疗牙本质过敏症时,牙髓组织的刺激性影响。
- 12. Dentine hypersensitivity is a sharp, sudden pain arising from the teeth when exposed to touch or hot and cold foods.
- 象牙质敏感是当牙齿接触或冷或热的食物所引起的急剧的,短暂的疼痛。
- 13. This can result in yellowing teeth - because the acid strips the enamel and starts to reveal darker-coloured dentine underneath.
- 此外氯还会导致一口黄牙,因为酸性物会剥蚀掉釉质,致使后层颜色较深的牙质显露出来。
- 14. Based upon the growth layer groups in cementum and dentine of the tooth, the age of the huge Sperm Whale was estimated at 29 years.
- 根据对牙齿磨片牙骨质和牙齿齿质上的生长层组判断,其年龄约为2 9龄。
- 15. The constant composition method was used to study the kinetics of demineralization on dentine crystal, hydroxylapatite and tooth enamel.
- 应用等组分晶体生长方法 ,研究了牙本质晶、羟基磷灰石、釉质晶脱矿动力学。
- 16. AIM: To study the expression of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) in dental pulp-dentine complex of human premolar and its function.
- 目的:研究血管活性肠肽(VIP)在牙髓牙本质复合体中的表达,探讨其功能。
- 17. Objective To make sure the scheme before treating dentine hypersensitivity and evaluate the condition of dental pulp activity with electrical test.
- 目的:在牙本质过敏治疗前通过牙髓活力电测验来评估牙髓的状态进而确定治疗方案。
- 18. In addition, about thirty percent of the city's residents have dentine hypersensitivity, and teeth yellow and tone problem also nots allow to ignore.
- 此外,约百分之三十的城市居民有牙本质敏感问题,而牙齿偏黄和口气问题也不容忽视。
- 19. The collagen fibrils in the dentine of aging rat enlarged in its diameter, and were denser in the pattern of their distribution and ran randomly in their direction.
- 老化牙本质胶原原纤维的横纹模糊不清,数量增加,口径增粗,分布致密,走向随意;
- 20. Objective:To study and evaluate the effect preventing dentine hypersensitivity by using GlumaTM or Fluor Protector on the prepared vital pulp abutment teeth of the crown.
- 目的本实验评估体外脱矿环境中氟保护漆对覆盖义齿基牙的防龋作用,为临床预防覆盖义齿基牙龋坏提供参考。
- 21. Methods Semiconductor laser was compared with conventional NaF method for the treatment of 100 teeth with typical hypersensitive dentine which were divided into two groups.
- 方法牙本质过敏的患牙10 0颗,分为两组,一组用半导体激光治疗,一组用常规氟化钠脱敏。
- 22. CONCLUSION: Chinese nutgall can inhibit collagen degradation and affects the further demineralization in dentin matrix, which consequently inhibit the advanced dentine caries.
- 结论:五倍子能抑制胶原分解,对脱矿的进一步进行产生影响,从而使牙本质龋的进展受到抑制。
- 23. PURPOSE: to study and evaluate the effect preventing dentine hypersensitiveness by using Fluor Protector or Green OrTM on the prepared vital pulp abutment teeth of PFM Bridges.
- 目的:评价氟保护剂和极固宁TM对烤瓷冠桥活髓基牙预备后牙本质过敏症的防治效果。
- 24. They are abrasive and can wear your enamel away and in the long-term lead to sensitivity and darkening of your teeth as the enamel wears and the inner amber-coloured dentine becomes visible.
- 它们都有研磨作用,会磨损牙釉质,长此以往会导致牙齿敏感和发黑,因为牙釉质磨损会暴露出里面黄褐色的牙质。
- 25. Dentine hypersensitivity may be defined as the pain arising from exposed dentine, typically in response to external stimuli, and which cannot be explained by any other form of dental disease.
- 象牙质敏感可以定义为因曝露的象牙质所引发的疼痛,通常是对外来刺激的反应,而且是无法用其他任何牙齿疾病来解释的。
- 26. Conclusions: RECOLITE is a kind of persistent, strong-effective, and safely sterilized sterilization agent for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity of quiescent root caries in the elderly.
- 结论:RECOLITE对老年人静止根面龋既有消毒作用又对其伴牙本质过敏症具有治疗作用。
- 27. Conclusions: RECOLITE is a kind of persistent, strong-effective, and safely sterilized sterilization agent for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity of quiescent root caries in the elderly.
- 结论:RECOLITE对老年人静止根面龋既有消毒作用又对其伴牙本质过敏症具有治疗作用。
- decalcified dentine 软化牙本质
- softened dentine 软化牙本质
- dentine matrix [医] 牙质基层...
- dentine layer 牙质层
- dentine contour line [医] 牙本质外廓线...
- secondary dentine 一次级牙质
- dentin 齿质
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