- n. 预言
动词 divine:
perceive intuitively or through some inexplicable perceptive powers
search by divining, as if with a rod
- 1. I was most interested in your article on water divining.
- 我对你写的关于探寻水源的文章很感兴趣。
- 2. Know you not that there is no one like me in the science of divining.
- 难道你们不知道像我这样的人会占卜吗?
- 3. There are two main ways of divining expected inflation, each with its own flaws.
- 这里有两种关于通胀的主要预期,但各有瑕疵。
- 4. Scrying has been used in many cultures as a means of divining the past, present, or future.
- 在很多的文化中,水晶球占卜都被视为解析过去和现在,预测未来的一种方式。
- 5. The process for divining the useful parts of an XML information set should now be fairly clear.
- 您现在应该已经清楚了解了确定一个XML信息集合的有用部分的流程。
- 6. And he said to them: Why would you do so? Know you not that there is no one like me in the science of divining.
- 若瑟对他们说:“你们作的是什么事?难道你们不知道像我这样的人会占卜吗?”
- 7. Using a divining rod, a dowser may find water, metals and other substances in the ground without the use of scientific tools.
- 占卜探测者从不需要科学仪器,依仗一根探测杖他们便可测出地下的水源,金属,或者其他物质。
- 8. Kitty had an idea that the Mother Superior, divining her thought and the reason for her remarks, was slyly making fun of her.
- 应为:凯蒂有一种感觉,院长嬷嬷正推断着她的想法、她说那种话的原因,暗中在拿她取笑。
- 9. When divining who gets to keep the engagement ring, courts also do not agree on whether it should matter who did the breaking up or why.
- 当决定谁该保有订婚戒指时,法院亦不会考虑是谁提出分手,或为甚么分手。
- 10. After divining, the future-teller told him that it was a sacred turtle for being confronted with trouble; it came to you asking for help.
- 算命先生经卜卦后告之,这是一名神龟,因为有难,专程托梦来向你求援。
- 11. I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts; so by the divining rod and thin rising vapors I judge; and here I will begin to mine.
- 由手中的探矿杖和前面升起的薄雾,我断定附近某处就有那最富足的矿脉,而我,要开始开矿了。
- 12. Divining fashion trends from her outfits would be fruitless. Instead, here are three things Gaga can tell us about how the music industry works now.
- 当然,从她的服装来预测时尚趋势是徒劳的,相反,以下三件事是Gaga要告诉我们的,那就是如今的流行音乐产业是如何运作的。
- 13. Acts 16:16 And as we were going to the place of prayer, a certain slave girl having a spirit of Python met us, who brought her masters much profit by divining.
- 徒16:16后来、我们往那祷告的地方去。有一个使女迎著面来、他被巫鬼所附、用法术、叫他主人们大得财利。
- 14. The mere passenger has no means of divining why trains should sometimes stop at the wrong times and places, so, giving up the attempt, I went on with my reading.
- 一个乘客是无法推测,为什么火车要在不是预定的时间和地点停留,因此我放弃了任何推断的想法,照旧看我的书。
- 15. He says that when we get thrilled about the world of ideas, about making intellectual connections, about divining meaning, it is the seeking circuits that are firing.
- 当我们为世界的思想,为产生的智力的沟通,为占卜的意义所兴奋时。那是搜寻系统燃烧的原因。
- 16. He possessed in the highest degree the faculty of divining the needs and instincts of the peasants, with whom he had to deal, and was consequently an excellent steward.
- 他凭嗅觉就能了解那些与他打交道的人的需要和本能,他有高度的才能,因此他是一个出色的管家。
- 17. According to Mr Dean, the sort of breakthroughs made in image recognition are now beginning to be seen in language, divining context and meaning where other programs have foundered 16.
- 据迪恩表示,图像识别上的这种突破,如今已经开始出现在语音、语境和语意推测方面; 在这些方面,其他程序已失败。
- 18. Mashed potatoes offer a method of divining who will be the first to wed. Into the heap of mashed potatoes a ring, a three penny-bit, a button, a heart-shaped charm, a shell and a key are inserted.
- 马铃薯卜占谁最早结婚:在一大堆马铃薯泥里面埋入一枚戒指、一枚硬币、一颗钮扣、一只心形的小东西、一个贝壳和一把钥匙。
- 19. Mashed potatoes offer a method of divining who will be the first to wed. Into the heap of mashed potatoes a ring, a three penny-bit, a button, a heart-shaped charm, a shell and a key are inserted.
- 马铃薯卜占谁最早结婚:在一大堆马铃薯泥里面埋入一枚戒指、一枚硬币、一颗钮扣、一只心形的小东西、一个贝壳和一把钥匙。
- At last I divined the truth.
我终于看穿了事情的真相。 - The ability or art of divining information about people or events associated with an object solely by touching or being near to it.
- divining rod 探矿杖
- clairvoyance 千里眼
- psychic power 心灵力量
- second sight 预见力
- extrasensory perception 超感知觉
- ESP 超感官知觉(=extra...
- sixth sense 第六感官
- telepathy 心灵感应
- prophecy 预言
- palm reading 看手相
- astrology 占星术
- soothsaying 占卜
- augury 预言
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