(of a marching cadence) very quick
- 1. WPP So Double-Quick, for instance, 247, WPP All these companies are based in New York.
- 所以像Double-Quick、,247、,这些公司都建立在纽约。
- 2. Numerical control technology specialty has now become a specialty of double-quick development.
- 数控技术专业已经成为目前发展势头迅猛的专业。
- 3. In short, whatever the economy shed in terms of output during the downturn it is now making back in double-quick time.
- 总之,无论经济条件大棚产出的低迷而现正回双快时间。
- 4. The most entertaining parts are when he talks so double-quick-time when the circles are moving to describe the movements of the circles year-on-year.
- 最有趣的部分是他为了描述这些气泡随着年份的移动而用两倍语速来解说。
- 5. The rivalry got the job done in double-quick time and stimulated better and better ways of sequencinggenomes—to the point where a bacterium can now be knocked off in a day or so.
- 在竞争的带动下,基因测序工作进展的很快,并且激发了更好的测序手段—一个细菌的基因可以在一天左右的时间里被测定。
- 6. The rivalry got the job done in double-quick time and stimulated better and better ways of sequencing genomes—to the point where a bacterium can now be knocked off in a day or so.
- 这种竞争使得这项工程以加倍的速度完成,并促使基因测序的方法益加完善。现在一个细菌基因组的测定在一天内就可以轻易完成。
- 7. The people who were slowest to get up from a chair had about double the mortality rate compared to the quick risers.
- 那些从椅子上站起来耗时最长的人和很快就能从椅子上站起来的人相比,死亡率几乎翻了一倍。
- 8. The global recovery will not be quick, however. There is still a risk of a double-dip recession.
- 但是,全球经济的复苏不是一蹴而就的。经济再次陷入衰退的风险依然存在。
- 9. Tes perform a quick testing or a double check to notice any major bug that went unnoticed by development, and they provide user testing plus performance, security and other similar testing.
- TE快速地测试系统或者再次检查那些被开发人员忽略的主要缺陷。并且,他们协助用户测试,还进行性能、安全以及其他类似的测试。
- 10. Arsenal were top of the Premier League just 12 days ago after completing a quick-fire double over Bolton and, inevitably, their title prospects have now been written off in some quarters.
- 仅仅12天前,完成对博尔顿的快速两连击后,阿森纳还位居联赛榜首,现在,他们的夺冠前景在某些方面不可避免地消失了。
- 11. Thee people who were slowest to get up from a chair had about double the mortality rate compared to the quick risers.
- 那些从椅子上站起来耗时最长的人和很快就能从椅子上站起来的人相比,死亡率几乎翻了一倍。 。
- 12. Imported double mirror, looking to target fast high-resolution CCD, quick freeze image without snow adapt to any occasion, subtle delicate, transmitting and receiving distance of 500 meters.
- 采用进口双镜,寻找目标快高清晰度CCD,快速定格图象无雪花点适应任何场合,隐蔽精致、发射接收距离500米以上。
- 13. Every so often, a careless dribble, a quick double-team or a well-timed jump can result in a Bryant turnover.
- 有时候,一个粗心的运球,一个快速的夹击或者一次时机很好的跳跃会导致科比的失误。
- 14. Parenthesis Matching: % Takes you to the matching parenthesis, curly brace, or bracket, depending on what you are on. This always comes in handy as a quick double-check.
- 括号匹配:%可以让光标从它当前所在的括号跳转到与它相匹配的括号上去,对花括号和圆括号,方括号都有效,常用于手工检查括号是否匹对。
- 15. Double attack - quick two-shot attack doing a total of 10% heavy. This attack will happen every 10 seconds.
- 双连击—快速的双射攻击,造成10%的重型伤害。每10秒使用一次。
- 16. The steel rope type quick elevating system consists of double hydraulic cylinder assembly equipped with mechanical self-locking mechanism and hydraulic automatic control console.
- 钢索式快速升降系统由带机械自锁机构的双联液压缸组件和液压自动控制台等组成。
- 17. It can adopt double-way and automatic coupling installation device which makes the installation, maintenance of the unit convenient and quick.
- 可采用双导轨自动耦合安装装置,使机组的安装、维修方便、快捷。
- 18. Double control methods of switch control and fuzzy control are presented to meet the quick and stable response.
- 为满足快速,稳定的响应,给出了开关控制与模糊控制的双路控制方法。
- 19. The filtering channels of single-plate double-position unit may work alternately, contributing to quick screen change-over , easy production and simple maintenance.
- 单板双工位过滤通道交替工作,换网迅速,便于生产及维护。
- 20. The characteristic of quick-return of offset double crank slider mechanism was analyzed in this paper. The synthesis method and curve of this mechanism with minimum transmission angle were presented.
- 本文分析偏置双曲柄滑块机构的急回运动特性,给出了按最小传动角设计偏置双曲柄滑块机构的设计方法和设计曲线。
- 21. An exciting, unique "everyone wins" plan, the compensation paid out more than 100% of the commission - to deal with every time, coupled with double-digit Quick Start money.
- 一个令人兴奋的,独特的“每个人都赢”的计划,赔偿支付超过100 %的委员会-来处理每一个时间,再加上两位数的快速启动资金。
- 22. Sleeve axis is always perpendicular to railway sleepers, ensuring quick and accurate alignment. The average working efficiency is 1.5 times that of double end wrench.
- 套筒轴线始终垂直于轨枕面,对位快速、准确,平均工作效率为双头的1.5倍。
- 23. DCS-Z-D-50 double-bucket packaging scale has quick packaging and high accuracy. It is digital, readable, easy maintenance.
- DCS-Z-D-50 双斗包装秤,包装速度快,计量精度高,数字显示,直观易读,稳定可靠,维护方便。
- 24. Rated frequency is 50Hz. The JP2 double-speed finishing motors are with speed-change switch for changing quick or slow speed easily.
- 额定频率为50Hz,JP2D双速磨光电机可带速度转换开关,方便快慢速度的转换。
- 25. Rated frequency is 50Hz. The JP2 double-speed finishing motors are with speed-change switch for changing quick or slow speed easily.
- 额定频率为50Hz,JP2D双速磨光电机可带速度转换开关,方便快慢速度的转换。
- The old man set off at a quick trot.
老人快步走开了。 - He passed through the streets with a hasty step, but a quick and observant eye.
他快步穿过街道,机灵的眼睛注意着一切。 - Select the Quick Tour under Getting Started.
选择快速的游览在开始之下。 - She's quick in getting the gist of a book.
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