- n. 训斥;狠狠的训斥;严历的责备
名词 dressing down:
a severe scolding
censure severely or angrily
dress informally and casually
- 1. I got a dressing-down from the boss.
- 我被老板批评了一顿。
- 2. I got a dressing-down from the teacher.
- 我被老师批评了一顿。
- 3. After the class, the teacher asked me to go, got a good dressing-down, said: "look at you that be well-educated and a model of propriety of the father's face, I'm not your palm."
- 下课后,老师把我叫去,狠狠地训斥了一顿,说:“看在你那知书识礼的父亲的面子上,我今天不打你手板了。”
- 4. The bedroom was an exact replica of the original, perfect right down to the patterns on the wallpaper and the hairbrushes on the dressing table.
- 这间卧室精确地复制了原来的房间,模仿之细甚至连墙纸的图案和梳妆台上的发刷都一模一样。
- 5. She sat down in front of her dressing-table mirror to look at herself.
- 她在梳妆台的镜子前面坐下来端详自己。
- 6. The notion of success haunts us: we spend million every year reading about the rich and famous, learning how to "make a fortune in real estate with no money down" and "dressing for success".
- 成功的概念一直萦绕着我们:我们每年花费百万阅读有关富人和名人的书籍,学习如何“在房地产上赚大钱而不用首付”,以及“如何打扮可以成功”。
- 7. He wanted to be on time for work, so he wrote down what that would entail: waking up, showering, dressing, preparing breakfast, eating, driving, parking and buying coffee-all before 9 a.m.
- 他想要按时工作,所以他把需要做到的都写下来:起床、淋浴、更衣、准备早餐、吃饭、开车上班、停车和买咖啡——所有的这些都要在早晨9点之前完成。
- 8. Having a salad before pizza will often cut down on how much pizza is eaten, thus making a salad with some light dressing a healthy choice in either case.
- 在吃比萨前吃一份色拉通常能够减少你食用比萨的量,因此不管从哪方面来说,加了低脂色拉酱的色拉都是一种健康的选择。
- 9. Research also shows that wearing a uniform to work can slow down ageing - perhaps because it prevents more elderly staff from dressing according to their age.
- 研究也表明身着制服上班能有效延缓衰老-可能是因为年龄较大的员工的年龄被制服淡化的缘故。
- 10. Shouldn't she be lying on the sofa stuffing chocolate biscuits down her face in a fluffy dressing gown?
- 难道她不应该穿着一件宽松便袍躺在沙发上吃巧克力饼干瘦瘦脸吗?
- 11. But she was out of “RP” (renpin), which means “luck” in online slang-speak: Her boss confused at reading her notes, gave her a real dressing down.
- 可是小薇却没有那么好的RP(人品,在网络火星文中指的是运气的意思)——她的老板根本看不懂她写的是什么,并把她狠狠地批了一通。
- 12. A public dressing down for her dowdiness and shyness (" Bird, why can't you look nice, like Connie here? "), and she would take it on the chin.
- 当众训斥她的邋遢和害羞(“鸟儿,为什么你不能优雅美丽些呢?就像康妮这样!”)
- 13. She cleaned her hands on her apron and sat down, her curly hair bouncing and her flower dressing springing. "Or as Stevie always says it, dig in."
- 她用围裙把擦手干净后坐了下来,她那卷发和花饰上下弹跳,来回荡漾,“或者像史迪威说的‘埋头快吃’。”
- 14. The elder brother dressing down the younger.
- 哥哥责怪弟弟道。
- 15. In the 1950s it was not unusual to see tourists in their dressing gowns and slippers waddling down the road from their hotel to enjoy a swim in the thermal pools a couple of hundred metres away.
- 在20世纪50年代,大街上经常能看见裹着浴袍、穿着拖鞋的游客——想游泳?那么,从宾馆出门,得走个好几百米,才能走到最近的温泉泳池。
- 16. Conclusion the Chitosan Fluid Dressing could inhibit the growth of bacteria, accelerate the healing and bring down the pathological cicatrices.
- 结论生物流体敷料膜能抑制创面细菌的生长,促进创面愈合,而且减少病理性瘢痕的发生率。
- 17. Pet hubby refers to men considered by their wives as pet dogs, expected to be ordered around and swallow physical abuse and dressing down.
- 宠物男就是那些被老婆视为宠物狗一样的男人,宠物男对于女主人的要求必须全部履行并且有求必应。就算是拳打脚踢、训责斥骂也要一口吞下。
- 18. By the edge of the 21st century dressing down in every aspect of life became an acceptable norm.
- 由边缘向21世纪的骂,在生活的各个方面,成为一个可以接受的规范。
- 19. These mistakes should be corrected by educating them and not by simply dressing them down.
- 这些错误都应该向他们去进行教育,加以纠正,而不是简单地去进行斥责。
- 20. Slowly, uncertainly, dressing-gowned people were creeping down the steps, looking around nervously for some sign of the Death Eaters who had fled into the night.
- 慢慢地,穿着睡衣的人群疑惑地走下楼梯,紧张地向四周张望着,寻找在夜幕中逃走的食死徒留下的痕迹。
- 21. Write down ten kinds of dressing in English .
- 写出十种调味品的英文名称。
- 22. Madame hands Myra a paper tablet, Myra turns, goes to dressing table, and sits down. Madame dictates as Myra writes.
- 夫人递给玛拉一叠信封,玛拉转身来到梳妆台前坐下。夫人口述,玛拉手写。
- 23. In addition, a flap which is attached to the electrode may serve as a bandage type dressing by flipping down over the access window (s) once the procedure is done.
- 另外,连接到电极上的翼片可用作绷带类型的包扎物在操作结束后向下翻转在一个或多个进入窗口上。
- 24. The foam dressing may have a water-impervious backing layer, which extends all the way over the top of the dressing and down to the wound-contacting surface.
- 泡沫敷料可具有不可透水的背衬层,该背衬层一直在敷料顶部上延伸并向下延伸到伤口接触表面。
- 25. She gave him a good dressing down.
- 她把他好好教训一番。
- 26. She gave him a good dressing down.
- 她把他好好教训一番。
- Mother dressed me down for the flunking in Biology.
因为我生物课考试不及格,妈妈狠狠地训斥了我一顿。 - I'm called down for coming late to work.
用作名词 (n.)
- give someone a good dressing-down 狠狠训斥某人一顿...
- give someone a dressing-down 训斥某人
- punishment 惩罚
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