drug addiction
- n. 药物成瘾
an addiction to a drug (especially a narcotic drug)
- 1. Numerous studies claim that addiction to technology is real and it has the same effect on the brain as drug addiction.
- 大量研究表明,科技上瘾真实存在,其对大脑的影响与毒瘾相当。
- 2. She helped him fight his drug addiction.
- 她帮助了他对抗自己的毒瘾。
- 3. She stood by him as he spiralled into drug addiction.
- 她支持他当药物成瘾无法自拔时。
- 4. This part of the brain plays a crucial role in drug addiction.
- 这部分大脑起着关键作用的药物成瘾。
- 5. MCH is implicated in depression and drug addiction as well.
- 在抑郁症和药物成瘾中也涉及MCH。
- 6. His mother said he was mentally unstable because of drug addiction.
- 他的母亲则说,他是因染上毒瘾导致精神状况不稳定。
- 7. Drug addiction has two aspects: physical dependence and psychological dependence.
- 药物成瘾包括身体依赖和精神依赖两个方面。
- 8. Dr. Libby has received numerous awards for his work on alcohol and drug addiction.
- 利比博士在关于酒和药物依赖的研究上获得过多项奖项。
- 9. The parents of a young daughter with drug addiction keep giving her "clothing" money.
- 一名有毒瘾的年轻女孩,其家长仍然不间断地给她“买衣服”的钱。
- 10. It activates the reward circuit in our brain and plays a role in drug addiction and falling in love.
- 它会激活大脑的奖励循环,并在药物成瘾和坠入爱河中发挥作用。
- 11. Effective treatment attends to multiple needs of the individual, not just his or her drug addiction.
- 有效的治疗应顾及到个人的多种需要,而不只是顾及他或她的药物成瘾。
- 12. A new study finds that theatrical drama is an educational tool in the fight against drug addiction and abuse.
- 一项新的研究发现舞台剧可作为一种教育手段用于对抗药物成瘾和药物滥用。
- 13. Medicines, medical apparatus and instruments and methods used for treatment of drug addiction shall not be advertised.
- 戒毒治疗的药品、医疗器械和治疗方法不得做广告。
- 14. Persons receiving treatment of drug addiction may choose to live and work at recovery centers for drug rehabilitation.
- 戒毒人员可以自愿在戒毒康复场所生活、劳动。
- 15. When rats consume these foods in great enough quantities, it leads to compulsive eating habits that resemble drug addiction, the study found.
- 研究发现,大量喂食这类食物,会使老鼠产生难以抑制的饮食习惯,这种习惯类似于药物成瘾。
- 16. Maybe the research will lead to new tools to fight drug addiction, alcoholism or obesity. Maybe I’ll be able to get a runner’s high without the sweat.
- 这些研究也许能让我们找到对付毒品上瘾、酗酒和肥胖的新办法——也有可能让我能够获得跑步时的畅快与兴奋感却不必出一身臭汗。
- 17. Brain scans of men and women pining for a past partner revealed that a broken heart triggers the same feeling in the brain as kicking a drug addiction.
- 男女实验对象看到旧爱的照片时,脑部扫描表明心碎感而活动的大脑区域和毒瘾发作时的大脑区域是相同的。
- 18. Winehouse died aged 27 in July 2011 from alcohol poisoning. She had previously struggled with drug addiction for many years and had spent time in rehab.
- 怀恩豪斯于2011年7月因酒精中毒去世,年仅27岁。她曾经与药物依赖斗争数年并且在康复中心待了一段时间。
- 19. The sheer compulsion of reliable and almost immediate reward is being linked to similar chemical systems in the brain that may also play a part in drug addiction.
- 牢不可破的强迫性和即时就给予奖励,这在大脑中的化学系统与在吸毒成瘾中发挥作用的系统类似。
- 20. Private citizens, especially young people, repaired the social fabric, dedicated themselves to community service and lowered drug addiction and teenage pregnancy.
- 众多的市民,特别是年轻人,他们修复社会组织、致力于社区服务和减少吸毒和青少年怀孕。
- 21. Early reports revealed that she was entering rehab for alcohol and drug addiction, but her new management denied the claims, stating it was due to severe exhaustion.
- 早期报道称她进入了康复中心,戒除酒瘾与毒瘾,但是她的新经纪人否定了这一说法,声称是由于严重劳累所致。
- 22. Food addiction must certainly be a bigger problem on a global scale than alcohol or drug addiction since food is legal and available for anyone to purchase at any age.
- 食物成瘾肯定是一个更大的问题在全球范围内超过酗酒或吸毒,因为食品是合法的,可用于任何人都可以购买在任何年龄。
- 23. The research could also help treat drug addiction, in which memory plays an important role. It could also help Alzheimer's disease and other long-term memory disorders.
- 据悉,该研究或有助于治疗毒瘾、老年痴呆等与记忆有关的病征。
- 24. In addition, because of the immature state of this brain region, adolescents may be quicker to succumb to nicotine, alcohol, and drug addiction, and to do so with greater.
- 此外,由于这个大脑区域的不成熟状态,青少年也许会更快地屈服于尼古丁,酒精和毒品,并且更具有永久性。
- 25. The report also highlights unintended pregnancy, alcohol and drug addiction, autoimmune diseases and dementia as other women's health issues where little progress has been made.
- 报告同样指出了在意外怀孕,酗酒,毒瘾及自身免疫疾病方面的进展也微乎甚微。
- 26. I hope he is still with his fiance and if not, then I hope he is with someone who can give as much love as she did and love him despite his HIV and drug addiction. I hope he is healthy.
- 希望他仍和他的未婚妻在一起,如果他们没在一起,我希望和他在一起的人能够给予他同样的爱,尽管他患有艾滋病,沉溺于毒品。
- 27. Much of the evidence came from the earlier arrest of Rafael cedeno hernandez, a leader of La Familia who also ran youth centres with the ostensible aim of preventing drug addiction.
- 许多证据来自于早先被捕的LaFamilia的一位领导人Rafaelcedeno hernandez,其表面上运作着预防吸毒的青年中心。
- 28. Much of the evidence came from the earlier arrest of Rafael cedeno hernandez, a leader of La Familia who also ran youth centres with the ostensible aim of preventing drug addiction.
- 许多证据来自于早先被捕的LaFamilia的一位领导人Rafaelcedeno hernandez,其表面上运作着预防吸毒的青年中心。
- ERIC J.NESTLER and ROBERT C.MALENKA study the molecular basis of drug addiction.
内斯特与曼能克两人研究的是药物成瘾的分子机制。 - Now there are no generally effective pharmacotherapties for drug addiction because of multi-induced factors and complicated neurobiological mechanism.
用作名词 (n.)
- white plague 肺结核病
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