- 制药者
- 1. Pfizer, the world's biggest drugmaker, wants to get even bigger by taking over Wyeth, a rival.
- 世界最大的制药商,辉瑞制药,意图收购对手惠氏制药以变得更大。
- 2. Nonetheless, taking over Wyeth would cement Pfizer’s position as the world’s leading drugmaker.
- 尽管如此,并购惠氏制药将巩固辉瑞制药世界最大制药商的地位。
- 3. Nonetheless, taking over Wyeth would cement Pfizer's position as the world's leading drugmaker.
- 尽管如此,并购惠氏制药将巩固辉瑞制药世界最大制药商的地位。
- 4. Then the drugmaker might be able to show efficacy that's good enough to get the drug on the market.
- 然后制药商就可以展示这种新药的良好疗效,并将其推向市场。
- 5. The drugmaker consequently lowered its outlook for 2010 revenue growth and its shares fell nearly 3 percent.
- 这家制药公司因此调低了2010年预计收入增长率,股票下跌近3个百分点。
- 6. And the new Japan has some old members: Ono Pharmaceutical, a drugmaker with margins of 37% between 2000 and 2009, was founded in 1717.
- 新日本成员中叶有些老企业:制造企业——小野药业,成立于1717,2000 - 2009年的利润率高达37%。
- 7. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. jumped 5.4 percent in New York after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. raised its rating on the drugmaker to "buy" from "neutral."
- 纽约股市方面,高盛公司把百时美施贵宝公司(Bristol - Myers squibb)的评级从“中性”调高到“买入”后,这家制药商的股价上涨5.4%。
- 8. The drugmaker added that the EMS impurities were caused by the manufacturing process of the drug, which is known generically as nelfinavir mesylate.
- 药品制造商补充说,EMS杂质在药物生产过程中产生,通常认为是甲磺酸奈非那韦。
- 9. The giant drugmaker has taken a hit from the stronger dollar, a particular concern for the company because 54% of its sales come from foreign markets.
- 特别令人关注的是这家制药巨头受到美元走强的打击,因为该公司54%的销售额来自海外市场。
- 10. The results contrasted with a large and long-running randomized, controlled trial that was sponsored by the drugmaker and released about the same time.
- 荟萃分析结果与该制药公司支助的一个大型长期的随机对照试验结果进行了比较,并同时公布。
- 11. Sanofi, the world's third-largest drugmaker, already has a significant commercial presence in China and is conducting many clinical trials in the country.
- 赛诺菲,作为世界第三大制药公司,在中国已经有一个重要的商业地位,并正在进行多项临床试验。
- 12. The news on Monday January 26th that Pfizer, the world’s biggest drugmaker, is bidding for Wyeth, a large American rival, should provide a welcome tonic for some.
- 1月26日,世界上最大的制药商辉瑞制药正竞标收购其美国对手惠氏制药,这一消息受到许多人的欢迎。
- 13. The news on Monday January 26th that Pfizer, the world's biggest drugmaker, is bidding for Wyeth, a large American rival, should provide a welcome tonic for some.
- 1月26日,世界上最大的制药商辉瑞制药正竞标收购其美国对手惠氏制药,这一消息受到许多人的欢迎。
- 14. The 30 largest Swiss companies reported earnings growth of 38 percent during the past four years, buoyed by exports from watchmaker Swatch Group AG, Nestle and drugmaker Novartis AG.
- 据报道,过去四年中,由于手表制造商斯沃琪集团,雀巢以及制药公司诺华股份有限公司的拉动,瑞士前30强公司收益增长率高达38%。
- 15. But it only last week received a letter from the U. S. Attorney's office for the District of Massachusetts informing the drugmaker it is a target of the grand jury investigation, Merck said.
- 但是,上个礼拜他们收到了美国麻萨诸塞州律师事务所的信函,告知默克公司又被陪审团调查。
- 16. The drugmaker did not change its full-year 2010 earnings outlook, but said it now expects revenue growth in the low - to mid-single digits, down from a previous estimate for mid-single digit growth.
- 该制药商并没有改变其全年盈利预期到2010年,但礼来公司表示,预计收入的增长率为较低的中等水平个位数,低于此前预期。
- 17. The U.S.Food and Drug Administration sent a warning letter to the drugmaker at the time, saying it had waited more than a year to notify regulators after getting complaints of customers becoming sick.
- 美国食品药品监督局那时发了一封警告给制药商并称其在收到消费者致病投诉一年多才上报监管部门。
- 18. The U.S.Food and Drug Administration sent a warning letter to the drugmaker at the time, saying it had waited more than a year to notify regulators after getting complaints of customers becoming sick.
- 美国食品药品监督局那时发了一封警告给制药商并称其在收到消费者致病投诉一年多才上报监管部门。
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