editorial department
- 编辑部
the department of a publishing business that edits material for publication
- 1. The letters snowed to the editorial department.
- 来信雪片般地飞到了编辑部。
- 2. In the "XXX" in the magazine's contributors, the editorial department received the unanimous praise.
- 曾在《XXX》杂志社从事撰稿工作,得到了编辑部的一致好评。
- 3. The editorial department were to pay attention to train and education of the quality in all editorial staff.
- 编辑部应注重对编辑与编务人员整体素质的培养,这是提高期刊出版质量的保障;
- 4. Threeyears ago we decided to build up our own editorial department in orderto produce more of our content ourselves.
- “我们在3年之前就打算建立自己的记者团队,从而能够为新浪制造更多的内容”。
- 5. Article 3 No overseas institution may establish an agency for radio and television or editorial department in China.
- 第三条境外机构不得在中国境内设立广播电视代理机构或编辑部。
- 6. Sets up the establishment "Chinese Xu to be of the same family" compiles the committee and the editorial department.
- 组建成立《中华徐氏通谱》编纂委员会及其编辑部。
- 7. Therefore, human-oriented management is needed for editorial department to stimulate initiatives in learning and working.
- 为此,编辑部对编辑要实行人性化的管理,充分调动其学习与工作的积极性;
- 8. The company is composed of three sections - planning and editorial department, painting department and design department.
- 公司有策划编辑部,绘画部,设计部三个主要部门。
- 9. This paper introduces the building and perfecting methods of peer reviewer database of editorial department for scientific journals.
- 介绍学术期刊编辑部审稿专家数据库建立与完善的基本方法。
- 10. Also I am more loving literature, like to read some poems, the editorial department at the college has been a year and a small press.
- 别的自己比拟喜好文学,喜好读些诗词,在学院地编纂部还当过一年小记者。
- 11. Abstract: : Editorial department of library shoulders on the responsibility of literature resources reasonable allocation for readers.
- 摘要:图书馆采编部门担负着面向读者文献资源合理调配的重任。
- 12. The editorial quality of the journal depends on the building of harmonious relationship between the editorial department and the author.
- 学报编辑部与作者和谐关系能否成功构建,直接关系到学报的编辑质量。
- 13. The city paper may have an editorial department of a hundred employees who collectively function much like the one-man editorial worker.
- 城市报纸可能会有100个员工的编辑部,他们整体上起着与一个人编辑部的员工非常相似的功能。
- 14. Work in a little hope that the editorial department and want to find their desired life, but suddenly discovered one day everything is nothing.
- 工作在一个没有什么希望的编辑部,想要寻找自己想要的生活,但有一天突然发现一切都是虚无。
- 15. This article starting with academic periodical editorial department - discusses the important function to maintain and construct academic standard.
- 本文以学术期刊编辑部门为切入点,探讨其在维护和建设学术规范上的重要作为。
- 16. The editorial department of Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has installed an online manuscript management system.
- 《电子科技大学学报》编辑部安装了网络版的稿件采编系统。
- 17. In accordance with the characteristics of the editorial department, a computer management system is developed by applying the DELPHI development tools.
- 根据本编辑部的特点,利用DELPHI开发工具编制了计算机管理系统。
- 18. In this way, the editorial department prepares copy for the printer and the engraver. News stories and other written material must be copy-read and headlined.
- 编辑部就是以这种方式为印刷工和刻板工准备好副本。新闻故事和其他写好的材料必须是修改好的并加有标题。
- 19. It provides some valuable data for department of the library and information, department of the scientific management and editorial department of the journal.
- 为学校科研管理部门、图书情报部门、学报编辑部门提供了有关的参考数据。
- 20. The comics know nothing at all two people, their creative comic to the editorial department to hope can serialize, enjoy Huisa enthusiasm two the youth gambling in comics.
- 对漫画一无所知的两人,把自己创作的漫画拿到编辑部去希望可以成功连载,尽情挥洒热情的两人把青春赌在了漫画上。
- 21. This paper makes a study of the interactive role of the reference room with an aim of drawing attention to the functions of the reference room from the editorial department.
- 资料室对学报编辑工作具有能动作用。本文试图对这一能动作用进行探讨,以期得到各学报编辑部对其资料室的重视。
- 22. Where a legal person publishes a periodical without setting up a periodical office, the editorial department established by the legal person shall be deemed to be a publishing unit.
- 法人出版期刊不设立期刊社的,其设立的期刊编辑部视为期刊出版单位。
- 23. The advertising department operates much as does the editorial department. It gathers and assembles advertising copy. Advertising is divided into classified and display advertising.
- 广告部的运作很像编辑部,他们收集并编辑广告资料。广告也有分类广告与展示广告之分。
- 24. The Editorial Department of WTEditor's note: The current network economic shrinkage has exerted an intense impact on the global economy and triggered off the reconsideration of Internet.
- 当前,网络经济大幅滑坡,网络公司纷纷出局,从而对全球经济产生了强烈的震撼和影响,也引发了人们对互联网的再认识和思考。
- 25. I have had eleven years' experience with a News agency as a female director of editorial department, I am able to speak English Japanese and German fluently, and I also can use a computer.
- 我有有十一年新闻机构的经验,是一名女性编辑部主任,我能够流利地说英语日语和德语,和我也能使用计算机。
- 26. I have had eleven years' experience with a News agency as a female director of editorial department, I am able to speak English Japanese and German fluently, and I also can use a computer.
- 我有有十一年新闻机构的经验,是一名女性编辑部主任,我能够流利地说英语日语和德语,和我也能使用计算机。
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