- adv. 惊人地(无比地;异乎寻常地)
- 1. Fail—"a noun or interjection used when something is egregiously unsuccessful"—was 2009's the most useful word.
- 失败——“名词或感叹词,当某事非常不成功时使用”——被评为2009年最有用的单词。
- 2. Reform has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most egregiously in education, where charter schools, academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles.
- 改革一直遭到强烈反对,最让人惊讶的可能是在教育业,其中的特许学校、学会和绩效工资都面临着持久的斗争。
- 3. Judicial figures have meddled egregiously in economic affairs before.
- 司法人物以前就异乎寻常地插手经济事务。
- 4. Fail - "a noun or interjection used when something is egregiously unsuccessful" - was 2009's most useful word.
- 失败(Fail,当名词或感叹词用)被评为2009年最有用的单词。
- 5. Washington's uncritical support of Israel at the expense of Palestinians is perceived by much of the world as egregiously hypocritical.
- 华盛顿以牺牲巴勒斯坦为代价,对以色列毫无保留的支持让世界上多数国家感受到其异乎寻常的虚伪。
- 6. Ask your advisors. If the employee has done something legally or egregiously morally wrong, you can stick to the letter of the law only.
- 如果有人做了法律上或道德上对公司不利的事情,你可以只考虑法律条文。
- 7. Most egregiously, these shady real estate deals victimized American Air Force pilots who were stationed in Japan but wanted home sites in the United States.
- 最为过分的是,这些阴暗的房地产交易危害了驻军在日本但又想要在国内购置房产的美国空军飞行员。
- 8. While network sitcoms tend to either play it safe when it comes to humor, or egregiously misfire, BoJack hits the mark both in terms of absurdity and poignancy.
- 对于网路情景喜剧来说,要么稳妥地玩幽默,要么玩过了火,但是《马男波杰克》却在荒谬和辛辣之间游刃有余。
- 9. The source of Spain’s egregiously high unemployment lies in the most pronounced division of all in its economy, that between insiders and outsiders in the labor market.
- 西班牙惊人的高失业率的根源在于:在大多数部门中,劳动市场的内部人和外部人之间的区别。
- 10. The source of Spain's egregiously high unemployment lies in the most pronounced division of all in its economy, that between insiders and outsiders in the labor market.
- 西班牙惊人的高失业率的根源在于:在大多数部门中,劳动市场的内部人和外部人之间的区别。
- 11. The source of Spain’s egregiously high unemployment lies in the most pronounced division of all in its economy, that between insiders and outsiders in the labour market.
- 西班牙极高的失业源于其经济中劳动力市场上局内人和局外人之间精细的劳动分工。
- 12. The source of Spain's egregiously high unemployment lies in the most pronounced division of all in its economy, that between insiders and outsiders in the Labour market.
- 西班牙极高的失业源于其经济中劳动力市场上局内人和局外人之间精细的劳动分工。
- 13. Meanwhile its "great walls of protectionism" include most egregiously both forced technology transfer and forced research and development offshoring to China by foreign companies.
- 与此同时,最过分的是,中国的“保护主义长城”既迫使外国企业向中国转让技术,又迫使它们研发业务外包给中国。
- 14. In 1999, it introduced a ban on the most egregiously horrible farming methods - narrow stalls for breeding sows that prevented them from turning around, and tethers that tied pigs to the spot.
- 1999年,公布了一项禁令,禁止用极为糟糕的农场饲养方法养猪—喂猪的槽狭窄,猪不能转动身体,将猪拴在圈里。
- 15. Many papers have begun running ads on their front pages – a space once deemed off-limits – most egregiously exemplified by the Los Angeles Times running one indistinguishable from a news story.
- 许多报纸开始在头版放广告——这可是以往的禁地——最过分的例子有《洛杉矶时报》在报道中嵌入广告。
- 16. Many papers have begun running ads on their front pages – a space once deemed off-limits – most egregiously exemplified by the Los Angeles Times running one indistinguishable from a news story.
- 许多报纸开始在头版放广告——这可是以往的禁地——最过分的例子有《洛杉矶时报》在报道中嵌入广告。
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