- n. 企业家;干事业的人
- =entrepreneur.
someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it
- 1. An enterpriser should have the wide vision.
- 一个企业家应该具有远见。
- 2. He is a successful enterpriser with a breadth of vision.
- 他是位眼光广阔,事业有成的企业家。
- 3. The fact showed that as an enterpriser he had chosen the right way.
- 事实也证明,作为企业家,张镇南的选择是正确的。
- 4. The modern enterpriser isn't a person , but it is a kind of teams institution;
- 现代企业家不是一个人,而是一种团队制度;
- 5. The internal environmental factor contains enterpriser quality, enterprise technical innovation resource.
- 而内部环境因素包括企业家素质、企业的技术创新资源等。
- 6. The enterpriser class as an important human resource, is crucial to the improvement of company competition.
- 企业家阶层是一种宝贵的人力资源,它对提高企业竞争力至关重要。
- 7. The article is discussed about the concept of enterpriser and the importance of philosophy rational thought.
- 探讨了企业家的概念及其具有哲学理念的重要性。
- 8. Pipe quality of certificate is an important document of enterpriser to issue product quality certification to end user.
- 钢管质量证明书是企业为用户出具产品质量保证的重要文件。
- 9. So Qinghai province government must improve this environment of system. So as to developing human capital of enterpriser.
- 因此,要开发青海的企业家人力资本,必须首先改善制度环境。
- 10. This paper is to mainly describe how to make the enterprise be larger and stronger through property right management for enterpriser.
- 重点论述企业家怎样通过产权经营,把企业做大做强。
- 11. It is the cultural implication of our enterprise and enterpriser that only continuously disavowing selfhood can win selfhood and market.
- “不断否定自我,才能赢得自我,赢得市场”是我企业与企业家的文化内蕴。
- 12. Based on economic growth, human capital may be divided into enterpriser human capital, specialized human capital and general human capital.
- 促进经济增长的人力资本结构包括企业家人力资本、专业人力资本和一般人力资本。
- 13. Based on the cases from home and abroad, the article lists seven principles of enterpriser marketing and the means to prevent the seven major traps.
- 综合国外、国内的若干实例,提出了企业家营销的七大要领,以及要防止陷入的七大误区。
- 14. No gold-diggers either. To avoid mutual disappointment master's degree not reply, women enterpriser need not reply (tradeswoman and peddlers excepted).
- 你要想找一钱包就别见了,硕士学历以上的免谈,女企业家免谈(小商小贩除外),省的咱们互相都会失望。
- 15. From a macroscopic point of view of global market competition deeply dissects the implication and function of information consciousness of enterpriser.
- 从全球市场竞争的宏观角度着眼,对企业家的信息意识之涵义和功能作用作了较为深入的剖析。
- 16. Applying military science to business management can improve the quality and ability of an enterpriser and strengthen the organizing function of a team.
- 用兵法管理企业,可以提高管理者的素质和能力,强化团队的组织功能。
- 17. The problems in the current internal control of monetary fund of the enterpriser are analyzed and some measures are proposed to improve the current system.
- 联系企业实际,通过对当前企业货币资金内部控制中存在问题的分析,才能提出加强企业货币资金内部控制的对策。
- 18. In the course of an enterprises management, the role that the enterpriser plays and the value of marketing sense attract more and more attention from the manager.
- 在企业的经营活动中,企业家的作用和营销观念的价值越来越引起了经营者的重视。
- 19. Once upon a time a successful enterpriser in city went back to his countryside hometown someday. He saw a friend of childhood napping under tree, rugged and slothful.
- 从前,有一位事业成功的企业家,有一天,他回到乡下,遇见了一位儿时的同伴,正衣衫不整地,懒懒的斜躺在大树底下睡午觉。
- 20. The profound understanding for the characteristic and direction of consumption of beer in rural areas will be an attractive attention by the theorist and enterpriser.
- 深刻认识农村市场消费特点、洞悉农村消费趋势、成功开发和运作农村市场等问题,必将成为啤酒业实务界和理论界持续关注的课题。
- 21. The success or failure of an enterprise hinges on the enterpriser, and then to develop a group of enterprisers with high quality needs a healthy environment in the system.
- 企业家是企业成败的关键,建立一支高素质的企业家队伍,需要好的制度环境。
- 22. It also discusses how to raises modern enterpriser of quality and models in the mutual function which is consist of entrepreneur, culture environment and management action.
- 本文还探讨了如何在企业家、文化环境、管理行为三者互动中提高企业家素质,塑造现代企业家。
- 23. The determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an Enterpriser and the adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary for these goals.
- 有长期目标的决心,企业家的目标,采取课程所需的行动和提供这些目标需要配置的资源。
- 24. This thesis analyzes the problem on incentive and disciplinary to modem enterpriser by utilizing the theoretical system of Modern Economics, Managerial Economics and Accountancy.
- 本文综合利用现代经济学、管理学和会计学理论,系统分析企业家激励约束问题。
- 25. There exist such problems as the lack of systems and no protective measures of low income, no transparency of managers in the interior distribution system of reformed enterpriser.
- 改制企业内部分配存在着分配方式非制度化、未实行最低工资保障、经营者收入不透明等问题,提出了规范劳动用工管理、加强对经营者收入监督等对应措施。
- 26. The financial accounting information is a sort of standard financial information provided by enterpriser according to the accounting standards generally accepted by the assets owners.
- 财务会计信息是企业订价制度分工和专业化的结果,资产所有者和经营管理者之间财务信息不对称是财务会计产生的基本前提。
- 27. This enterpriser sunk a large amount of money into the town with no intention of getting it back but with the mere purpose of repaying his hometown for her love and care for his growth.
- 这位企业家在此小镇投入巨资,并无意收回,而只是为了回报家乡的养育之恩。
- 28. This paper presents the concept of robustness requirements to the venture capital contract aimed at uncertainty risks in the operation of venture firms and related ability of the enterpriser.
- 本文针对有关风险企业家能力和风险企业经营的不确定性风险,提出了对风险资本合同的强壮性要求概念。
- 29. The entrepreneurial decision depends on the enterpriser himself to a large extent, and how to make a fast and good decision is the core of understanding the behavior character of the enterpriser.
- 创业决策在很大程度上取决于创业者个人,而如何做出又快又好的决策,是理解创业者行为特征的核心。
- 30. The entrepreneurial decision depends on the enterpriser himself to a large extent, and how to make a fast and good decision is the core of understanding the behavior character of the enterpriser.
- 创业决策在很大程度上取决于创业者个人,而如何做出又快又好的决策,是理解创业者行为特征的核心。
- An enterpriser should have the wide vision.
一个企业家应具有开阔的视野。 - The enterpriser's beneficence is well-known.
用作名词 (n.)
- entrepreneur 企业家
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